ActionScript 2.0 :: Memory Leaks When Loading In External Swfs

Dec 8, 2009

I have a problem in that i have a holder swf which loads in other swf's externally. My problem is that the holder loads all the movies in correctly but the memory usage of the swf just keeps going up and up even though i am trying to remove the movieclip after each has finished it's run.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading / Unloading External SWF - Prevent Memory Leaks

Sep 19, 2011

Im creating a flash projector which has a holder swf with an empty movieclip. A series of external SWFs are loaded into the empty movieclip on the push of a button. Once the clip has been loaded, other external SWFs can be replaced in the empty movieclip at the push of a button. As memory leaks and garbage collection seem to be an issue, I was wondering the most memory efficient way of loading, unloading and replacing these external swfs so that memory leaks are kept to an absolute minimum.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Memory Leaks In Loading / Unloading Pictures

Nov 15, 2011

I load image from url like this
imageholder = this.attachMovie("imageholder", "image", this.getNextHighestDepth());
loader.loadClip(uri, imageholder.bigImage_mc);
this== root, imageholder is MC that contains empty MC named bigImage_mc, selectMenu needs to be in front of loaded image (2nd line) and loader is MovieClipLoader()

Image is unloaded and removed like this
but when I unload image it doesn't free any memory, and when i load new image it increase memory usage...

I even tried
after removeMovieClip(); as I found this on some website... but with no improvement

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Identifying Memory Leaks?

Feb 23, 2007

I have an AS3 application which seems to be leaking memory slowly while running. I've been looking for a profiler for Flex 2 / AS3 and haven't been able to find one yet, in fact I saw posts from people at Adobe saying they were working on it but no release in the short term!

Does anyone have any more news on this, or more usefully have any information on a profiler or other way it is possible to find memory allocation and usage during runtime of an AS3 application? It would really help me to identify what areas of my application are leaking memory.

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Flex :: Spot Memory Leaks In Profiler?

Jul 20, 2009

I have an AIR/Flex app I made, I have a few people testing it and everyone is reporting that after leaving it running for a while, it is making all there machines run very slow. It runs fine at first so this must be a memory leak somewhere. I used the profiler on this and the only thing that shows as using a substantial amount of memory is MethodQueueElement which is not a class I wrote, and I have no idea what it does, I am assuming its part of the Flex framework. I am not familiar with using a profiler so I am not sure what all I shuld be looking at, that was the only class that was high on "memory" and it said it had over 100,000 instances. If this is my problem what can I do to fix it?

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Flex :: Detect Memory Leaks In Flash?

Feb 11, 2010

How do you know if your compiled SWF file has a memory leak?

Are there tools, a firebug setting, etc... to see if there is a problem? I cannot find much in the debug Flash player besides file size and loading time.

I have a large Flash application that I maintain and suspect that is using way too much memory so I wanted to measure the amount of RAM being used while it executes to find key areas to optimize.

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Flex :: Track Down Memory Leaks In The Application?

Feb 14, 2011

I've been trying to track down memory leaks in our application, and keep finding myself back looking at Spark components as the culprit.

Many classes in Spark use RichEditableText for displaying their text properties (ComboBox,TextInput).RichEditableText has a local textContainerManager property, and frequently calls compose() on this.Here's the relevant abridged extract from TextContainerManager

// Line 282 - 292:
static private var stringFactoryDictionary:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
static private function inputManagerStringFactory(config:IConfiguration):StringTextLineFactory


Line 1242 is the crucial line here, as it gives the static dictionary a reference to our component.(Note - I've checked this with the debugger to confirm which branch of the ternary gets executed.) This would prevent the instance from ever being garbage collected.

Eg: Static dictionary has a value with a reference to the instance -- instance cannot be GC'd.In turn, this would prevent any other instances which have a reference to the instance of TextContainerManager from being GC'd also.While this theory certainly matches what I'm seeing in our app, I can't beleive that there really is a memory leak in such a low-level spark component.

