Java :: Generate Flex Project Files Using Maven?

Sep 14, 2010

I've got a Java/Flex project that I'm building using Maven. After doing some research I'm using the Flexmojos project [URL] for the Flex part, and almost everything seems to work fine so far (after a bit of struggling). I'm using version 4.0-alpha-5 (4.0-SNAPSHOT didn't seem to work for me).The Flex projects isn't recognized by Eclipse as Flex projects though. If I manually change the .project file and add .actionScriptProperties and .flexProperties files, Eclipse seems to recognize the projects as Flex projects.

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Java :: New Project Created With Flex Mojo's Archetype Throws Cannot Find Parent Project-Maven Exception

Jun 15, 2010

Maven 2.2.1 unzipped,M2_HOME set and repository altered to point to different drive location in settings.xml Flex 4.0:

Installed Created a multi-modular webapp project using flexmojo:

mvn archetype:generate

with following options



Parent pom has swc, swf, war as modules.

Dependency is war->swf->swc.

With parent artifactId of swf, swc, war set to swf, swc, test respectively.On executing mvn on test folder(for that matter clean or anything) I get this following error.

G:Projects est>mvn -e
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...


Looks like its trying to download the project from maven's central repository instead of building it.

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Build A Flex Project On Ant Or Maven?

Jan 5, 2012

I am going to write a build commands for flex 4.5 project, which is only based on actionscript not with java. I am very new to both maven and ant.So can you people suggest which is more compatible and robust with Flex 4.5

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Flex :: Generate Flex SOAP Client Using Maven?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a java server side project which contains JAX-WS web-services (using JavaEE 6 and the @WebService annotation).

Is there some kind of plugin that would allow me to generate Flex client stubs during my maven build ?

I have taken a look at enunciate, but it seems to generate only AMF client.

I've also tried to look at GraniteDS, but their doc seems a little opaque to me.

Notice my Flex project is compiled using flexmojos, which contains a flexmojos:generate mojo that should be able to generate domain object (however I don't understand how to say it to use domain classes from ANOTHER project, and not from a different folder).

So, is there any maven plugin that would allow the kind of feature described in this Adobe page ?

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Flex :: JBoss Project Setup In Eclipse Using Maven

Feb 27, 2010

I would like to know how to proceed to set up a work environment in order to develop Spring BlazeDS applications. Those server applications are meant to be accessed via AMF remoting from some client Flex application.Actually I have Maven and m2eclipse set up and working, local JBoss v6.0M2 running, Flex 4 plugin installed.Ideally, I would like to know how to create an eclipse project in which I can have both server (Java) and client (Flex) code and be able to deploy everything in one click to JBoss. Maybe there is a special Maven archetype for this setup? If not, I will be happy if someone can provide step by step instructions to setup all this stuff.

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Flex :: BlazeDS + Multi Module Maven Project?

Apr 29, 2011

I've got a multi module Maven project (about 10 modules) where 2 of the modules are a flex project and its corresponding server project, communicating via BlazeDS. The server module is dependent on another module containing common things, shared over the whole project.When using objects from the common module, the objects aren't serialized and sent via AMF to the SWF. Everything in the server-module is serialized and is working fine, but the objects from the common module (which has valid values on the server side) is not sent to the client.

I'm using Flexmojos to build this. What do I have to do to make the classes in the common project available for serialization, and being able to use them as RemoteClass-objects in my swf-project?


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Java :: How Set Flex Server Location For BlazeDS Maven Build

Apr 1, 2012

As a first step getting a Hello World Flex-to-Java application to compile and run I followed: [URL] And it ran successfully. However now I wish to automate the build in Maven. How to specify the Flex Server location in the pom.xml?

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Flex :: Handling Multiple Artifacts From Single Maven Project

Oct 12, 2010

I have a maven project that produces many artifacts. Of course it is kind of against maven best practice (one pom one artifact), but it is Adobe Flex project that produces many *swf modules and it is really makes no sence to create a separate project for each module.

For me it would be very convinient to handle all swf modules as a single zip archive eg. zip archive would be my artifact.

So I am looking for the way to pack and unpack my zip artifact with maven.

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ActionScript 3 :: How To Compile Maven / Flex Project Without Any MXML File

Dec 13, 2010

Is there any way how to compile maven/flex project which does not contain any *.mxml? The flex project contains ActionScript classes only (i.e. "src/flex" directory contains *.as files only). My pom.xml is here:

[Code] .....

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Eclipse :: Using Maven To Build Flex Project Including Stylesheets

Mar 18, 2011

Flex stylesheets are parsed by the compiler and bundled with their assets (graphics, usually) into a swf file, which can then be loaded at runtime. I've got a project with a fixed number of styles (currently 4: old corporate style, new corporate style, and high contrast versions of both). Using Flash Builder (Eclipse with Flex IDE plugin) I'm able to have all .css files compiled to .swf files alongside the primary project artifact .swf file. This is also possible with ant scripts.

