ActionScript 2.0 :: Nesting Swfs And XML?

May 30, 2007

I have created a movie which uses an XML to retrieve data.. it works fine on it's own,but when I load it inside another movie, it cannot find the XML of the loaded swf. I went So, does that mean I have to use the full path of the XML in the nested swf?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Getting A Limit To MC Nesting?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm trying to access a particular movie clip that's buried about 4 layers deep inside other movie clips.  I have a an on release event handler attached to it but it doesn't respond.  I double-checked my syntax and there are no errors.  Is there a nesting limit when it comes to mc addressing?

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Actionscript 3 :: AddEventListener In SWF Nesting

Apr 29, 2011

I currently have a .swf file that is nested into another .swf file. In the parent SWF file I use a UILoader to load the other .swf file. uiLoader.source = "data/child.swf";- In the child SWF file I have stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,keyPressedDown); and when I run it on it's own, it works perfectly; but when I run child.swf through parent.swf stage.addEvent... give me a null reference exception. Is the stage part of what is causing the issue?, and if so, is there a way to fix this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nesting MCs Not Working!?

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I'm trying to nest a MC within a MC and adding a bitmap into the nested MC and it's giving me an error message.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nesting In A For Loop

Aug 26, 2010

how to do this with a nested MC in a for loop? I've tried


None of the seem to work.

var tabButtonsArray:Array = new Array("tab_mc1", "tab_mc2", "tab_mc3", "tab_mc4", "tab_mc5");
function bringToFront(event:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nesting The Dynamic Movieclips?

Dec 8, 2009

I want to create dynamic movieclips inside another dymanic movieclips.Here's what I came up with:

function prepararConteudos():void
for (var j:uint = 1; j<=numMenuWeb; j++)


I'm adding a child to "fundoConteudo_mc" with the instance "mc_contentor", which works fine. But when I try to add a child to "mc_contentor" i keep getting the "A term is undefined and has no properties" error.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nesting Mcs With Button Actions?

Feb 11, 2007

There was a thread, not sure if it was in AS or Experiments or MX, but is was this "McSlider" .as driven thing. The link below is my adaptation of it. I am even sure some one brought up nesting mcs with button actions. I just can't find the thread.(i.e the boy is an mc inside the slider with a rollOver and RollOut, but they do not work.

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Professional :: Nesting MovieClips And Looping Animation

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to create some flash banner (looping animation). I have 1 stage timeline (100 frames) and several movieclips. I need to play 1 movieclip from frame 1 to frame 50. How can I do this?
It plays again and again. If I add AS stop(); in the frame 50 of this mc (inside mc timeline), then this mc plays just once. When all movie is looping from the frame 1, this mc does not play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nesting 3 Arrays - Getting Error On Tracing Value

Jun 29, 2010

I seem to be having trouble when I am nesting 3 arrays,
var A_one:Array= [];
var A_two:Array= [];
var A_three:Array= [];

I then create a number of points and put them into array three, I do that with different groups of those groups of point and load a bunch of array threes into array twos and then I have 5 array twos and put them into array one, when I try to load a specific array three I create a variable array and do as such:
tracker.tracknum is a number based on which btn I am pressing

But when I trace the value of the current_A_three array I get the error
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property 1 not found on Number and there is no default value.
at Function/<anonymous>()
That is when I click btn one, if I clicked btn two I would get property 2, I tried playing aroudn with it, I did trace A_one[2] and did get the proper multiple arrays, but I need a spesific one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Broken When Nesting In MovieClip

Nov 15, 2003

Just created a preloader using one of the tuts here. Worked great in my main timeline however, upon nesting it in a movie clip... it seems to be broken. I put the same preloader in the 1st 2 frames of my movie clip which is located in the first frame of my main timeline.

Here's the code I'm using:
bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;
this.loadText = Math.round(getPercent*100)+"%";
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {
Why wont it work nested in a MC??

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Nesting Attached Movie Clips?

Nov 13, 2006

is there a cleaner way to attach movie clips than this type of syntax?

_root.attachMovie ("Frame", "frame", 60);
frame._x = 375;
frame._y = 375;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1120 - Correct Format For Sub-nesting?

Nov 6, 2010

I have a slideshow (graphicsshow_mc) within a navigation menu (graphicsmenu_mc) - a movieclip nested in a movieclip.  There are previous / next buttons inside the slideshow that work correctly.
Example: prev_btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navBack02);function navBack02(event:MouseEvent):void {    gotoAndStop("deinonychus")}
The navigation menu acts like chapters for a DVD, and I want one button to always go to the beginning.  I copied the other code, but need it modified to reflect that it appears in the parent.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Nesting Movie Clip (with Script) Into Button?

