I am looking to change the background color of a input textField when the user selects that testfield to start populating it. I have done a bunch of searching and I keep coming up with this type of answer...
Code: myTextField.onSetFocus = Set(evt:Event){ // Change color }
1) Is onSetFocus/onKillFocus still available? From what I can tell it is not.
2) I have my text objects encapsulasted in a class so I do not believe I am able to do it like I have been suggested.
I've bought a component on flashden. This is a text component that makes it possible to load CSS & Html on your flash project. Check the included zip for the source. What I want is that the background of the component is transparant. Now it has a linear gradient. I've tried to set the drawing in the component to zero alpha but that didn't do the trick. How to edit the background (if nescessary by actionscript)?
I've bought a component on flashden. This is a text component that makes it possible to load CSS & Html on your flash project. Check the included zip for the source.What I want is that the background of the component is transparant. Now it has a linear gradient. I've tried to set the drawing in the component to zero alpha but that didn't do the trick.The file is to big so I've uploaded to http:[url...
Can we fetch the alpha value from a canvas( i have a canvas in flex, setting background color with alpha, can i read the alpha from the canvas directly again later ? ) for example we can read the background color like canvasId.getStyle(backgroundColor) same way, any method for alpha as well?
I've created a txtField with background set to true, backgroundColor set to a certain color, and txtField.alpha set to 10; however, the alpha does not work. The background color of txtField appears to have a full opaque color and not transparency.
how to set the alpha of a TextField in AS3. I am able to get the textfield to display, and have it formatted using the TextFormat class, but setting the alpha value anything below 1.0 does not make any difference. I have tried nesting the textfield within a sprite holder and changing the alpha of the sprite but it doesn't work.
I know that I need to be able to embed the font for dynamic textfield alphas to work (at least that was the case in AS2), but can anyone tell me how to get that working in AS3? What I need is to have the textfield display Verdana, non anti-aliased (i.e. device font).
I want to fade in a background with a alpha tween after it's loaded in by an UILoader. Everything seems to be working great when I do a Test Movie (in Flash) or view it in IE. However, I encounter a problem when viewing in Firefox. Somehow the alpha does'nt come up to 1(100%). Sometimes my background image is barely visable and sometimes it's at ~90%. It seems to be completely random.
//load random background (1 to 10) var randomNumber:Number=Math.ceil(Math.random()*10); trace(randomNumber);
I've tried increasing the final value (Regular.easeOut,0,1,2,true) and this will change something but doesn't solve the problem. I've also tried instead of fading in the background to fade out a overlaying vectorshape, but same result.Is it possible it has something to do with other script/my background img size/??.
From what I understand you can change the alpha value of a textfield to be fully transparent. I would like to have chat output that fades after a while. I was wondering if there was a way to change just a portion of the string inside of a text field to transparent. The textColor does not have an alpha value. I could just use multiple text fields but I would like to avoid doing that if possible for efficiency sake.
I am trying to change the background color and alpha of a link bar in a Flex/Flash 4 application. No matter what properties I define, the background of said link bar is always white.[code]
I tried to playing around with the augmented reality. Therefore I watched the tutorial (http:url....) and all works like a charme to me. I replaced the kramer.m4v with my own video. It works perfectly.But I want to have my own video on a transparent layer.So that I can see myself not within the background of my video.Therefore I did a video on a greenscreen and keyed the background. All seems to be ok!I exported the video in an .mov with the alpha channel. It works so far, but the black background is still there if i hold the marker to the camera.so my question is: Is it not possible to export a mov with the alpha channel to let the background go away?
Any hints or workaround? I just want to have a video with me speaking on a transparent background and not with teh black background. I changed the kramer.m4v in the HELLOFlar.as to kramer.mov (its with my own video, just the name is the same) but the background isnīt gone
I need to be able to assign html/css-formatted text to a textfield within a movieclip and then be able to alpha that movieclip and have the html enabled textfield alpha with it.currently i have:1. My textfield within my movieclip with html enabled (property inspector), the font set to Arial* (the font symbol linkage from my library) and NOT embedded2. Font symbols for Arial and Arial Bold with linkage (exported to first frame)3. seperate dynamic text fields off stage, one with arial embedded and one with arial bold embedded (they are set to the font symbol in the library).I was briefly able to get it working by embedding the font on the textfield within the movieclip, but then curiosity go the better of me as I wanted to see what made it work and deleted the separate text fields (offstage ones) and tested the movie (which seemd to make the text field unable to have my css formatting (using Arial AND Arial Bold in same textfield).
