ActionScript 2.0 :: Picture-slideshow With Xml And Flash

Oct 18, 2010

I'm making a picture-slideshow with xml and Flash AS2. The thing is, i really want a play and pause button in it, and iv tried to do that with setInterval.[code]Now, the weird thing is, the trace does work, and gives me the good output: 10, 11, 12, 13 etc. etc. but the external images dont go further... (i do have the first image, but it doesnt go to the next images)When i remove the var Interval, so that it doesnt repeat, it does work I also attached the .fla file.

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Flash Picture Slideshow To Run In Continuous Loop

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I'm a flash newbie and have created a slideshow so that all the photos fade in and fade out. I've done it so they kind of fade into each other. So the timelines on each layer overlap. I want this slideshow running as a continuous loop so I've put a gotoandPlay(1) function at the end of the movie. My problem is the final image (number7) fades out but I don't know how to get it fading into the first photo again. So after the 7th image (the 2 bridesmaids) the movie completely fades out and then starts again. Is there a way I could make the first and last photos fade into each other rather than the last one fading out and starting again. The movie can be viewed here- sorry it takes a little time to get to the last image! [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slideshow Variable Time For Each Picture?

Apr 8, 2010

I've migrated from AS1 to AS3, and boy, a lot has changed... Anyhow, to learn and understand AS3, I'm modifying a slideshow I found through thetechlabs. I want it to play SWF as well as JPG. These files are passed through an XML file. I added an element called <delaytime> to the XML file that replaces the standard time a photo is shown in the slideshow.
I modified the onSlideFadeIn() function as follows:
function onSlideFadeIn():void {     slideTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextSlide);     slideTimer = new Timer(xmlSlideshow..file[intCurrentSlide].@time);     slideTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextSlide);     if(bolPlaying && !slideTimer.running)     slideTimer.start();}
However, when I run it, I get this error message:
## [Tweener] Error: [object Sprite] raised an error while executing the 'onComplete'handler. TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no slideshow_fla::MainTimeline/onSlideFadeIn()at Function/ caurina.transitions::Tweener$/::updateTweenByIndex()at caurina.transitions::Tweener$/::updateTweens()at caurina.transitions::Tweener$/onEnterFrame()
It stops at the first picture of my slideshow. When I push the 'next' button it displays the next pic, but I get the same error message again.When I comment out this line:

slideTimer = new Timer(xmlSlideshow..file[intCurrentSlide].@time);
the slideshow runs OK, but without the delaytime specified in the XML file.


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if ( == "pic1") {
if what equals pic1
It's not currentFrame

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Mar 17, 2009

this fullscreen slideshow with random pictures which will be the background of a client's web-site. I have everything working, the preloader, the imaging loading and transitions.There's one thing however that's happening and I don't know how to fix it. What's happening - naturally - is that the previous image is still there, in the background, and I would like that to be removed, I would like to have the previous loader, or just the holder movieclip to get off stage, but I really don't know how to add that to my code.What I was thinking was something in the lines of a for loop. Something like creating the picture's holder inside that for loop so each will be like, picHolder1, picHolder2, picHolder3...and so on. And with that, on completion of the preloader I would remove something like "picHolder -

import flash.utils.*;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;


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p = 0;this.onEnterFrame = function() {    filesize = picture.getBytesTotal();    loaded = picture.getBytesLoaded();    if (picture._alpha<100) {            picture._alpha += 10;        }};[code].....

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ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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on (release) {
thisframe =+1

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Remove The Old Picture And Then Start Fading In The New Picture?

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as layer

var nextImage:Timer = new Timer(3000);


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Jun 18, 2009

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IDE :: Flash 8 To Get A Picture And Show It?

Mar 19, 2009

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Polaroid Flash Picture Gallery / Where Can Move Pictures Around In The Flash

Mar 11, 2010

I found a polaroid flash picture gallery where you can move the pictures around in the flash.I want to stick this flash in a flash I am currently making, where I have 4 different link buttons, and when you click on each, the current page slides out and that page slides in. I want to incorporate this polaroid flash so that when you click on one of the buttons, this polaroid flash will slide in.

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How To Create Picture Gallery In Flash

Dec 3, 2009

I want to create a picture gallery in Flash. I want small thumbnail images all around the edges of the canvass (canvass will be a rectangle). When the user clicks on the thumbnail I want the image to be displayed in the centre of the rectangle in its full size. How do I create such a picture gallery? Is there a simple tutorial? Or simple template I can use anywhere?

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Professional :: Displaying A Big Picture On Flash CS4?

May 11, 2010

It is possible to create a flash picture that the usercan drag around ?In another words, this will be a big pictureon a small area or screen and the person withscrollbars or mouse can drag / pan the picture.

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Php :: Load A Picture In A Webpage From Flash

Jul 12, 2010

I'm editing a web page to access it only after login, so now it's a php page with an inital <?php session_start(); ?> and in the body of the page I test the value of a session variable.All works fine but in the header there is flash animation that don't load background picture.In the old version of the page this picture was loaded fine but not now.The address of old version of the page is this and new versione is this this.

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Load Picture From XML

Jul 15, 2010

I'm creating a picture gallery in actionscript 2. In order for people to easily create/modify galleries, I have actionscript read in file information through XML. However I have one problem I can't get around. I'm having trouble loading the picture into a movieclip, then being able to change the properties of that movieclip (change _x, _y, and _alpha). Here is what I have so far


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Edit Picture In A Flash App?

Apr 12, 2008

Here's what I wanna do:

I want to make a Flash application that ables the user to a picture of him/herself with webcam and cut out the head from that picture.

I know it has to be possible to edit pictures in a Flash app. Seen it on I even tried to decompile their swf, but no luck.

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