Flash - Overwrite BlazeDS / FlexDataservice Endpoint?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm using the build in Flex Dataservice to connect to a BlazeDS server. Flex is using the *.fml file within the model folder for the connection details, within that file you can find the following:

<annotation name="ServiceConfig">
<item name="DEFAULT_ENTITY_PACKAGE">valueObjects</item>
<item name="contextRoot">/MYWEBAPP</item>
<item name="rootUrl"></item>


the _super_Database class created by Flex DataService uses that configuration to setup a remote object for communications.Now i'm looking for a way to overwrite those settings within the Database class which extends the _super_Database class.

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nameQL scoreQL
piotr 50

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Feb 9, 2012

I've been giving a application to work on that uses a Java EE application for the backend, Flash for the front end, and BlazeDS to connect the two. I have never used Flash or BlazeDS, and am trying to get my head around how BlazeDS works.

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Aug 19, 2009

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I have also a colors.jsp which displays the colors. Now I would like to integrate flex as an UI-Layer. I only need to integrate the Spring-View with shown RequestMappings above.

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Java - BlazeDS Destination Destroy()?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a BlazeDS destination and the scope is set to request. Is there a way to get BlazeDS to call destroy() when the request is complete? Is there another way to know when the request is complete?

I know I can use finalize(), but that is only called when garbage collection occurs.

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Java :: Use Blazeds With A Custom Classloader?

Mar 18, 2010

has anybody tried using a custom classloader with BlazeDS? We have a web application using BlazeDS and we can convert Java objects in to ActionScript object and back without problems in the main application. However, we also have a plug-in mechanism based on a custom classloader.BlazeDS cannot map the types contained in jar files of that custom classloader since I don't know how to tell it to BlazeDS.The livedocs of TypeMarshallingcontext show a setClassloader() method, but since the context seems to be a singleton, I assume this will not work if you have multiple custom classloaders (we have 1 for each plugin that is deployed

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Flex :: BlazeDS/PureMVC And Shared Vos?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm building modular application with 2 modules which share common vo: ShopRegionVO

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sendNotification(CoverageConstants.SET_SELECTED_REGION_COMMAND, ShopRegionVO(List(e.target).selectedItem));

The exception is thrown right here:

Main Thread (Suspended: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert model.vo::ShopRegionVO@14961809 to model.vo.ShopRegionVO.)
flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction [no source][code].....

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Jan 24, 2011

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