I've seen a few posts about this, but nothing that explains this issue concretely. Can anyone tell me how to change the alpha of a textfield in Actionscript 3?, and more importantly a textfield that uses embedded text fonts? I've heard changing blendmode.
I know how to do this in Flash IDE, but not purely in code.
I have a text caption (two textFields, one acting as a dimmable background and the second including the displayed text) that when added to the stage takes on the default alpha value (1) and is not changed when I address it in mouse_over and mouse_out events.Some background... What I want to accomplish is:
1) a horizontally scrolling image gallery 2) reads image source, caption title, link and page data from an XML file, 3) is re-usable on several web pages (both swf and xml) as it can identify the current page and dynamically display images appropriate to that page from the xml file 4) On image mouse over the image should resize (get bigger) and should pop up the text caption for the image (this is where I am stuck!!!) 5) on image click should take the visitor to a new url
I have cobbled this together from several tutorials and am not a developer.I sense I have gone terribly, terribly wrong with the textField stuff if not with other things too.The caption pops up on the stage at the bottom of the image (where it should be) at run time but at full alpha (1) even though I set it to 0 earlier.I suspect this means I am not loading these objects correctly (but I don't know where I've gone wrong).Then inside the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT events I can't change the opacity attribute which makes me suspect I am not addressing these objects correctly (but I don't know where I have gone wrong here either).[code]
Folx; Does the manual document the setting of transparency in TextField.textColor or TextField.backgroundColor, not just the _alpha of the TextField altogether? If so, I cant seem to find it. In addition to the RGB/hex values, the color palette in the Properties panel allows you to set transparency in %, yes, but can this also be achieved programmatically?
I have a problem with animation of TextField. I prepared an animation of MovieClip (containing TextField), that in 0.5sec gets 50% alpha. Then I used "Copy movement as ActionScript 3.0..." option.When I copied it into a class and wanted to animate TextField, nothing matters, excepting weird TF movement.Here my button class code - class works alone:
I come across a problem about textfield which blocked me right now.Here it goes.Is it possible to add background image to the textfield?Since there are only 2 properties related with background of textfield i found so far.Is there any solution to add a custom background image for it
this is my first post on this forum. I'm new to Flash and Actionscript. Please forgive me if this question is too dumb. I don't know how to use the ComponentEvent.RESIZE event. I want to use it to resize my textfield's background, whenever the textfield is resized (the textfield is resized automatically when the user changes the input text). I don't know if I'm asking the right question, I will try to explain it through the code:
I'm making a form and I add a DateField, and I would like to change the background font of the textField where the date selected is written but I don't know what I should change, I try with backgroundColor, Color, ColorFont and I just get to change the color of the text.
I am looking for a way to change the background color in a text field, except not change the background color of the whole textfield, just the color behind the characters.
I am trying to style text in a dynamic text field with a background color (not the whole textfield background, but just of the text - like the effect when you select it). My textfield is on top of a photo, which might explain why I'm trying to do this.
This seems to be a consistent problem when working with htmlText in flash textfields that must be alpha'd. currently i have a clip with two dyn textfields inside it. The textfields are set to 'eurostile' font but NOT embedded. The clip itself has a filter applied to it in the hopes that cacheAsBitmap will be triggered. Offstage i have copies of the two textfields each having the 'basic latin' character set for eurostile embedded. This works locally where i have the font enabled on my system and i'm able to alpha in/out the text, but of course when i upload the font isn't displaying in eurostile (defaulting to Times or somesuch).
[URL] i want the object to fade out but in the object there's a lot of overlapping pictures and each becomes half transparent. how to make the movieclip to change the alpha as it was without objects?
I have a dynamic textfield that displays different text. What I want is the ability to control both the text color and the background color of the textfield.