ActionScript 2.0 :: Play A MC From Where It Stopped?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a movie clip within my flash movie, call it M1, that consists of an image fading in and out. I have actionscript attached to the movie clip that is supposed to play the clip when the mouse rolls over it, and stop when the mouse rolls off. This works perfectly.

I have other things going on in the timeline, and I want the flash movie to load with M1 stopped, and for M1 to never do anything unless the mouse rolls over it. So I have actionscript on various frames telling M1 to stop (to prevent it from playing when the timeline moves forward). The problem is that whenever the movie reaches one of these frames, M1 resets to its default state... still stopped but it jumps from whatever frame M1 was stopped at, to the first frame within M1.

Is there a way to have the movie clip (M1) default to being stopped, so that these timeline commands aren't necessary?

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Aug 27, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sounds Play With Movie Clips Stopped

Nov 17, 2009

I have a project in which I have a dozen movie clips on the screen each of which are started by a separate button. Each of the movie clips has a sound in its first frame.When I test the swf file all of the sounds from the first frame of each movie clip play simultaneously for about a quarter of a second. I'm not sure why because all the movies are stopped upon initialization. I've tried SoundMixer.stopAll() and I've tried setting volume to zero with SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0) for each movie but nothing seems to stop the movie clips from producing that initial, short burst of sound.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Select A New Image To Play The Stopped Previous Clip On Stage

Jun 23, 2011

I have a Flash as 3.0 project that has 16 movieclips, each movieclip contains 3 images. The first image is the same for all 16 mc's the second image is different for all and the third image is different for all. I have the fla set up so when it is called it will play the first mc and stop. Buttons on the rightside would be used to move the playhead to the desired framename to play all the others.

My question is, each image fades in each clip like a build then stops. Is there a way to code this so when you select a new image to play the stopped previous clip on stage can play backwards so instead of fading in it would fade out, THEN the playhead would move to the frame name and play the newly called clip? So it would work like this


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Play A Frame And When It's Stopped Jump To Another Frame

Sep 6, 2011

I built a button in one of the movie clips in my project,

when I release this button, it goes to the 41st frame of the main timeline and continue to play until the frame 70 which has got a stop; command. till here everything's just OK. But I want this button to do something more though I don't know whether it's possible or not.

I want this button to go and play the frame number 41 in the main timeline, and then after it stopped at the frame 70 , then jump to frame 73.

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Flash CS3 Stopped Working?

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Flash :: XML Stopped Loading?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tell When Movie Has Stopped Playing

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I have it fade in and play when the user clicks a button and it stops when it hits a marker (stop()) Now I want it to fade back out once it stops.

Is there an eventlistener that I can put in to say the movie has stopped?

I tried putting a call to the fade out function (on main timeline) in the video with the stop()'s but knew it wouldn't work.

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Looping Animation On Stopped Frame

Jan 10, 2010

I'm new to flash, knowing only a couple of commands such as stop(); and gotoAndPlay.

I'm creating a UI menu for the beginning of a flash project. On a few layers, I have objects and buttons while the "stop();" command is applied to the frame to keep them on the screen as a Title screen or menu-like idea.

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CS3 Moving An Object Stopped Working

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Professional :: Load New SWF After Previous SWF Has Stopped?

Feb 3, 2010

This is probably a simple thing, that I just cannot find the answer to.Basically I have designed an HTML based website.I want to incorporate a SWF element on the homepage, and am having problems doing so.In order to keep the file size of the swf I will be placing on my homepage to a minimum, I broke it down into a series of shorter scenes, that I plan on dynamically loading into my main file (which will hold all the AS) that will be placed on my site.

This is where I run into the problem.I have no trouble getting the first swf to load into my main file, but what I need to do is get the next swf to load and play after the first is done playing. So I am assuming I will need to find a script to unload the first movie, then load the second, and so on.Im actually not even sure if this is the right way to go about doing this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Mc To Start Anywhere From 3 To 10 Seconds After It Last Stopped?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm trying to build a scene in which multiple instances of the same mc start at different intervals and continue to restart over and over again at different intervals.  I'm trying to get the mc to start anywhere from 3 to 10 seconds after it last stopped.  I used this as3 code inside th mc itself.
var randNum:Number;
randNum = Math.round(Math.random() *5 + 2*1000);
var timer:Timer = new Timer(randNum);

The trace shows a random number is generated but it doesn't seem to effect the interval of the timer after the first run through.  "Hello" shows up in the output window every second after the randNum is traced regardless of the randNum's value.
I've tried using timer.reset but that seems to do nothing at all or stops the repeat.  Probably because I don't understand how to use either '.reset' or '.delay'.  I looked them up in the documentation and still don't get how they are used or even if they are appropriate to this situation.  Obviously, a lot I do not understand about as3. 

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May 3, 2011

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function doPrintReport() { var myPrintJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob(); if (!myPrintJob.start()) {  //printing canceled  return;  }else{   myPrintJob.addPage(this.report_mc);   myPrintJob.send(); }}

And this was working just fine... a couple of weeks ago - Back on April 14th to be precise. This is currently living on my local IIS server on my Windows 7 64bit desktop. I have tried running it in Windows IE 8 and Firefox 3.6 - Again the original version was working and now is not.

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Flex :: Refire A Stopped Event

Oct 11, 2011

I have several event listeners configured to listen for a click event on a control.I don't know if this is a correct assumption, but I believe I have one configured to listen "first". After the first listener catches the event, it will pass control to the remaining listeners (if needed). This basically tells the user "you're trying to navigate somewhere, but you have unsaved changes, do you want to 1) save and continue 2) discard changes and continue 3) return and don't continue.Here's the sample code for setting up the listeners,[code]The call for dispatchEvent(unsavedEvent.clone()); doesn't seem to work (or at least the event is not being captured by continueOn) At first I tried redispatching the event without the clone() call, but that didn't work either.

