ActionScript 2.0 :: Nesting Mcs With Button Actions?
Feb 11, 2007
There was a thread, not sure if it was in AS or Experiments or MX, but is was this "McSlider" .as driven thing. The link below is my adaptation of it. I am even sure some one brought up nesting mcs with button actions. I just can't find the thread.(i.e the boy is an mc inside the slider with a rollOver and RollOut, but they do not work.
First off I am creating an online gallery. It is made up from several thumbnail images of the art pieces which, when clicked, show the image in a larger format. I achieved this by duplicating the frame 12 times (how many images there are on the page) and linking each thumbnail to its corresponding image which runs through the frames 1-12.I had this working perfectly, except for my thumbnail mouseover animation which animated fine when the mouse was in the hit area, but once outside the animation just snapped back. This was done by simply nesting a movie clip symbol into the Over state of the button (which didnt require any code).
However, once I searched the internet for ways to allow the animation to go back to its non-active state with a rewind animation once the mouse is off the hit area, I hit a new problem entirely. Of course, this effect required some basic coding, and wasn't relying on the button's Over state to activate the animation. This meant that when I tried to nest the new animation into the button the hit area of the animation was over the hit area of the button, disabling its linking capability. I've tried everything I can think of, but I cannot get the animation to be triggered when the user hovers over the button as well as the button being able to link to its frame.
The swfs I want to load are picflash1,2,3... etc .swf in a folder "movies". I am not using an absolute path as I am just testing things out, before they go up.I have followed the 'Infinite Menu' tutorial by Pom and have no problem with the code for the movement of the menu as a mc. BUT I cannot get the buttons to work. The only script I can use to get a button to load a mc at all is:
on (release) { _root.loadMovie("movies/picflash1.swf"); }
This doesn't of course load the mc into a new level in the same mc or at _x, 150 and _y, 150. Which is what I want! So I am using this:
on (release) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("area",1); loadMovie("movies/Picflash1.swf", "area"); setProperty("area", _x, 150);
...and now it doesn't work! The button does work if it is not nested in the mc I need for the script to be used for the infinite menu.
I got this early version of a sliding menu. See file "scrolling.fla". Its got four images that slides into place when you click on the small colored buttons. The thing is I want the movie to quit/shut down when I press the red button, AFTER the red image has moved back in place.The code for the red button is:
on (press) { _root.xnew = _root.mask2._x+(-2-1)*458.5/2; }
I added the following:
on (rollOut) { _root.unloadMovie(); }
It works in a sense but I dont want to use "on (rollOut)", because you might shut down the slideshow involuntary moving the cursor on your way to the other buttons. So the question is, yet again, how to quit the movie after the red image is back in place?
is it possible to add multiple actions to the same button.e.g.on stage theres only one button, on first click it should make mc1 visible , on second click it should make mc2 visible and so on.
I need add another code to hide textarea-load.swf from my movie and this action should occur when I press same button once again . Note : I don`t have any movie with "555" instance name but it helps me to run my movie
I got four buttons that pull up images in a slide show. I want the fourth button to first pull the image in place and THEN shut down the movie clip. I thought this would be easy, but no. Unfortunately I canīt attach the fla-file on this forum. You could take a look at this:
on (press) { _root.xnew = _root.mask2._x+(-2-1)*458.5/2; }
Thatīs the code for the last/fourth button, it pulls the fourth image in place. So thatīs in order.I added this below in the same script:
on (rollOut) { _root.unloadMovie(); }
It works in a sense. The movie falls into place when I click the button and the movie quits when I move the cursor. But it also means you might shut down the slide show involuntary when you move the cursor going for any of the other buttons.
I have made a simple menu with a 'slider' using this tutorial. What I am wondering is if it's possible to have different actions for one button. Here is my first menu button:
Code: on (rollOver) { // slider - Movie Clip's Instance Name. button_1 - Button's Instance Name.
How can I make a mc witch I us as a button fuctional for two actions.I mean when I press the button that a clib fades out and when I press again it fades in again I tried it with an if but the it only works one time.This is the script
Code: but.onRelease = function(){ if (mc._alpha <= 1){
I used a tutorial to attempt to set up my code so that after a button is released and an external .swf is loaded the same button can't be activated again (on release or on rollover) until a different button is released.
Here is an example of my actionscript. What I'm trying to do here is just have the button not replay the mc in the over state if it's movie clip is already loaded in[code]...
