ActionScript 2.0 :: String / Variable - Get The Visibility Button On The First Swf To Affect The Visibility For The Column On The Second Swf
Jul 12, 2010
I have created a timeline with visibility button against each column. The timeline.swf is loaded into two empty movieclips to create a two-screen operation. Everything works fine except, I cannot for the life of me get the visibility button on the first swf to affect the visibility for the column on the second swf.
i have a movieclip called allBUTTONS which contains 18 buttons. This movieclip will be called numerous time on the CDROM I am creating, and each time the number of buttons visible will change. So instead of writing the following code numerous times for however many buttons i want visible:
when we use an advanced data grid, only when we click on the parent element the children details get populated in the corresponding columns, right?..SO now i have made the empty columns invisible(at design) now how do i make them visible at run time when the parent element is expanded..similarly once the columns are visible, how can i make them invisible again when the parent element is closed.
What I am trying to do is capture the name of the button which is clicked and add "hl" to it, which is the name of another movieclip already on stage. This part works. Then with that modified name I want to set the visibility of the second movieclip, ie "popUp0hl", to true. This is not working. None of these MCs are created dynamically by the way.
var highLight:String = + "hl"; //This traces out fine this[highLight].visible = true;//Here is the problem area
Let's say I have three symbols (whether they are movie clips or graphics, I'm not sure yet, but let's assume they're movie clips). Okay three movie clips, each is 5 frames of animation. The clips are named bugs1, bugs2, and bugs3.
Okay, now I have a variable named bugsvalue. Here's what I want to do:
If bugsvalue == 1, I want bugs1 to appear on the screen. If bugsvalue == 2, I want bugs2 to appear on the screen. And if bugsvalue == 3, I want bugs3 to appear on the screen.
There's two ways I think this can work, but logistically don't know if either one will work. We can have all 3 on the screen, but have their visibility set to 0. When the variable is equal to their value, their visibility is set to 100 and they appear. I don't like this approach because it's means having all three on the screen, which increases demand on the computer.
The other way to do it is to have none of them on the screen. Then when their variable is equal, have the clip actually appear and then when the variable isn't equal anymore, to have that clip disappear.
If this is confusing, is there a way I can provide a .FLA so perhaps you can see what I want to happen?
All movie clips are in the library, but I don't know how to call something from the library to appear on the stage, and then disappear again when I don't need it on the screen anymore.
I've attached a source file below, I'm kinda stuck. Basically, its an FLA that has a variable that changes (smscounter) based on whatever number is read in from an XML file (on my server). There is a big movieclip called "rewinder" on frame 1 of the main stage. There are left and right buttons that navigate between frames within that movieclip "rewinder". What I'm trying to do in theory is:
I've been told that won't work simply because once a variable (visibility) is set, it's not going to just continually check it, so I have to dispatch an event? I've tried 3-4 tutorials and I can't get any to work. Now a few things: I would LOVE to avoid anything super complicated. All I need is on frame 2 for the button to not be there IF smscounter is below 5. Other tutorials required another class and document class, but I couldn't get them working The buttons are currently outside the rewinder movieclip. I put them inside and on each frame, but then I couldn't get them to react to a rollover. The code is about as optimized as if a first grader wrote it, mainly because I'm a designer and I've been having help along the whole way with this.[URL]..
i have button which open specfic movie clips from my library and locate them on the stage.This all works well and good, but i would also now like a button to remove all of them except one when the user is finished playing around.i got the follwong code working, but it only works on movieclips that are already present on stage. when i export the file i get errors because the movie clip im trying to hide isnt currently on stage i think. i identify the hidden movieclips by their class name.
startover.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeallFunction); function removeallFunction (event:MouseEvent):void {
I have 11 images i need to _x slide (left and right ) using 2 buttons. ( next and back )my goal is to show two images at a time ( contained inside img_MC..consisting of all 11) inside a 748 x 419 mask. I have accomplished this but the next button and the back button need to disapear when img_mc is at a certain _x that if you are at the last frame you can only go back...and if you are at the first frame you can only go next.
so far going forward I can get next to show...and going back I can get back to show...but in the middle when I need them both to be there I only have one or the other.