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Flex :: Cairgrom ModuleLoader Memory Leaks?

Mar 23, 2012

I also found this topic but it doesn't fix my problem other topicI have a module loader that load other swc's but when I look at the memory off the application it seems that each time a module gets loaded the previous module doesn't get unloaded and so the memory increases..

This is how I load the modules:
<module:ModuleViewLoader id="moduleViewLoader" moduleManager="{presenter.deviceModuleManager}"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Leaks Eventlisteners And New Sounds?

Oct 13, 2010

Memory leaks eventlisteners and new sounds. I have written up a media player code, which does what it is supposed to do, but the System.totalMemory steadily increases with time.My code essentially consists of nested calls using EvenListeners that trigger initiation of new sounds. I call up mp3 files that load and start play and on EventCOMPLETE load the next file Example of code snippet:

ActionScript Code:

function LoadNextTheme(e:Event = null):void // set next theme
if (A_play)  {


What parts of this kind of code keeps adding to total system memory?And how can I best stop that leak?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unexplainable String Memory Leaks?

Dec 23, 2010

I developed a game in AS2, and got a decent sponsorship deal, but I had to convert it to AS3 for them. I've been working my way through and it's pretty much done, but I've found I'm getting big memory leaks. I'm not sure if they were there in the AS2 version, but I need to clear them out in either case. I couldnt get the flex/flash builder 4 profiler to work, but I did manage to get this profiler working: (ok I can't post links, but put flashpreloadprofiler into google and you'll find it)

It does seem useful for working out where all the memory is being allocated. It lists "String" as a large contributing factor, and I've narrowed half of that down to this one simple function, and I can't understand why it would cause memory leaks. I wrote a function to check if a movieclip exists on stage, in order to then do things like hittest against it without errors if it doesn't exist. Here's the function:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Leaks Eventlisteners And New Sounds

Oct 13, 2010

Memory leaks eventlisteners and new sounds.I have written up a media player code, which does what it is supposed to do, but the System.totalMemory steadily increases with time.My code essentially consists of nested calls using EvenListeners that trigger initiation of new sounds. I call up mp3 files that load and start play and on EventCOMPLETE load the next file.[code]What parts of this kind of code keeps adding to total systemmemory?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Garbage Collecting - Make Sure There Are No Memory Leaks?

Feb 9, 2010

What's necessary to do when removing an object to make sure there are no memory leaks? Do you have to remove all children? Or just remove all event listeners? Or both?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Leaks - Variable Reference Inside A Function Or Outside It?

Mar 11, 2009

I wonder what the most common reasons for memory leaks in AS3 are.First thing what I am not sure about is: is it better to have a variable reference inside a function or outside it. Will the variable be null-d automaticly inside a function or when do I have to null it and when not?I have massive problems with my game with memory leaks. I noticed I reference some of the clips of the timeline even inside my debugging clip to display propertys and this was causing collecting huge amount of memory.But even before I go into the game with bigger objects the System.memory is slowly growing and growing.I just have a socket connection and some interval loops and enter_frame events.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove External Swfs Completely From Memory?

Jan 14, 2011

I have developed a touchscreen application that works perfectly fine except for the memory issue. Basically, the touchscreen app works kinda like a website with navgation on the side and content displaying next to it. I separeate each section into external swfs, and load each one up when it is needed, thinking it would reduce memory used on the pc. But unlike actionscript 2, AS 3 would not remove the external swfs from the memory. You can remove it from the stage and you won't see it, but the swf will still stay in the memory! So... as you navigate through the app, loading up all these external swf, even I do loader.unloadAndStop();, the swf is still there, and they just keep piling up in the memory as you navigate from the app. After leaving the touchscreen for a day or 2, having all these users naviage through it,  all the external swfs will just completely consume all the resources and freeze the pc.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Remove External Swfs Completely From Memory

