ActionScript 2.0 :: String Manipulation With "this" Object?

Oct 16, 2003

I have a button within a movie clip that passes an identifier to a function like so:

on (release)

The function recieves "this" as "_level0.mc_main_menu.game0".I want to treat the returned value as a string & get the value "game0" from it.How do I do this?Am I right in saying that "this" is an object, and I need to convert it to a string first?

p.s - in case your interested - the value "game0" matches an xml node & the function plays a movie clip which is populated by the node attributes.

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ActionScript Code:
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.onRelease, resize);
function resize(): void {


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public struct MyStruct
private ulong _val;


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Sep 4, 2010

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Jul 26, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Sound Objects Manipulation

Aug 24, 2004

i have a problem manipulating multiple sound objects in MX. i have a main background loop object and a button rollover object (which plays on specific buttons). i then have a volume slider which will set the volume of only the main bg loop object. but when i tested it, it seems that the volume of the button rollover object is also the same with the main bg loop object's volume. meaning, if my main bg loop's volume is down to 50, the button rollover sound volume is also 50.

here're my codes:

//code on 1st frame
mainLoop = new Sound();
mainLoop.onSoundComplete = function(){

hoverSound = new Sound();

//code on slider MC
_root.mainLoop.setVolume(this._x); //this._x is between 0-100

//code on sample button


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Streaming Sound Manipulation?

Sep 3, 2004

I have a site where as you click links, you move forwards through a city. I want to fade sound files in and out, overlapping, depending on where you are in the city.As yet, I can't have two sounds playing at once.I have found a site with the effect I want, it's atI have two sound loops at the moment, one of cicadas, one of a city at night, both saved as separate .swf files, which I have loaded onto the main timeline on layers 14 and 15.
The code for the two loops is:cicadas.swf, FRAME 1

var volPercent = 20;
cicadas = new Sound(cicadas);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Sound Objects Manipulation?

Aug 24, 2004

i have a problem manipulating multiple sound objects in MX. i have a main background loop object and a button rollover object (which plays on specific buttons). i then have a volume slider which will set the volume of only the main bg loop object. but when i tested it, it seems that the volume of the button rollover object is also the same with the main bg loop object's volume. meaning, if my main bg loop's volume is down to 50, the button rollover sound volume is also 50.

here're my codes:
//code on 1st frame
mainLoop = new Sound();


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Apr 19, 2010

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Professional :: Change Object Name In A String

Aug 31, 2010

I want to create a XML file that I can change for different languages. It contains the names of the fields that have text and the text that they should be changed to: eg. <lang name="titleLabel" value="This is the app title" />. I can read in the XML lines into an array but I can't figure out how to use the name as an object name:


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Nov 26, 2010

There is a function that receiving value of String = 'propertyName', wich is property name.and i have an Object item with property of name equals to 'propertyName'.How do i get item's value of that property?ObjectUtil.getClassInfo(item).propertiesreturns an Array of item's properties, but is it an easier way to get it instead of searching trough Array?

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Flex :: ActionScript 3 Object To Name Value String?

Jan 18, 2010

In a Flex application I am trying to turn an Object into a QueryString such as name1=value1&name2=value2.But I am having trouble getting the names of the Objects children. How do I enumerate the names instead of the values?

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