ActionScript 2.0 :: Update/overwrite Xml Node Value?

Mar 16, 2011

how to update xml node value with a text box value in flash dynamically.

my xml is:
<root scrolling="Yes">
<!-- <root scrolling="No"> -->


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piotr 50

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XML Snippet

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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Xml :: Get Last Appearance Of A Node?

Apr 1, 2012


<crazyNode>Data to be overwrited</crazyNode>
<simpleNode>Normal data</simpleNode>
<crazyNode>Actual data</crazyNode>[code]......

I want to get the last crazyNode (the one which contains Actual data).I know how to access the first node, for example:


And I guess a solution would be

nodeList.crazyNode[nodeList.crazyNode.length() - 1]

But for some reason I don't like doing that, too verbose and maybe there's a method more elegant.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get XML Node Without Name?

Oct 24, 2009

Does anyone know of a way to get an XML node's name? Or to call the node without knowing it's name? I'm looking for something generic and reusable, with the child-node name not hard coded. My XML looks like this:


I've tried to import a string into the class to replace "doc", using XMLList, descendants, elements, children, etc. and nothing seems to work short of turning the whole thing into a string and chopping it up later.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Certain XML Node

Feb 2, 2011

I currently have the following XML code:


That however didn't trace anything. how I can read the galleryname?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML: Move A Node Up/down

Oct 2, 2008

How would I move an XML node? For instance:

<child />
<child />
<child />
<child />
<child />

I want to move the third <child> node up one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Value In A Xml Node?

Dec 19, 2009

i have an xml like this one, How can i change the values of the nodes  <adposx> and  <adposy> of the node array "YAYA" .I did that :[1].adposx= newvalue;[1].adposY= newvalue;
but it dont work


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Which Node Is Selected In XML?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm using XML to populate a comboBox Component.  How do I get the aactionscript to trace which number in the array the choice is?  So for example is my choices are:

choice A
choice B
choice C

on the dropdown box, whne I click "choice A" I want it to trace "0" because that's it's place in the XML, or if I click "choice C" it will say 2".If i use "length" it will tell me how many.  I need to know what to use that tells me which one.

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