Flash :: XML Stopped Loading?

Aug 8, 2011

I had a project which was successfully loading images from an XML file to make a Flash gallery. However, it seems to have suddenly stopped working. I've done troubleshooting and found that it is because the SWF is no longer loading the XML file. However, I had not messed with the SWF. I went into the FLA file and the code was the same. Here it is, for a reference.


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Slideshow Movie Has Stopped Loading All Images And Stalls

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Flash CS3 Stopped Working?

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Flash Player Stopped Working On Web Site?

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><object codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#ve rsion=6,0,29,0" height="105" width="803" align="left" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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Windows 7 Pro -32 bit
Intel core 2duo 2.93GHz
MSI MOther Board
1GBNvidia Graphics Card
Am Updated all Drivers  and windows also . I have 30 User Flash cs5 license getting same error ..Faulting application name: Flash.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4badda9dFaulting module name: ntdll.dll, version:[code]....

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Javascript :: Playing A Stopped Video In Flash?

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function getFlashMovie(movieName) {
var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;
return (isIE) ? window[movieName] : document[movieName];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash File Just Stopped Working?

Jul 17, 2009

Well I was just testing some game and I did Test Movie and suddenly a bunch of things weren't working properly even though I hadn't changed anything. Eventually I just copied all the code and the library into a new file and everything was working again.

P.S. some of the things that weren't working were for example Keyboard listeners only seemed to be called a tenth of the time and random lines of code just didn't seem to be doing anything. Number variables also seemed to have a random cap put on them.Also here are the two files, the first one is the broken one and the second is the one where I just copied everything so it works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Has Stopped Importing External Classes?

May 19, 2011

Flash, for whatever reason has completely stopped allowing my external files to communicate with one another. In order to confirm this I ran a few tests. I have two very simple actionscript files Main.as and TestDialog.as.

Main.as is as follows

import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

Every time i run my program it throws error 1180 method test possibly undefined.If i try and run the constructor function TestDialog() i get the incorrect number of arguments error.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation?

Nov 17, 2009

I have flash form that saves data to csv-file. It worked fine after allowing axtiveX.ut after updating ie to 8 and flash player to 10 (I guess it wasn't 10). The script has stopped working, and I'll get the error "flash has stopped a potentially unsafe operation...".I should probably change the player setting but I'm not sure how. Like some other method besides javascript to save data locallyI managed to get it work by doing it allover again, not sure what was the problem , might be what is suggested beneath, which is funny becouse It was working correcly before...

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May 3, 2010

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But nothing seems to get printed out (in a browser). Is the trace() function deprecated / removed?

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Flash :: Uploadify Suddenly Stopped Working Completely In Chrome 10

Feb 18, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Player Has Stopped A Potencially Unsafe Operation?

Jan 5, 2010

i have some code which (among else) used external interface call and navigate to url.When i publish it in flash cs3 and try to run html from local hard drive i get a warning popup telling me: flash player has stopped a potencially unsafe operation.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: _root.stop() In The Flash Player - Stopped The Main Timeline But Not The Other Ones

Jul 12, 2010

Have a question about the _root.stop(). I have a pause and play feature in a flash player so the user can stop the presentation along with all the voiceover that streams with the presentation. I used the _root.stop() in the flash player hoping it will stop the main timeline, but also other embedded movieclip timelines. It stopped the main timeline, but not the other ones. How do I stop both timelines at the same time? the _root.stop() was not working for me.

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I have create a poker game user have 30 seconds time to play his turn, but the error is when user open another tab of his browser then flash countdown stopped until user dosent click on game tab. I tried, Timer event, setInterval and MovieClip enterframe also, but the main problem is when user focus the other browser window then flash all functions goes stopped until dosen't come back...

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Flash :: Windows - Player Debugger Stopped Working - No Exception Screens Popping Up

Jan 10, 2012

Has anybody had Flash player debuuger suddenly stop working for no reason whatsoever. What I've found so far: - No exception screens popping up.. in ANY browser. Reinstalled debugger version of flash player, no go. - Flashbug not showing in Firebug - No trace calls visible in FlashDevelop - Flash IDE behaves normal.. all trace calls visible - Firefox updated about the same time but problem seems to be on a wider scale This started approximately, on Sunday 8th Januray (or saturday).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation URLloader URLrequest

Oct 29, 2011

I am working on a flash website that loads live inventory data from a public csv file publish by google docs.  the csv file is located at a public address on google docs server:[URL].. I am using a URLloader and URLrequest within my flash movie to grab this data and assign it to different variables.

It works great when I preview the movie in flash. However, when I go to publish the movie and preview the html file its loaded into in dreamweaver, I get a security warning from adobe flash player: Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation

I went ahead and published the html file that contains the swf file to the web, and when I go to my site, I don't even get the flash player warning; it just sits there like its trying to load the URLrequest and never completes.