Jan 14, 2011

I have developed a touchscreen application that works perfectly fine except for the memory issue. Basically, the touchscreen app works kinda like a website with navgation on the side and content displaying next to it. I separeate each section into external swfs, and load each one up when it is needed, thinking it would reduce memory used on the pc. But unlike actionscript 2, AS 3 would not remove the external swfs from the memory. You can remove it from the stage and you won't see it, but the swf will still stay in the memory! So... as you navigate through the app, loading up all these external swf, even I do loader.unloadAndStop();, the swf is still there, and they just keep piling up in the memory as you navigate through the app. After leaving the touchscreen for a day or 2, having all these users naviage through it, all the external swfs will just completely consume all the resources and freeze the pc.Also, is it better to develop touchscreen application with actionscript 2 since it doesn't have this pressing memory issue?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Buttons In Loaded Swfs Loading Other External Swfs Into The Main Timeline?

Sep 11, 2009

I have a main fla file which loads an external swf into an empty movieclip on the main timeline which works fine but I want a button in the external swf to load another external swf into another empty movie clip on the main start.swf loads UKEIAMap.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) MapLoader_mc then a button havant_b within UKEIAMap.swf needs to load HavantProjectSheet.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) ProjectSheetLoader_mc without unloading UKEIAMap.swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWFs From Another External Swf Into The Main SWF Container?

May 4, 2011

I have created a main "site.swf" file that loads a "default.swf" file into a container after a preloader. On this default.swf file I have buttons that needs to load new external SWF files in its place in the container. All of the external SWFs contain buttons and navigations that will also call up other external SWFs into this container. So, I would like to know how to program each button (some are movieclips as buttons) to unload itself and load the respective SWF into the container (eg. AboutUsButton to call up aboutus.swf into the container). I do not have a main navigation on the site.swf file bacause the navigation changes on each SWF that needs to be loaded into the container.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading External Images Causes Memory Leak?

Aug 8, 2011

I have been working on an Actionscript 2.0 project that basically loads external images.Everytime i load and unload a new image, memory increases to 1 or 2 MBsIf all the images are in cache, then it increased to 4 or 8 KBsIn the unloading of images, I have removed loader and the container of the image.

////////////btn_load.onRelease = function(){ loadImage();}btn_unLoad.onRelease = function(){ unLoadImage();}var mcListener:Object = new Object();var container1:MovieClip;var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader;var loader_reference = this;var n=0;function loadImage(){ var image_arr = ["",""," [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Movies And Memory Leak?

Aug 20, 2009

I have an interface that needs to load in external activity pages - there's quite a few of these. I've been trying to create an external class to take care of movie loads, but it has a bad memory leak. I've been reading about using unload() and unloadAndStop() but haven't gotten these to work (there are no noticeable differences in system memory usage or performance). Everything grinds to a halt once I've used up about 13+ Mb of memory.

The document class has lots of code (of course) so I'm just showing the code that relates here:

package {
public class Interface extends MovieClip {
static public var _ui:MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Usage When Loading External Movies?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a flash application running on some local machines. There are 3 movies the flash loads and plays. Each time a movie is played, it makes the amount of RAM the swf is using increase. This is being ran in a museum and users step through the 3 movies over and over and over, causing the swf to use gigabytes of RAM and eventually locking up the flash player.

Here's where I create the movie playback component.

ActionScript Code:
var flvPlayer:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();

The 3 movies are on 3 different frames in the timeline, for each frame I have this code that loads each movie.

ActionScript Code:
flvPlayer.source = "resources/LADEE_overview.f4v";;
flvPlayer.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cuepointfound);

I use the cuepoints to display some text on screen. I also call a function that does flvPlayer.stop(); each time the user navigates away from a movie frame. So is the RAM usage growing because of the flvPlayer.source = "whatever" being triggered each time the movie is called up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop .mp3 And .flv In External Swfs When Loading A New External Swf?

