ActionScript 3.0 :: File Manipulation In Flex4 Webapp?

Jul 26, 2011

I need to do file manipulation such as create,write and delete in flex4 webapplication.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: File Manipulation With PNG's And JPG's?

Oct 3, 2006

Using AS2 or 3, is there a way to create my own file format? I would like to create a game.And when users play the game, they can create a GAME-SAVE-FILE.So, let's say that player 1 is playing... He get's to level 22 and has to sign off.He clicks save my GAME-SAVE-FILE to my computer.He names the file MyGame and saves it to his desktop.So now on his desktop he has MyGame.gsf. Next time he visits, he can click on UpLoad My Saved Game.He selects his previously saved MyGame.gsf And bammo... all the information was stored in his file and now he can play on.

I need to know how I would put together the format for my own file-type / extension.I need to know how I would access, write, and edit my own file-type / extension.Since Flash can do this type of File Manipulation with PNG's and JPG's.So surely it can be done with any desired custom format.

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Flash :: Unhandled IOErrorEvent In SWF File Called By Flex4?

Feb 3, 2011

I am getting an issue, that might be simple to solve it, but I`m stuck in it, is my code:

<mx:SWFLoader source="@Embed('assets/games/memory.swf')" includeIn="memory" trustContent="true"/>

I am loading a swf file, which I did, but the think is, in this swf file I am doing URL request to get an image file, when I open the swf it works fine, but when I loaded using the code above, I`m getting a error:Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.everything loads fine, just the image which I am getting externally it`s not loadingf I run as debug mode, I got this message in console:

[SWF] Machine.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/1 - 277,632 bytes after decompression
SharedObjectExample() loaded
SharedObject loaded...


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Xml :: Actionscript 3 - Dynamically Load An Xml Configuration File Into A Flex4 / Flash Movie At Runtime?

Jan 27, 2010

I've got a rather simple question about loading in an xml file at runtime in a SWF. I've found a couple different methods to load in the xml.

HTTPService object
URLStream object

What is better way to load an xml file that always has the same name and is located in the same folder as the SWF on the web server?

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Flash :: Flex4: Loading Flex4 Swf Using Swfloader Shows Only The Loading Bar

Dec 23, 2009

I try to load an swf in my flex 4 project using the following line of code: <mx:SWFLoader id="game_swf" source="demo.swf" complete="init()" /> the demo.swf file is another project i created using flex 4. the problem is that when i run the application i see only the loading bar of the demo.swf flash file and nothing else. if i try to load a different swf file (for a example a game i downloaded), it loads just fine.

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Professional :: Swf In A Webapp Not Rendering?

Jan 6, 2010

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<div id="flashbanner">this will be replaced by the SWF.</div>
<script type="text/javascript"> alert('0'); var so = new SWFObject('maps/ModuleLoader.swf','mpl','555','416','9', '#336699');  alert('1'); 


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Flash :: Interact With Local PC From WebApp

Apr 28, 2010

I'm currently working on a corporate intranet application. Part of the requirements are to have the application start a program on the users local PC (Minitab) and then have the webapp communicate with it via it's COM interface.

What are my options for doing something like this?

A signed Java applet and Jacob ActiveX and .NET (this will only work in IE, correct?) Flash? (can flash be given permission to the local PC?) Silverlight???

I'm leaning towards trying the java approach (all users will have Java and flash installed) but am wondering what's the path of least resistance.

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Free Web-based Map API Recommendations For A Future Webapp?

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Flexible: the Google Maps JS API is a good example of this. Basically this leads to lots of good things like numerous third-party plugins/extensions, and puts a lot of power in the devs' hands.
Well-documented and supported: again, the GMap JS API is a good example. If I'm going to start working with a new, rich API, I'm going to need to be able to find answers.

As of now, I'm inclined to use the Google Map Javascript API since I am familiar with it. However, the question of whether or not the Flash API might be able to handle many points more efficiently and gracefully prompted this SO question.

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Jun 16, 2009

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What would you think is the best technology for:The systray itself? Java Swing?Communication between the server and the systray? Webservice? RSS feed? Spring remoting? JMX Notifications?

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Html :: Build A Webapp That Requires The Use Of A Special Font?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm planning a webapp. I have all the wireframes defined, the interfaces designed in photoshop, data structures etc. It will be built on php and mysql however I've been unable to decide on which technology to use as a GUI. All your insights are welcome.