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect That Streaming Stopped?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a flash app and I need to detect whether the streaming of data has stopped.

That means the connecton is still opened but the stream of data is cut of i.e no data in the pipe.

So I am asking which of these NetStatus events coresponds to this case?

NetStatus events from here [URL]

I have used the "NetStream.Play.Complete" event but it doesnt work i.e doesnt detect this event

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Symbol Not Responding When Stopped?

Apr 24, 2011

I'm fairly competent with AS2, and I've been using it to code an interface with in flash CS5 (I know, I need to embrace the AS3, but I don't have the time right now).Anyway, I hit a little snag. I've got a video container symbol, inside which there is a video player, which is animated with a fade in/ fade out animation on the frames of the video container. On the first frame of this symbol there is a "stop();".What I want to be able to do is use different buttons in different symbols and frames around the flash file to set variables, which the video container can then read and fade in appropriately.

I've already got the buttons to set the variables I want it to. Each button will set the contentPath of the actual flvplayer, and set a "vp" variable to 1(_global variable). In the video container's first frame, I've told it to gotoAndPlay frame 2 when _global.vp == 1 - However, the video container won't read the vp variable when it's been stopped.So what am I doing wrong? how am I supposed to get the video to fade in on the click of a button, which will also set the contentPath of the video?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay - MC1 Has Stopped On The First Frame?

Oct 11, 2004

i am having trouble with my gotoAndPlay in my MC.i have An MC1 on main stage then inside it i have another MC2. Now on my MC1 i want wen it comes to frame 15 to go and play starting frame2 on MC2,so in MC1 frame 15 i put mc2.gotoAndPlay(2);But nothing happens.Oh yea MC1 has stop on the first frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell When Object Stopped Bouncing?

Nov 2, 2004

I followed the tutorial about gravity, with bouncing, and I wanted to figure out how to test when it has stopped bouncing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Know On Which Frame Movie Stopped

May 3, 2003

I'm making a slots... but i have a prob. If a stop my movie, I can't know on which frame my movie is stopped. Is there a syntax-code to give me the number of the frame a that moment?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check All Tweens Have Stopped

May 2, 2007

Is there a simple way to check all tweens are complete? The tweens kicked off in the code below work great, but I have another sequence that needs to kick off only when all tweens are done.Alternatively, is there are smart way to time things to execute only after X number of seconds without having to attach code to the root onEnterFrame?[code]

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IDE :: Keep Sprite Flipped / Stopped Frame When No Key Is Down

Aug 7, 2009

if i press right/left, he goes to the movement frame. i want him to go to the stopped frame when no key is down, but the frame shows him facing can i make it 'remember' his direction?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Have Stopped Working?

Sep 14, 2009

I have two scenes, my first scene is a intro animation with a enter button at the end, and my second scene is my website, my website worked fine until i added the scene in before it and now it dosent work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - CS3 Has Stopped Working?

Jun 17, 2010

I am avid flash fan and presently working on an interactive project that's bound to be quite sizable. But whenever my fla file reaches about 3MB (which is just a fraction of the intended size of the project file), i get an error prompt that says "Flash CS3 has stopped working" when i try testing or publishing my movie. Initially, i thought it was a Vista issue but the same occurs on an XP run system too. I also used a 2Gb RAM system to no avail

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Tell When Object Stopped Bouncing

Nov 2, 2004

I followed the tutorial about gravity, with bouncing, and I wanted to figure out how to test when it has stopped bouncing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Go Back To Previous Stopped Frame?

Nov 6, 2002

I'm tryin to create a button that sort of "rewinds" but it doesn't have to show the rewind- all i want it to do is jump back to the previous frame with a stop action on it. So kind of like a "back" or "previous" button.It's been a while since I have programmed a lot and I forget everything

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Debugger Stopped Working?

Aug 8, 2009

the flash debugger suddenly stopped working, it no longer stops at breakpoints and when I right click on the swf, select debug and choose local host, it says "A connection to the debbuger or Profiler could not be established by Adobe Flash Player 10." or something along those lines, despite the fact that I'm developing my project using flash9 settingssays I should add one line " localhost" to a "hosts" file in the windows/drivers folder but I checked and it's already there.

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After Uploading My Last .swf File My Webpage Stopped Working?

May 14, 2010

its got a bunch of .fla, .swf and .html files which i just have to edit with my information. pretty easy.I uploaded all the files to my server and everything works ive been editing the .fla files, inserting my pictures and information then publishing the .swf files and putting them back on the server and everthing looks great.

* The problem is that after uploading my last .swf file my webpage stopped working... i can see the front page put it doesnt load and when i click on my links it doesnt go to them.When i open the .swf file i get this ERROR:

Error opening URL 'file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/thumper%5Fjeep/Library/Caches/Cleanup%20At%20Startup/Transmit/3704291E%2D0BE0%2D4A1F%2DB379%2D3F80743EE79B/xml/menu.xml'

It looks like the .swf file is looking xml/menu.xml on the server but for some reason the path is all wrong and the path appears to be to my Mac and not the server.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect User Stopped Typing?

Nov 27, 2008

How can I detect if a user stopped typing for about 2seconds?After those 2 seconds I want a mc to start playing.

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Flash Player Stopped Working On Web Site?

Aug 10, 2009

Flash player stopped working on web site Friday afternoon August 7th -
><object codebase=" rsion=6,0,29,0" height="105" width="803" align="left" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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