Feb 2, 2011

First off I am creating an online gallery. It is made up from several thumbnail images of the art pieces which, when clicked, show the image in a larger format. I achieved this by duplicating the frame 12 times (how many images there are on the page) and linking each thumbnail to its corresponding image which runs through the frames 1-12.I had this working perfectly, except for my thumbnail mouseover animation which animated fine when the mouse was in the hit area, but once outside the animation just snapped back. This was done by simply nesting a movie clip symbol into the Over state of the button (which didnt require any code).

However, once I searched the internet for ways to allow the animation to go back to its non-active state with a rewind animation once the mouse is off the hit area, I hit a new problem entirely. Of course, this effect required some basic coding, and wasn't relying on the button's Over state to activate the animation. This meant that when I tried to nest the new animation into the button the hit area of the animation was over the hit area of the button, disabling its linking capability. I've tried everything I can think of, but I cannot get the animation to be triggered when the user hovers over the button as well as the button being able to link to its frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nesting Classes Then Calling Them On The Main Stage?

Jul 9, 2011

I having trouble nesting classes then calling them on the main stage.I have one AS file that contains all the functionality to create a simple button with a text field that can be customized from the FLA file. I want to use this AS file to create another AS file for a form.I have called the simple button from the AS file into my other AS using import RoundRectButton.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nesting Object - Reference The ParentObj From Within The ChildObj?

Aug 18, 2007

Let's suppose we have this tiny piece of code:

var parentObj = new Object();
parentObj.childObj = new Object();

How do i reference the parentObj from within the childObj? Writing


doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Infinite Menu Button Nesting?

Feb 18, 2008

The swfs I want to load are picflash1,2,3... etc .swf in a folder "movies". I am not using an absolute path as I am just testing things out, before they go up.I have followed the 'Infinite Menu' tutorial by Pom and have no problem with the code for the movement of the menu as a mc. BUT I cannot get the buttons to work. The only script I can use to get a button to load a mc at all is:

on (release) {

This doesn't of course load the mc into a new level in the same mc or at _x, 150 and _y, 150. Which is what I want! So I am using this:

on (release) {
loadMovie("movies/Picflash1.swf", "area");
setProperty("area", _x, 150);


...and now it doesn't work! The button does work if it is not nested in the mc I need for the script to be used for the infinite menu.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Movie Clips Nesting Inside Each Other

Apr 15, 2009

I have multiple movie clips nesting inside each other as I need them to perform different functions. On my main timeline I have a mc called "menu_mc", inside of that I have "menubg_mc" and inside of that I have "drop_mc". I have some code on the "menu_mc" timeline, a tween class to make the menu slide out from the left of the stage. Inside the "drop_mc" timeline I have some tween class code which reveals the drop down menu. Now the slide out menu works fine but because the "drop_mc" is 2 levels deep, it won't play the drop down tween. I know that I need to target this movie clip but my question to you is.. Where do I place the code for "drop_mc" (tween) as obviously it doesn't work being nestled 2 levels deep. I have the following code in the main timeline


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Actionscript :: Create An Enormous - Multi-dimensional Array With Several Layers Of Nesting And Before Panic Sets In

Jan 8, 2010

I hope this isn't too vague, but I'm stuck on a problem that has put me in an Unfortunate Position. I'm Flash developer getting my feet wet with with AS3 and am trying to build an interior decoration tool for a client. My thinking so far has been: create the basic user interface, get the screen flow down, and then finally use a couple of simple arrays to store user selections and stuff like that.

Naturally my 'couple of simple arrays' is totally inadequate to model the many user decisions that my program has to take into account. So I find myself trying to create an enormous, multi-dimensional array with several layers of nesting and before Panic sets in. Here's an example of my thinking for the 'bedding' component of the application in pseudo ActionScript:


... keep in mind that this is just a fraction of what goes into bedding and there are several other of these kinds of arrays that would go into a room like flooring and walls and funture... all equally complex. And I'll need to frequently access different combinations like, how many options under bedding have no value associated and things like that.

So, I realize I'm out of my league and am going to get hurt on this,My questions are:

1) Could it be that using nested arrays like this actually isn't such a bad thing and I should just stick it out? That would suprise me, but I want to make sure I'm not already on the right path.

2) If not, where do I go from here if I want to do this right?

