C# :: Collection Of Various Color Matrices For Bitmap Manipulation?

Feb 6, 2011

I've been messing around a bit with some low-level bitmap manipulation and having been creating some various color matrices to apply to bitmap data to add "filters" (for lack of a better term).I have seen a number of tutorials online in C# and AS3 about applying various color matrices to bitmaps, but was curious if anyone simply had a collection of these color matrices that map to specific filter styles (black and white, sepia, etc.).

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Levels method:
* Get a histogram of the grayscale levels


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Instead of using the RGB mode, I'd like to use Bitmap fills.

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public function renderWater():void {
shape.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0x000000, 0);


I tried to follow the instructions on the beginBitmapFill help, but i am receiving the water with no fill.


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Flash - Multiple A Vertex By Two Matrices?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm trying to understand molehill and would like to multiple a vertex by two matrices, say:

output = theVertex * scaleMatrix * rotationMatrix

Im guessing my vertex shader would look something like:

"m44 vt0, va0, vc0
" +
"mul op, vt0, vc1

And i would set the matrices with

context3d.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 0, scaleMatrix);
context3d.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 1, rotationMatrix);

But its not working.Im aware that i could multiple the matrix before putting on the shader, but i am trying to understand AGAL.

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
var outcirc: Sprite= new Sprite();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Collision Detection - Rotation And Matrices

Nov 23, 2009

I am using Corey Oneil's collision detection kit, but I am having a problem with rotation. In my code I have:
myItem.rotationY = 180;

However, during a collision detection, having it rotated like this causes an error with this line:
transMatrix1.concat(currentObj.parent.transform.ma trix);
The error is simply "Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."

I have not really worked with matrices and rotation. Do I need to make a matrix rather than just doing the rotationY or should I change something else? I cannot manually change the movie clip because it throws off the animation and armatures.

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Flex :: Sort Collection And Sort Remains In Place When Adding To Collection?

Jun 30, 2011

When I get a collection back from the service tier, I create an ArrayCollection and apply a sort. When I add an item to the collection later on, the sort is still in place? It seems to be the case. I thought I was only sorting it once, not applying a sort that will stick??Here is the method for adding an item:

private function onAddNewClick():void
var fileTemplate:FileTemplateDetailDTO = new FileTemplateDetailDTO();


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Actionscript 3 :: Reordering An Array Collection Based On Another Array Collection Hierarchy?

Sep 16, 2011

I have an array, crewPositionsAC that contains a list of position abreviatations - EP, PR, DR, WR, and so on. These positions are read in through an XML file each time my flex application loads. Also being populated from an XML is a project. Within a project, there are positions (a student assigned to a type of position listed within crewPositionsAC). These positions are not necessarily in the correct hierarchy order dictated by crewPositionsAC. I have all the positions within an ArrayCollection (positionsAC) with the following structure:

positionsAC (arrayCollection)
[0] = Array
[0] = startOffset
[1] = numDays


Then, the user can click a button to add another position. When the "Add Crew Member" button is pressed, the user is presented with a list of possible positions to add. Currently, I simply add another array to positionsAC. This results in the recently added crew member to placed on the bottom of the list. I need to take positionsAC and reorder it based on it's [2] item (role) based on the hierarchy defined in the crewPositionsAC. crewPositionsAC has the following structure:

[0] = EP
[1] = PR
[2] = DR
[3] = WR

* continue until all possible position types are listed

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Matrices Exist On Vertex Registers Other Than Vertex Constants In AGAL?

Jan 23, 2012

I've mostly seen examples where a Matrix3D object is passed as a vertex constant register in AS3 to the Context3D object. But never seen a matrix in any other types of registers (temporary or attribute).Would there be any way to copy a Matrix vertex constant to a temporary register, and then manipulate individual fields of that Matrix temporary register (ex:for the rotation), with other supplied values (vertex attributes or other constants)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: File Manipulation With PNG's And JPG's?

Oct 3, 2006

Using AS2 or 3, is there a way to create my own file format? I would like to create a game.And when users play the game, they can create a GAME-SAVE-FILE.So, let's say that player 1 is playing... He get's to level 22 and has to sign off.He clicks save my GAME-SAVE-FILE to my computer.He names the file MyGame and saves it to his desktop.So now on his desktop he has MyGame.gsf. Next time he visits, he can click on UpLoad My Saved Game.He selects his previously saved MyGame.gsf And bammo... all the information was stored in his file and now he can play on.

I need to know how I would put together the format for my own file-type / extension.I need to know how I would access, write, and edit my own file-type / extension.Since Flash can do this type of File Manipulation with PNG's and JPG's.So surely it can be done with any desired custom format.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Color Parameter Passing - Assigning A Color To Its Color Field

Feb 6, 2010

i have a button, with instance name lightblue_color. I am assigning a color to its color field like this: lightblue_color.transform.colorTransform.color = 0x65ffff; then i am adding an eventlistener to the button like this: lightblue_color.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ChangeColor); Then, in the function: public function ChangeColor(evnt:MouseEvent):void {trace(evnt.target.transform.colorTransform.color);} It prints 0. Why is that? Shouldn't it print 0x65ffff or do i need to do some type conversions?

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