Apr 10, 2009

Specifically, I am building a flash page that loads external swf files and inside some of the external swf  files, I would like to add audio and flash video (flv) streaming from the Flaash Media Server. In some of the external swf files, (using a FLVPlayback component) when you press a button on the main timeline to unload the current playing swf the audio/video continues to play after loading the new external swf file.So I believe that my approach is all wrong and I should be working to dynamically load the .mp3 and.flvs in the external swf ... my questiion is how to unload those assets when loading the new external swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Swfs Into Mc?

Jan 12, 2010

how can i load 3 external swfs into one movieclip at the moment i can only get it to load one or it may be loading each clip over the previous one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Loading External SWFs?

Apr 27, 2006

I'm doing the tutorial for "transitions between external SWFs", but I'm having a problem because in the tutorial all of the buttons are on the main timeline, but in my site the buttons are on a different timeline. This is the actionscript that the tutorial tells me to use....

on (release) { if (_root.currMovie == undefined) { _root.currMovie = "work"; container.loadMovie("work.swf"); } else if (_root.currMovie != "work") { if (container._currentframe >= container.midframe) { _root.currMovie = "work";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Swfs?

Feb 22, 2009

iv made a flash site using as3 using the actionscript on thefirst frame, this by itself works fine.iv also used an online tutorial tocreate a dynamicslideshow/photo gallery which again works fine, but this time usingan external .as file.When i try to load the external slideshow/gallery into amovieclip in the site it dosnt work and i get this error:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method ofa null object pretty sure its because the code used in the main flashfile is on the timeline and the code in the external file to beloaded in is in an external as file.

the code im using to load the external flash file is:
var toload =new Loader();
toload.load(new URLRequest("newfile.swf"));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Swfs?

Feb 20, 2010

I am trying to figure out where is the problem with loading external swfs on a site that i uilt..actionscript 2. The site has an intro slide show and buttons underneath. It plays everything But when you go to "works" and click on a gallery, it takes you to that frame and although it looks like it starts loading it bubs you back to the beginning.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Var From Javascript To External Swfs?

Mar 31, 2009

I am loading one variable from javascript to one main swf file which does have 2 more links to other 2 external swf files, i want to use the same var to be transfered to those 2 files when they are loaded

This is teh javascript in the header:

function CountryCode(){
document.getElementById('Spotlight_en_gb').SetVari able("ccode", "SU");

This script is triggered onLoad when the page loads.

One dynamic text box var name is ccode and instance name countrychk is taking the values and action accordingly, other two files need the same var to use but on LoadMovie they dont get teh value.

Here are the links:

on (release) {
loadMovie("Movies.swf", 1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading And Unloading External SWFs?

May 29, 2009

I have a question regarding the swapping out of swf files in Flash CS3 / AS3.I start my project with a �logo� swf, which has no interactivity.At the last frame, the following code is used to load another swf from the local folder:

//Stop current swf and stop its sound


How do I remove and/or unload the previous swf when a new one is loaded? and remove that previous swf from memory? Can I give the current swf access to the previous one, then run a �remove� or �unload� function on it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWFs With Params From Within A SWF?

Jun 2, 2009

How would I load a .swf from within a .swf with parameters?First, I need to know how to pass the parameters, and second I need to know how the other .swf is going to read those parameters...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Loading External Swfs In The Background?

Aug 2, 2009

As you can see, I have an external swf file that loads into a container clip. When a user clicks on the next project button, or any other category, another image gallery starts loading. My question is, is there anyway to load the other galleries in the background while users browse through the loaded ones?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple External SWFs At Once?

Sep 23, 2009

I have a game which has various cutscenes. Each cutscene is split up into 3 or 4 seperate swf movie files which can be played (and replayed) by the user.

My question is, I've seen many tutorials on how to load external swfs but how do I load several movie clips into memory, and then clean everything up once the user has finished viewing them all?

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