The problem with going the html way is that the GUI makes use of a special font that is crucial to the visual aspect of the app. So this font is required. For headers and fixed sections I could do sfir or use images but being a webapp, the amount of dynamically generated content makes it imposible to use image replacements. Enter flash. Flash solves the font problem easily, it even adds font antialiasing and animations which makes it look even sexier. Another pro is being able to deploy as an air app to use local storage for users that have troublesome connections. This way when internet access is restored the app can sync with the main servers. BUT... flash is being ignored by major developers, this would mean the app wouldn't be accessible to mobile devices, ipads,search engines, etc and requires the installation of the flash plugin which is not that big a deal but should be considered.

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Oct 18, 2011

i have encountered a problem last night. my code looks like the following:


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WebKit Browsers :: Error In Flex Webapp With TabNavigator Loaded Using SWFLoader?

May 19, 2011

I use a flex app (A) to load another flex app (B) using SWFLoader (both built using Flex Builder 3 sometime ago).Everything works fine as expected across all (IE, FF, Chrome, Safari) desktop browsers.However, if I use a TabNavigator within the flex app (B) then when you click on any of the tabs it unloads the flex app (B) and re-starts flex app (A). This behaviour appears to be limited to Webkit based browsers (Chrome & Safari) the rest of the browsers (IE, FF) work fine.

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Flex :: Debugging - Running A Webapp Base Flex Client In IntelliJ?

May 10, 2011

Is it possible to run a Flex client in IntelliJ internally and have it talk to a separately deployed server instance? The server's a java webapp. This will make developing, especially debugging, much easier. What I'm trying to avoid is having to rebuild and redeploy the webapp to get the updated Flex code in it. I want to just build flex and run it against the server.

The flex client is embedded in an HTML page on the server, so in production the users access the client by going to a web page. We're using GraniteDS if that's important.


I'm managed to cobble something together, but it's ugly.I made a copy of our wrapper HTML page and fixed the links to refer to the SWF in target.I setup the IntelliJ run config to point to that HTML page.I set the 'Place SWF file in a local-trusted sandbox' to true

Hardcoded the {}, {server.port}, and {context.root} values in the service-config.xml GraniteDS config file to localhost, etc.

I can mavenize #1, but #3's isn't really a permanent solution. That part is still a problem because I can't check this in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Handle Database Manipulation

Mar 11, 2010

I have a request to create a "flash-like" app that is connected to a MS Access Database (DB). The customer has built up a product configurator in Access and wants to know if I can do anything with it. Is this what Flex is good for? I still really do not understand what Flex is all about.
Anyway, I thought of exporting the DB out to an XML file and importing that to a flash app and then using the data there. The problem with that is that I would have to recreate all of the logic (e.g. if you choose "model A" you can only choose "colors 1, 2, or 3") that manipulates the elements in the DB and also the client would not be able to easily manipulate/edit/update the DB without having to export it to XML, etc...What would be a smart way for me to access/manipulate a MS Access Database through a flash front end?

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Actionscript :: Website Manipulation With Javascript?

Dec 7, 2011

Using javascript or flash, is it possible to log into websites and than pull content from that page?

I am trying to make a phone app that displays content from a site that requires log in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Manipulation W/ Buttons?

Jan 17, 2010

I am curious if anyone knows how to code a button so that when you click it an object resizes, but shows the animation of it resizing. For example I know that

ActionScript Code:
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.onRelease, resize);
function resize(): void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How Sophisticated Is The Text Manipulation

Jul 20, 2006

I want to search and replace specific text in a HTML file (about 10k - so quite a lot of text). I was thinking of trying to get Flash to do this for me. I wasn't sure how good Actionscripts text manipulation was! The only reason why I was think of doing this in Flash was because I don't know VB. I would otherwise do it in Perl if Actionscript is no good.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: String Manipulation In Function

Aug 22, 2006

I'm using a function to call multiple button actions, so I don't have to rewrite code for each button... here's the script:


This is all part of a clip which loads pictures externally... each of the buttons (which are mc's) are named btn0, btn1, etc.

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IDE :: Local Date Manipulation In Flash?

Oct 14, 2009

I'm currently trying to create an advent calendar I would like the flash movie to somehow recognise the date on the users computer and then gotoAndStop at that particular Frame Label (eg. If it's the 20th December then it jumps to Frame Label 20 in the main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive Video Manipulation?

Apr 24, 2012

I have a project which is about creating interactive videos for users..The main idea is that user will open the app and a predefined video will show-up.Video will show couple of billboards, signs etc. while moving through a highway.. Like from a perspective of a driver..I need to insert users photos to these billboards and some text to signs..

The problem is, these objects which I'll be filling are changing their shapes constantly because of the car movement. I can get all the x,y coordinates and timings of the video from my partners. But I don't know how to use them in this situation.I think about continious tweens with these x,y values but I'm not sure..