Off the top of my head I feel like I could maybe make everything class based. So my sheets are a class and beds have instances of sheets and rooms have instances of beds... etc. It think it would be complicated but might be the way to go. Or maybe, I go the XML route and store all of the room options in nested blank XML nodes that a user then populates as they move through the application. These are my thoughts but I'd like to hear what more experienced members of the community say.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Buttons In Loaded Swfs Loading Other External Swfs Into The Main Timeline?

Sep 11, 2009

I have a main fla file which loads an external swf into an empty movieclip on the main timeline which works fine but I want a button in the external swf to load another external swf into another empty movie clip on the main start.swf loads UKEIAMap.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) MapLoader_mc then a button havant_b within UKEIAMap.swf needs to load HavantProjectSheet.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) ProjectSheetLoader_mc without unloading UKEIAMap.swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Swfs Load - Remove The Swfs And Sound After A New Button Is Clicked

Nov 13, 2010

I am loading eight external swfs by way of eight buttons with actionscript to remove the swfs and sound after a new button is clicked. This works fine except that as soon as you get to the frame where the actionscript is all the swfs load at one time on top of each other. I don't want any to load until the button is clicked for the right one. MouseEvent listener works but only after all the swfs have loaded. How do I get the swfs to load only when the buttons are clicked. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Local Swfs Using Remote Swfs?

Jan 5, 2010

Is it possible to access local swfs using a remote swf

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Preload Swfs While Other Swfs Are Playing?

Sep 8, 2009

I am trying to find a way to preload swfs while other swfs are playing, i've found several scripts and tutorials, but none of them seem to work for my needs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Other Swfs From Loaded Swfs?

Aug 2, 2006

Flash - 8 : Above is an example of what I would like to do/have done. I've gotten as far as loading the "loaded.swf" into the "start.swf" but my problem is I'd love to use that little loading action I made earlier without copying and pasting into the new movie the same actions for a different link. So, how do I load "loaded2.swf" into "loaded.swf" via the link in "loaded.swf"?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Nesting TextField In TextField?

Dec 30, 2009

I need to generate a list of text string items with elements that I can assign a mouse event listener. The event listener would respond to small segments of the overall textField text string. I am not sure how to do this. But the idea of nesting textFields within the main textField object to provide the funtionality I am interested in.
TextField.text = <text string> <textField with clickable text string> <text string>;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between External SWFs - Looks Crap As The Size Of External SWFs Grow?

Sep 2, 2006

[URL]regarding this tutorial I started my site [URL] to get some trasition effects but im getting somewhat different since the external SWFs take time to load. isn't it better to create "intro and outro" on the same time line instead of loading external SWFs bcos once the movie loaded as a whole will lead to smooth and contineous transitions.

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IDE :: Transitions Between External SWFs / Close Button For External Swfs

Aug 15, 2005

I recently created a site using the "Transitions between External SWFs" tutorial for Flash MX 2004. I use this to load the sections of my site into the main movie file. Each section is an External SWF file. When a viewer clicks on a navigation button, the specific external swf move will load and play. Currently, a viewer would need to click on another navigation option to close the current external swf file. I would like to add a close button to each of the external swfs so that a view has the option to close the window without clicking on a naviagtion link.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple .swfs Into Multiple .swfs?

Aug 13, 2010

I am loading multiple .swfs into multiple .swfs, but the .swf are never being properly unloaded. I thought they were unloading until I started monitoring my Page File Usage and seeing it increase everytime I loaded another external swf.
In using this function to load my content, what would be the proper way/function to unload the content?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nesting A Movie Clip Within A Movie Clip

Aug 18, 2011

just wondering if anyone knows a decent way of using action script 2 to create a movie clip and then create another movie clip and nest it within the first one?

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Navigating Between The Swfs?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm a born-again newbie, as it's been awhile, so bear with me...I have a main movie, with the menus and some basic info. I would like each section of the portfolio to load as a separate swf (to save on file size)...we were hoping to have the back/next, copyright buttons on top of a full size image...but my question is how to navigate the home button to return to the main movie with the menus...the old site had separate sections loading into an mtClip with the following code:

loadMovie("vr4.swf", 1);

then when you click home:

on (release) {

how to code the home button on the section swfs to unload the movie, but return to the main movie without reloading?

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Scrub Bar For SWFs

Sep 14, 2009

what i am looking for is an FLV player type component (doesn't have to be an actual component) that will play SWFs. i need it to have all the same functionality (play, pause, scrub bar, etc...) it seems crazy that there isn't one out there i have even looked in the Exchange area and only seem to find ones that control FLVs or MOVs, not SWFs.

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