Win7 Pressure Sensitivity - Touch Sensitive Input Has Simply Disappeared?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a HP tx2500 tablet pc. I put the beta of windows 7 on it several months ago and had no trouble (64 bit). The service period expired, so I wiped it and put the windows 7 RC on it (also 64 bit). This has caused me problems with photoshop and flash (both cs3) as they will not recognize touch sensitive input! (aka when i press hard the line gets darker). In photoshop the option is set but nothing happens, in flash the button for touch sensitive input has simply disappeared, there is just grey where it used to be. I updated windows all the way and updated my flash and photoshop as well.

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darkGrey = String("0x" + "333333");
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myTextFormat1.size = 26;
myTextFormat1.font = "myTestVerdana"


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Feb 16, 2009

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Jul 30, 2009

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Professional :: Imported Images Disappeared In CS5?

Apr 21, 2011

I had CS5  I had the problem.  I have just upgraded to CS5 v11.0.2.489.  I have the same problem. I imported a series of images in CS5 to the stage.  I saved the file and reopened it.The images were gone in the stage.  They were corrupted in library as well.
I imported the same images in Flash 8.  I saved the file and reopend it in Flash 8 without a problem.  I reopened the file in CS5 v11.0.0 and CSv11.0.2 without a problem.  I saved the file to CS4 format and reopened the new CS4 file in CS5 without a problem.  I saved the file to CS5 format (both compressed and uncompressed) and reopened the new CS5 files.  The problem is still there.
You can download the Flash 8 version of the file here in my dropbox.[URL]...

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Flash - Embedded FLV Disappeared From Site

Jun 17, 2011

I have a website that had a flv file embedded on the home page. All of a sudden the flv does not appear on the page. It shows in the source file, and appears in the dreamweaver page that I use, but does not appear on the site anymore. I have the most current flash player so that does not seem to be the issue. I have tried it on both pc and mac and the video no longer loads. [URL].

The file shows that it is on the server and in the proper location. Here are screenshots from the web page and from Dreamweaver.
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" width="342" height="291" id="FLVPlayer">
<param name="movie" value="FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" />
<param name="salign" value="lt" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
[Code] .....

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Jan 4, 2010

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As part of embedding the SWF file, I'm going to need to pass a parameter in the block containing the currently logged in customer's ID. Question: knowing that I have a Java stack and not really knowing (or caring) what technology stack the SWF hoster has, what's the best way of encrypting that customerID such that someone who views source and starts trying to change the customer ID parameter can't suddenly get a SWF that's not related to them?

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Flex :: MX Datagrids Sort- Case Sensitive By Default?

Sep 16, 2011

Is it just me, or do flex MX datagrids sort in a case sensitive manner be default? That is, they'll sort like this:

I know I can give a datagrid column a custom sort function, but do I really have to do that for every column in the app?

So this is a bug in a legacy app- updating every single grid to spark really isn't an option (if that's even a fix). Am I missing some obvious way to change the sorting pattern for an entire grid?

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