I have a symbol that is movieclip (symbol name switch) which has got a switch on/off image inside it, if u click it, the 'switch on' image comes (frame 5) and when u click again the 'switch off' image comes (frame 1) Nw i want the symbol such that when i press it not only does the 'switch on' image come, but also change the image of another movieclip (symbol name 0bit) which is in the root timeline and not inside "switch" symbol
This is killing me, real simple. I have an mc that has 12 buttons on 12 layersall btns have alpha tweens for 10 frames so the appear like thisbtn 1 alpha fr 1 to 10btn2 alpha fr10 to 20btn3 alpha fr20 to 30 and so on.
I have a project where I have 80 or so invisible buttons, that when clicked, need to load a movie clip from the library into a mc on the stage, as well as cause a rollover and rollout state on a "movie clip button" that's sitting underneath the invisible button. This is in ActionScript 2.0.Here's a example of one of my button actions:
ActionScript Code:[code]....
The way it works is "invis_1_1" is the first invisible button in a group, the 1_1 refers to the button being in the first column and the first row in a grid. The "movie button" it's controlling is "col1row1" which has a "on" and "off" state. When the invisible button is clicked it loads "1_1", which is a movie clip in the library, into a holder movie clip.The dilema I'm running into is I'll need to write this code over 80 times with a slight change each time to the instance names etc. I'm sure there's a way to do this with an array but I'm still new to using arrays.
So I am trying to make a button in flash which when pressed, goes to frame 253, plays until it reaches 264, and then gotoAndPlay frame 527. The code that I used worked, until I added another button which does the same thing but with different frames. Both buttons are on the same page. The buttons seem to work once, then forget what it is they are supposed to do.Here is the code I used:
ActionScript Code: on (release) { gotoAndPlay(253);
I am using an external .as file for my code. How do I add actions to a button that is not on the stage but its on another frame in the movie (one that user access later). What is the best practice to add actions to items not present at the start? Of course I could make another copy of the button on frame 1 and add it off the stage in the invisible part. This is what I was doing till now. IS there another way to do this, a more ethical way?
How can I make a mc witch I us as a button fuctional for two actions.I mean when I press the button that a clib fades out and when I press again it fades in again I tried it with an if but the it only works one time.This is the script
i have n nos of btn's on stage .on clicking any btn i want to duplicate a movie clip on stage "circle_mc" & place d copy with equal spacing along y axis...i dont want to manually put the actions on each btn.the actions can be put on the timeline btn.onRelease = function(){actions}the btns r given instance names btn0, on..
I am attempting to fire successive actions from the same button by setting different variables throughout the process like so...(using Fuse to animate)
var spotOne:Boolean = true; var spotTwo:Boolean = false; var spotThree:Boolean = false; var spotFour:Boolean = false;
I have a very simple .fla. One frame, one button on the main stage. I have named the button and when I right click>actions, it says I can't put actions in this area. So then I put the Actions on the main timeline/keyframe. The code below works, but I can't get code to work in the button that I placed on the main stage. This button is dynamically placed by the first two lines of code.
Code: var MyButton:ButtonOne = new ButtonOne(); MyButton.x = 100; MyButton.y = 300; addChild(MyButton); MyButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,startMC); function startMC(event:MouseEvent){ myMovieClip.gotoAndPlay(11); }
If I try to just have the code that looks something like this.. Code: ButtonOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMC); //movie clip function startMC sits here.. I get an error saying the symbol doesn't exist.
I have a slideshow of images tweeneing in and out. I have buttons also where a user can control which image they view.
The slideshow is running automatically. I'm trying to figure out how to fade out whatever image is viewable and load the correct image once the button is clicked.I have made the button work and stop the slideshow from running but I need to know how to fade out whatever image is viewable and then tween in the correct image.
function OneClick (e:MouseEvent) {, 1, {x:254, overwrite:false});myTimelineImages.stop();myTimelineButton.stop();};
how can I create a button with two actions.I mean for example I want after the first Click show something on stage, and after second click on it hide previus movieclip (or etc...) or even show something else.. . for example we have 3 symbols here s1,s2 and s3 s3 is our movieclip button. after first click in s3, I want to show s2. and after second click I want to hide s2.
I am trying to create two actions, one when my mouse is over my button and two when my i click my button, I am having a bit of trouble with my action script below, any advise:
function buttonOver(event;MouseEvent)void{ button.gotoAndPlay("over"); } function buttonOut(event;MouseEvent)void{ button.gotoAndPlay("out"); } button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,buttonOver); button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,buttonOut);
So I have the following Actions for my button:b1.buttonMode = true;b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,onButtonOver);b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,onButtonOut);
b1 is my MC button Instance name. I want to add several other MC button names to this ActionScript (b2, b3, etc). How can I add the other MC button names without just copying and pasting the whole code with new instances?