ActionScript 2.0 :: Rewriting Array Data - Track An Entry Is Open (0) Or Closed (1)?

May 11, 2005

okay so i have this code:


okay, so obviously there is stuff missing from my code b.c i dont feel like copying it all over. its basically an XML controlled style blog, and i'm trying to keep track of whether an entry is open (0), or closed (1), and those values are being stored in 'myArray'. my question is, why isnt that call to myArray overwriting the existing data? i know i have doen this before (maybe not in this fashion, but i know its possible).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Menu 1 Open, The Rest Closed?

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Flex :: Open With Default Editor And Wait To Be Closed

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But I also need to wait until user will close the editor, check if it was changed (by size and date), and upload it to the server.

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1) find def editor

2) open file

3) wait it be closed

4) do smth after that with the file.

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-> opening by def editor is simple: file.openWithDefaultApplication();

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-> i can start the native process and pass file as parameter BUT looks like the code NativeApplication.nativeApplication.getDefaultApplication(file.extension); does not work for any extension :( - it doesnt work for "rtf", "doc" but works for "pdf"... and [file.openWithDefaultApplication()] works fine with any file!

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{item:"Item 1", type:"type A", date:"09/05/10"},
{item:"Item 2", type:"type A", date:"12/05/10"},
{item:"Item 3", type:"type B", date:"27/04/10"},


I forgot to mention that, i've done it by spliting the date entry to subentries and sort the array according to them and it can be also be done by creating a new array by fetching entries from the prototype.. but i wanted to see if there is a more "proffesional" way to do this.

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ActionScript Code:
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This doesn't work. The first name and last name work because they are created when the object was created, but the pushed middle name remains undefined.I understand that associative arrays are in fact objects. I tried turning it into a real array so the Push command would work cause it's part of the Array Class.

ActionScript Code:
var lijst:Array = new Array({fname:'John', lname:'Carpenter'});


Though this works, it only works when using a '1'. When in fact I want to keep it inside the '0' entry.So how do I really add an entry into an assciative array? So that in above example instead of each having two elements one is added resulting in three elements per entry?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing The Entry From The Array And Children?

May 6, 2009

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IDE :: Missing Font On Data Grid Text Entry?

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Nov 28, 2011

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var scrollpaneUpper:Number = getProperty(Scrollpane,_height)/-1

So that whatever the height of Y is when the dynamic text is entered the variable will get it and divide by -1 so it's a negative figure that will lift the text field not lower it. The problem is it's not moving with my scrollbar or at all and I'm sure the rest of the code is right. I've got everything moving but the scrollpane isn't picking up the updated data from the dynamic text box. Instead it is taking the original value from the height of the text box which was 25 and is moving it that far, which means lots get's cut off. Is there a way I can update the data entry so it's not 25, it's as large as the text box is autoSized to?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Track Of Which Clip Is Open?

Aug 5, 2004

I have three movie clips which launch three different sections of my flash site when clicked. These clips are tiny images of three products.

When you click them I want another group of 3 clips which contain animations of the products zooming in to play an appropriate frame when they are clicked to zoom in.

Then, once the animation is done... the appropriate section loads.

Here is the problem. I can do the button actions fine. BUT -- When the next product has to zoom up I cannot get the one that is already zoomed up to zoom down and then play the next products zoom up animation.

Anyone know of a way to track and update the states of these? Or determining which of the 3 products was clicked and let them zoom in and out dynamically?

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Data Integration :: Flash Video Inside Blog Entry?

Aug 23, 2006

I create a video in Flash using import->video. I select my .flv file and a skin.The .flv is on my hard drive. The component parameters reflects this location.I want to upload the video to my web server to display on my MovableType blog.

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"0-9" restricts my textInput field to numeric values and a decimal point. Is there a way I can extend this so only two places follow the decimal?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Track A Array?

Mar 30, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Track PIndex Value In Array?

Sep 20, 2009

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this.pArray = ["1.swf", "2.swf", "3.swf", "4.swf"];
this.pIndex = 0;is pressed, the array number increases by 1:
MovieClip.prototype.changeImage = function(d) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Track An Array?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm trying to dynamically create buttons that will change accordingly to the matching array vars. So far, the only part that isn't working is the mouse down event. The trace just goes nuts and I'm kinda confuse here. Perhaps theres a better way of doing this?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display A Message In Flash "we Are Open" Or "we Are Closed" Based Upon Time?

