Flash :: Does BlazeDS Generate Files?

Feb 9, 2012

I've been giving a application to work on that uses a Java EE application for the backend, Flash for the front end, and BlazeDS to connect the two. I have never used Flash or BlazeDS, and am trying to get my head around how BlazeDS works.

So far, I understand that when you connect to BlazeDS in FlashBuilder, the remoting-config.xml file is scanned to determine what services exist on the Java end. FlashBuilder asks which of these services you want to import, and what "service package" and "data type package" you want to use.

When you select your Java ExampleService, BlazeDS will create _Super_ExampleService.as and ExampleService.as and put them in your "service package" location. ExampleService.as is empty but extends _Super_ExampleService.as (which basically is a Flash service that you can use to call the methods in your Java service). If you need to add extra methods, you would add them to ExampleService.as. (Hopefully this is all correct, please correct me if I'm wrong)

My problem is I cannot figure out what BlazeDS does for value objects. When you select ExampleService in FlashBuilder (let's assume it's a service for the Example entity), what value objects does BlazeDS create? I would expect Example.as and _SuperExample.as. However, _ExampleEntityMetadata.as also appears.


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<annotation name="ServiceConfig">
<item name="DEFAULT_ENTITY_PACKAGE">valueObjects</item>
<item name="contextRoot">/MYWEBAPP</item>
<item name="rootUrl"></item>


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myXML = new XML();


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