I understand that flash player has a security measures that prevents flash files from accessing files outside of the server directory that the swf file is published to.  I know you can create policy xml files to tell flash it's okay to load the data, but those policy files have to be located on the public server from which the data is being grabbed. But it's not like I can waltz on to google's servers a stick a policy file in there!

Is there any way to tell the flash player it's okay to load this data without getting that security error?  I can't have the end user having to go into their flash settings and adding the location manually.  I just need it to work without the security warning.

Is there another method of loading data from an external server without tripping up flash player security? aka, something other than URLloader and URLrequest?


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Javascript :: Deploying A Google Chrome Extension; Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation

Feb 20, 2012

how to best handle the issue of not having enough permission inside of a Google Chrome Extension. I am interacting with the YouTube API, but I am not using swfobject.js, just using am embdeeded div. I do not believe this is introducing my security issue, but perhaps it is. In development, I had to navigate to Adobe's flash player security page and designate my development folder as a 'safe' location. In deployment, I do not have the ability to do this. I do not want my users to have to click 'Allow All' on flash player security, but I do not see another way to achieve my results.Seems to be a duplicate of SWFobject in a Chrome Extension - API Unavaiable but remains unanswered.Source: https:[url].....

To run: Pull from the repo, load up Chrome, click the wrench, go to extension, check 'Developer Tools' -> Load Unpacked Extension and browse to the folder.

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Actionscript 3 :: Bypass "Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation"?

Nov 3, 2010

I have created an advent calendar for the blog of a friend, and to fetch/get/download the gifts of each day, the flash animation requests a file located at [URL].While creating the file in Flash CS4 and trying it out, I never got the error. But when I try to launch the .swf manually, I get this error: Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network:


is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:


To let this aplication communicate with the Internet, click Settings. You must restart the application after changing your settings.Is there any way to bypass this, or any other method I can use to stop this error from showing?

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Flash :: "IE Has Stopped Working" Error Upon Exit

Oct 12, 2009

I'm getting the "internet explorer has stopped working" error message every time I close IE after visiting [URL]. The Flash works while I'm on the site, but when I close the page I get that error. It only affects the one web page window that ran flash (I don't use tabs -- I use separate windows for all the pages I have open). If I disable Flash, IE doesn't crash anymore (but, of course, the site doesn't do what it's supposed to either). How is it possible that Flash can cause an error like that (even if a site's Flash code was imperfect)?

I'm using a Vista notebook PC, freshly reset to OEM virgin state before reinstalling all my software & configs about 10 days ago, so I'm using all the latest versions (MSIE8, Flash 10). I've tried unintalling & reinstalling Flash, but the crashing persists.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play A MC From Where It Stopped?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a movie clip within my flash movie, call it M1, that consists of an image fading in and out. I have actionscript attached to the movie clip that is supposed to play the clip when the mouse rolls over it, and stop when the mouse rolls off. This works perfectly.

I have other things going on in the timeline, and I want the flash movie to load with M1 stopped, and for M1 to never do anything unless the mouse rolls over it. So I have actionscript on various frames telling M1 to stop (to prevent it from playing when the timeline moves forward). The problem is that whenever the movie reaches one of these frames, M1 resets to its default state... still stopped but it jumps from whatever frame M1 was stopped at, to the first frame within M1.

Is there a way to have the movie clip (M1) default to being stopped, so that these timeline commands aren't necessary?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play MC Within It That Is Stopped?

Aug 27, 2009

Is it possible to continuously play an MC that is sitting inside another MC that is occasionally stopped?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tell When Movie Has Stopped Playing

Aug 26, 2009

I have a movie in my library which I've assigned a class so I can attach it to the stage in my code. This movie has stop() markers along it.

I have it fade in and play when the user clicks a button and it stops when it hits a marker (stop()) Now I want it to fade back out once it stops.

Is there an eventlistener that I can put in to say the movie has stopped?

I tried putting a call to the fade out function (on main timeline) in the video with the stop()'s but knew it wouldn't work.

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Looping Animation On Stopped Frame

Jan 10, 2010

I'm new to flash, knowing only a couple of commands such as stop(); and gotoAndPlay.

I'm creating a UI menu for the beginning of a flash project. On a few layers, I have objects and buttons while the "stop();" command is applied to the frame to keep them on the screen as a Title screen or menu-like idea.

My problem is that I would like a animation, or a movie clip, or something that is looping in the background for a more detailed menu screen.. However, I can't figure out how to run the animation while the current frame is stopped.

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CS3 Moving An Object Stopped Working

Jun 11, 2010


I wrote it originally in as2 and I tried to translate it to as3 and it stopped working. It's suppose to move the player towards another player. this is just the part of the script that doesn't work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If MC Stopped Playing?

Sep 18, 2011

is there a way to check if a MC stopped playing?i have a MC on my stage and I guess I have to put some event on the last frame inside the MC. now I want that code to jump to frame X of the MAIN stage- not the MC itself. how do i do this?

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