Jun 4, 2004

I would like to display a message in flash "we are open" or "we are closed" based upon time. Naturally I can do this for the users local time on their system, but is it possible to work out if their time is different to UK time (GMT) and display those messages accordingly. Afterall I don't want a user to see a message "we are open" at 1pm their time - they could be in Japan and it'd be about 4am UK time.Is this possible to work out the time difference on any system?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Track Data Changes And Then Call A Function

Jul 25, 2005

I want to be able to track data changes and then call a function.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keep Track Of Visible Shapes In An Array?

Aug 23, 2009

I am creating circle shapes with timer (currently with 40 ms delay) so every second it creates 25 circles, it then tweens few of their properties.I have left just the alpha which is important (for simplicity) .On the complete of each tween it tweens each circle's alpha back to 0, and then removes each circle from the stage.

so after I stop the timer, i can still see 20/30 circles on the stage for about a second until they dissaper.I wanted to push those circles in an array so that when I stop the timer, I put all visible circle's alpha to 0, or just remove them all together, so that they immediatelly disappear from stage.

but I also need to remove those circles from array which have already disappeared, so that I always have only visible circles in an array. (not million of them)(notice that tween time is math.random for each circle)

how could i remove them from an array in the same timer event?[code]...

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Flex :: Uploading Data And Track Bytes Sent To Server

Nov 6, 2010

I want to upload data (not a local file) with Flex (4.1), and show what the progress is of the bytes sent. Now I use a URLLoader, but I know that URLLoader was designed to download data, I can connect a listener to ProgressEvent.PROGRESS but that has no effect. I also know there is a FileReference object which supports uploading. The problem here is, I do not want to browse for a file and upload it. I have a byte array which I want to send to the server, but the data property of FileReference is read-only. How can I send the byte array (which is actually a PNG encoded image) to the server and be able to track the progress of the bytes sent to server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Osmf - Use AppMeasurement To Track Data From Video?

Apr 28, 2011

i'm working on a AS3 project including video reproduction managed with OSMF 1.5. Now i must implement analytics using AppMeasurement.swc. How use AppMeasurement to track data from my video?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rewriting Code For Main Timeline?

Feb 28, 2007

I've got an MC name "bg" with the following code on it:

onClipEvent (load) {
var a = 15; // this is the speed of the transition, the higher the value, the slower the


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Invoking A Cycle In A Function Without Rewriting It?

Sep 6, 2010

i have a for loop running through an array:

for (var e:int = 0; e < coo.length; e++) {
coo[e].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, evidenzia);
coo[e].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, evidenzia_fisso);[code]....

i'm recalling this cycle in a lot of functions so it's kinda boring and confusing repeating it every time.i tried assigning a variable to the elements:

var coo_att:MovieClip = MovieClip (coo[e]); but it doesn't work properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: .replace Won't Replace - Array With A String As Each Entry

Sep 21, 2010

I'm having some real trouble getting .replace to actually replace something. Here's my code...


I can trace both newFiles[i] and keywords[i][whatever], but the replace doesn't replace anything. The regex is valid as well. I'm using regexr to test it, and it works perfectly there... but will not for me and I don't know why.

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Java :: Flash - Rewriting Inbound Server Authorization Headers Prior To Authentication?

Feb 16, 2011

Authentication is performed with Basic auth over SSL (although the password inside the basic auth is SHA-2'ed). The issue is that using basic authentication for the Flash client is causing the standard browser log-in box to appear because of "WWW-Authentication: Basic" in the header. Flash is unable to bypass this by manually setting the Authorization header prior to the request.Other clients need to be able to authenticate via the existing mechanisms, so rewriting the authentication logic would not be ideal.

I have the idea that the authorization headers sent to and received from flash client could be dynamically rewritten to use another name for Basic auth which would cause the browser not to understand the auth mechanism and not present the dialog box. Authentication headers to and from Tomcat could be rewritten from "WWW-Authenticate: Basic" to "WWW-Authenticate: PretendBasic" but ideally the built in container security could still handle the basic auth after the rewrite.

I wrote a filter to rewrite inbound headers as "WWW-Authenticate: PretendBasic" as "WWW-Authenticate: Basic" hoping the next filter chain would be auth and the request would be handled as normal. Unfortunately the Servlet specification states that a filter cannot be inserted prior to authentication. I think the only possibility of this working is to create a stackable JAAS authentication module that would first perform a header rewrite on requests if coming from the Flash client, and then pass authentication through to the existing container managed security systems.

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