ActionScript 2.0 :: Not Case Sensitive Input Of Username?

Jan 20, 2008

I have a login section that has a username and password input field. I am not sure if I am doing this right, but since there is only one username and one password, this is how I did this.


My question now is how can I have the username not be case sensitive. Is that possible?

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on(release, keyPress "<Enter>"){
if (password eq "###") {
if (username eq "###") {
gotoAndPlay(2) ;


but with the ### being what I actually have the username and password set to. As I said before, when I try this, nothing happens. I have the values for both the username and password boxes set to username and password respectively, but I still cannot get it to work. What am I doing wrong?

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type e ===> displays HE
type l ===> displays HEL
type l ===> displays HELL
type o ===> displays HELLO

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keyListener = new Object();
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// var myText = mainTXT.text;

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i = 0;
case 0:


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var fbook:Facebook;
var api_key:String="xxxx";
var secret_key:String="xxxxx";


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Flex :: Username And Password Validation?

Feb 23, 2011

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May 25, 2011

I am trying to get the facebook username set to a flashvars and then pass it to a swf, like so:
var flashvars = {
AppID: "my_id",
Name: "" };
function init() {
[Code] .....
but the Name flashvars is showing up blank, is there another way to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check Username And Password?

Jan 3, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 Professional, and I'm using AS2 because I think it's a lot less complicated than AS3.I've found a few things on the internet that but I'm wondering if someone could just clear this up for me straight away.I have an input text field with instance name "username", and another named "pass". I then have a login button which has the action play();Once username and password have been filled out and the button is pressed, it plays until frame 3. Frame 3 only has the stop(); action in it for now. Here's what I need the rest of the actions to be:I want it to check the username and password against a text file. The text file reads:username=tylerngataki&pass=12345I then want an if/else operation like:

If (condition) {
} else {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Value Of The 'userName' Var From The SWF Querystring Into A Variable In The SWF

Aug 22, 2009

I've been working with this tutorial:[URL] Using AS1, I've been able to extract a variable from a SWF, e.g. the SWF has a querystring associated with it, in the HTML of the web page on which it is embedded:

<param name="movie" value="loaderInfoExample.swf?userName=TestUser" />
<embed src="loaderInfoExample.swf?userName=TestUser" ....

It's easy to get the variable into AS1 - it's just there, without doing anything. I've tried to do the same in AS2, but I can't get it to work, using Permadi's page. All I want to do is to get the value of the 'userName' var from the SWF Querystring, into a variable in the SWF. The example on the Permadi page didn't work - I may have been doing something very wrong of course.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Restricting Username & Password?

Aug 13, 2009

iam tryin to create a login system .i want the username to b only "mayuresh"& password to b "mayuresh" blow is my code


function perform (event:MouseEvent):void[code].......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Detecting & Posting Username From Flash To PHP?

May 22, 2009

I have a flash game that asks the user to enter his username & password then he can start playing the game. After that the score gets saved to MySQL next to his username & password. The final step is to display his scores in the flash game. Everything works fine except for the last step which is calling back the scores from MySQL to the flash game.

I call the scores from MySQL using PHP file which sends the data to flash through XML. I can call the data from MySQL & display it in flash BUT I should enter a specific user name manually in the PHP file. The problem is that I can't make the flash game display the scores of the logged in user. for example: User A signs-in, plays the game, his/her score gets saved & then the problem occurs calling back his/her scores to the flash. In order to display User A scores in the Flash , I should replace the $username variable in the PHP file with "User A" so the scores can be displayed in the Flash file.


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