I have 11 images i need to _x slide (left and right ) using 2 buttons. ( next and back ) my goal is to show two images at a time ( contained inside img_MC..consisting of all 11) inside a 748 x 419 mask. I have accomplished this but the next button and the back button need to disapear when img_mc is at a certain _x that if you are at the last frame you can only go back...and if you are at the first frame you can only go next.
so far going forward I can get next to show...and going back I can get back to show...but in the middle when I need them both to be there I only have one or the other.
I need to add text on screen (for hearing impaired) to a simple movie I created. I just need to have text toggle on and off. I don't know how to actionscript the mc or button. Working in F8, publishing to F6.I did see the visibility on/off rollover thread... but I'm not actionscript saavy and can't make the leap to an onpress or onrelease button, rather than a rollover.
I'm attempting to make a "Wheel of Fortune" style game. Everything's going great except this one nagging problem. On the main game board screen (where the word puzzle is solved), I have placed small buttons with all the letters of the alphabet. When the player clicks a certain letter button, the corresponding letters, (if the word or phrase contains them) appear on the board. Well, this works just fine, but as of now, when a letter is chosen, all letters on the board appear at once.
Of course, in the real "Wheel of Fortune" game, if the word or phrase contains 2 or more letters that have been chosen, the letters appear on the board in a sequence, probably around 2 seconds apart (I'm sure most people are familiar with the game show). So, basically, I would love to know how to delay my letter MC's appearing, when the corresponding letter button has been clicked.
I have a mc tracking as a button with a working on(release) statement. Within the on release statement is this code that doesn't work for me: _root.playbtn.pause_mc._visible = true; _root.playbtn.play_mc._visible = true; The first layer of the button has a mc with instance called play_mc And the second layer of the button with a mc instance called pause_mc The button instance on the stage is called playbtn.
how to control the visibility of certain buttons from an external file (like scroll bars). I have been able to do this with button function using a loaded variable and if statements on button release, but I have been unable to replicate this with visibility. I really need the button to be visible or not from the initial load of the .swf file. Any suggestions? I currently have to open flash and change the action script within the flash file and export a new .swf, and I want to be able to do it by changing a .txt file.
Is there a better way to do use a use a boolean with visible? I'm setting up animations that have conditions for visibility, and I don't want to use something that performs poorly. This animation blinks 30 times and stops. It works without error, but takes a moment to load. I would like to learn other ways of using visibility with conditionals.
This is what I used 'waits before playing' if(condition=5){ box.visible = !box.visible; This works fine 'no pause' if(condition<6){ box.visible = !box.visible; [Code] .....
I have recently started using AS3 and can't seem to get to grips with some basic syntax for parent/root navigation. My problem is, I have an intro movieclip on the stage that plays first, when that is done i want some code on the last frame that navigates to another movieclip on the main stage to set its visibility to true. i have tried mMovieclip(root).mOther.visible = true; and a lot of other variations. Do i need to set them up as children? or something else.
How would I write a loop that cycled through all the movieclips within a container clip and did something to each one?
For example say i have 6 movielcips in holder_mc, and I want to change each one's visibility? I need it to be dynamic so it will still loop through all clips whether 2 are in there or 20.
I'm currently working on a site that is a mixture of Dreamweaver and Flash. I have some Flash movies that are in DIVs in DW. I need to have some links in those Flash movies that can control visibility of other DIVs. In other words I need a link in the Flash movie to work like DWs Show-Hide Elements feature. Is this even possible? I'm using DW CS3 but Flash MX 2004.
I've got several layers in the timeline and I'd like to know the most effecient method to toggle the visibility of any one of the layers when a user clicks a button I have on the form.