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ActionScript 1/2 :: MovieClip Pixel Manipulation With BitmapData

Jan 30, 2010

I have a MovieClip in the library exported for actionscript. How do i convert or attachMovie it to a BitmapData class so that i can manipulate its pixel data? I will need that so that i can distort the MovieClip.

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Media Server :: Recorded FLVs Manipulation?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm creating a Flex application that enables users to communicate in a kind of video chat room. I only allow to live streams at any given moment. I'm using FMS to record the videos in FLVs. What I need to do is post process those videos and create a single video with all that happened in the video room. That means that I need to combine 2 videos, reduce the size of one of them so it appears over the other one. In other words one video will use the whole space an the other will appear at the upper left corner (over the other video,).
I need a server side solution for this. I created another post here and someone suggest a screen capture solution. That would work perfectly, but since this appliction will be used for several people and any time, I want the process to be automaticaly not manual. So, I'm thinking I can do it with FFMPEG, but I need a way to identify in which order I need to compose the videos. Something like adding a time stamp to each FLV in FMS (when they are recorded). How can I add custom metadata to the FLV?

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C# :: Collection Of Various Color Matrices For Bitmap Manipulation?

Feb 6, 2011

I've been messing around a bit with some low-level bitmap manipulation and having been creating some various color matrices to apply to bitmap data to add "filters" (for lack of a better term).I have seen a number of tutorials online in C# and AS3 about applying various color matrices to bitmaps, but was curious if anyone simply had a collection of these color matrices that map to specific filter styles (black and white, sepia, etc.).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Manipulation String To Variable

Jul 20, 2009

I'm not familiar with XML text handling yet, but have to create one quiz quickly.I've decided to put feedback into different variables. e.g. fb1_1 for right anwer of question 1, fb1_2 for wrong answer of question 1.I thought to change a string to variable and put the text into a dynamic text "fb" would be something like this:[code]Also is it possible to put all text in one text field and extract a different line of text and put it to a dynamic text field? I tried to put the text into a variable, but it only shows level (level0) and instance name not the text itself. Anyway to get this way to work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Sound Objects Manipulation

Aug 24, 2004

i have a problem manipulating multiple sound objects in MX. i have a main background loop object and a button rollover object (which plays on specific buttons). i then have a volume slider which will set the volume of only the main bg loop object. but when i tested it, it seems that the volume of the button rollover object is also the same with the main bg loop object's volume. meaning, if my main bg loop's volume is down to 50, the button rollover sound volume is also 50.

here're my codes:

//code on 1st frame
mainLoop = new Sound();
mainLoop.onSoundComplete = function(){

hoverSound = new Sound();

//code on slider MC
_root.mainLoop.setVolume(this._x); //this._x is between 0-100

//code on sample button


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Streaming Sound Manipulation?

Sep 3, 2004

I have a site where as you click links, you move forwards through a city. I want to fade sound files in and out, overlapping, depending on where you are in the city.As yet, I can't have two sounds playing at once.I have found a site with the effect I want, it's atI have two sound loops at the moment, one of cicadas, one of a city at night, both saved as separate .swf files, which I have loaded onto the main timeline on layers 14 and 15.
The code for the two loops is:cicadas.swf, FRAME 1

var volPercent = 20;
cicadas = new Sound(cicadas);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library For Advanced String Manipulation?

May 29, 2009

I really like the string.Format() method and the StringBuilder class in C# quite a bit.

I sucks AS3 isn't as robust (yet, hopefully) with regard to string manipulation.[code]...

So, are there any open source libraries for AS3 that include this kind of functionality (and more, hopefully)?

Currently, in order to have the same result in AS3 would take a lot more code.

I hate relying on C# and other languages to do more formatting and such than they really should when generating XML files and stuff like that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Sound Objects Manipulation?

Aug 24, 2004

i have a problem manipulating multiple sound objects in MX. i have a main background loop object and a button rollover object (which plays on specific buttons). i then have a volume slider which will set the volume of only the main bg loop object. but when i tested it, it seems that the volume of the button rollover object is also the same with the main bg loop object's volume. meaning, if my main bg loop's volume is down to 50, the button rollover sound volume is also 50.

here're my codes:
//code on 1st frame
mainLoop = new Sound();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Color Manipulation Class Of A Series Of Objects

May 1, 2009

I am trying to make a class that will allow me to manipulate the color of a series of objects and I�ve gotten this far with which does this manually. I would like to be able to somehow generate a series of ColorTransform objects such that I can manipulate their parameters (particularly redOffset, greenOffset and blueOffset) while I am generating them, and then push them into an array that can be accessed by another class. I can do this manually as per the code below, but I would like to be able to do it using a for loop as per the pseudocode I put in the constructor below.


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