The layers are all simply graphics that have been imported and the only functino they have on the time line is that they each come in at different times during the playback of the movie. I'd like to have the ability to toggle the individual layer when a user clicks the button.
I am working with visibility of handCursor on text-field instances(textfield instances are created using "TextField" class) using Flash and ActionScript 3.0. But, here, I am getting a small problem in my code, which is as follows:
I'm having trouble testing for an object's visibility on the stage without using an event listener. I know this is pretty basic, but I can't seem to find anything online and none of my flash friends are around eitherowing code, what is it that I need to do to activate the function? I thought you could write a function without having an event listener.
function test (e:Event) { if (square_mc.visible==true) { trace("square is visible");
I have this website with a white fade in / fade out menu. I'm trying to get the menu to be a little more visible. Because the menu is in white font, and the images it pops over occasionally have a white background, this creates a bit of a problem.
I created a large movie clip that fits the stage width and height. I'm calling it 'bg'. The idea is when one rolls over the 'projects' menu, the bg movieclip fades in to dim the whole file except for the menu. I'm setting the alpha of bg to 0 intially, so that it can fade in using TweenLite when the projects mc is rolled over, and fade out when projects is rolled off. I would just do this all using alpha if I could, but here's the problem: in order for the screening to work over the entire file, it has to also work over my externally loaded swf and it's gallery buttons. When the bg mc fades in and tints everything, it gets infront of the buttons and you cannot access them. So... I need to combine the alpha fade thing with turning the bg visible on and off. Is there anyway to do this both at the same time? Right now I either get nice fades, and the visibility not doing anything, or nice fade ins of the bg, and then an abrupt change when visibilty goes to nothing on roll over. [code]...
I have a situation where my main SWF file loads many external SWF files. However, those external SWF files are just sitting in the public folder of the web server. Is it possible to restrict the SWF visibility to only my main SWF file (the one that loads the external SWFs). In the current state, any user who knows where to look can just type in the URL and get to the SWFs, not to mention rogue bots that don't follow robots.txt.The reason for this is very simple. Users user a username/password to log into the main Flash application and the main Flash application in turn loads the SWF files and ONLY then they are available to the user. Also, depending on who the logged in user is, some SWF files are restricted and not loaded.
I have and add button (last row) in one column of the AdvancedDataGrid. for the row having the add button the rest of fields are not visible. On click of the add button a new row is added to the grid for the user to add. After that this button becomes delete button (label becomes '-' and a new row is added at the bottom for adding another row). When i click on the delete button (label '-'), the last row gets the add button('+' label) but the fields of the row become visible.
I have main application which contains ModuleManager. Different modules are loaded by this application. Both main application and loaded modules use my custom RSL. I need to get Class object in my RSL, which is defined in one of the modules. I'm trying to use getDefinitionByName function, but since my class is not defined in RSL, I get an exception (though module with needed class is loaded). Is it possible to make module classes visible to RSL code and to get the instance of it at runtime without changing project structure?
I am working with displaying/visibility of handCursor on text-field instances using Flash and ActionScript 3.0. But, here, I am getting a problem to the following code:
HTML Code: import fl.containers.ScrollPane; var myClip:MovieClip=new MovieClip(); var sp:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();[code]..........
Create a new Flash file and add the above AS3 code into the ActionsPanel of Layer-1 and execute it.The output consists of 3 hyperlinks one upon other(in line). When, we place the mouse-cursor on the hyperlinks, then the (arrow)cursor disappears and the "handCursor" appears.It works fine when we place our mouse cursor on the 3 hyperlinks.But the issue is: still it displays the HandCursor even if we place the mouse-cursor down these three hyper-links(i.e., in white space below these 3 hyperlinks)it displays handCursor to some extent down these text fields).
I am trying to change the visibility of an mc but it is nested within another mc... i am not sure how to reference the parent mc from the root...ex:AS on main timeline (_root):
Code: function coolNess () { myMC2._visible = true;