My current understanding is that Maven wants to only create one artifact per project (POM file), but may have some additional ones added (like zip packaging). For scalability reasons - I've got a complex setup of many library and module projects, several of them having their own individual stylesheets - it would be very impractical to split up the projects into the 'main' project and copies for each stylesheet. At least on the Eclipse project side, having some subfolders with POM files in each, all refered by a master pom file and referring the same src/ location (and being inside one Eclipse project) would probably work. Though that's ugly and needs individual artifactIds for each, and still need to be assembled somehow.

The important thing is to be able to have a final assembly which contains the (Eclipse) projects main swf file and each stylesheets swf file (and some static files like localized texts to be loaded at runtime). This will be part of a large assembly of several of those projects which I've described in a separate question.

I'm using Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios) with Flash Builder Plugin (i.e. Flex4), targetting Flex SDK 3.5 (FlashPlayer 10.0). I've installed Maven 3.0.2, using Sonatypes flexmojos-maven-plugin 3.7.1 (as it seems more active than the one from Servebox). I've manually created pom files for my projects and they work (though only compiling one swf artifact file, depending on whether I specify the main .as or one of the .css files as sourceFile)

I've tried for some days now to understand "The Maven Way" (which seems to be tailored for Java and not fitting perfectly for Flex), but couldn't get this to work so that I have a single project, or at least a single assembly with everything in it.

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Flex :: Make A FlexBean Plugin Cooperate With Maven Project?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a flex maven project written by externel company that I need to modify. I dont have a Flash Builder licence yet (it takes forever to buy anythng in my company) I installed Netbeans 6.5 and FlexBean but when i opended flex maven project the action script code is ont recognized as action script by the IDE. Ho to make it "flex aware" ?

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Flex :: Compile .FLA Files Using Maven

Nov 16, 2010

I am using flexmojos to build my flex projects. I also have a flash project containing .fla files which needs to compiled into swf have I thought was to use a command line script to do it and force maven to call the script. Something like this

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Java :: Performance - Code Doesnot(only Sometimes) Compiles In Java+flex (+ BlazeDS+Tomcat ) Combined Project.a

Aug 13, 2010

i am working on a flex+java combined project.My IDE and computer configuration is as follows:


When i make a small change in Flex code (eg, reposition of a button...anything), and run the project on server, it does make any change on output. Actually it depends on my luck... because it makes change in output randomly.what is is happening? tried rebuild, republish, clean , restart server, restarting the IDE, restarting the computer all available feature i could think. Also, i created a simple flex project on IDE and compiled it..... everything is compiled and displayed on output.

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Flex :: Build Several Files In Maven Flex?

Jan 31, 2012

I can use Maven with FlexMojos to generate swf file, but because I have several mxml files need to build, could I build them in 1 Maven pom file?I know if I separate them into several projects, Maven can build them. But because these mxml files have some shared functions, it's not easy to manage if I separate them.Another question is the size of swf file. The original file size build by Flex builder is about 80KB, but the file size by Maven is about 800KB. Is it normal?

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Actionscript 3 :: Generate EXE From Flex Project Using Mxmlc?

Dec 13, 2010

How to generate an Executable file of my MXML (flex) Application. What is the command using in command prompt for MXMLC.exe.

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Java :: Can Maven Projects Have Multiple Parents

Oct 28, 2009

we have java and flex projects at work. We currently have 1 base pom that contains the configurations we want to use for both projects. Problem with this is: flex projects inherit configuration for javadoc and pmd for example, which they do not want.

I want to do this a bit more clean and have a real base-pom and then a java-base-pom and a flex-base-pom. But how does this work in a multimodule that has both a flex part and a java part?

We have plugins to our own application where we use the following structure:

my-plugin-client (flex)
my-plugin-server (java)

The my-plugin just contains a pom.xml with section. I would use the my-plugin pom.xml as a parent to both, but then I cannot also use the java base-pom or the flex base-pom also as parent.

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Flex :: How Spring Project Use Vanilla HTTPServlet Via Java

Mar 22, 2011

I'm trying to figure out the best way to leverage a vanilla HttpServlet from a Spring-Flex (with BlazeDS) project I'm working on. My team has an HttpServlet that they've used in the past (that some other team built) that processes a request given some key/value pairs passed over HTTP GET. I want to use this HttpServlet class to do the same work, but I want to call it in Java, when my Flex client invokes a method on a Service. Ideally, the class invoking the HttpServlet can use the standard @Service and @RemotingDestination annotations (see here).

So, this is the HttpServlet:
[Code] .....

How to write my @Service class. I've tried going down a few different roads, but haven't had much luck. So far, I've considered and come up with secondary questions on the matter (but I've yet to work out the solution):
Do I need a @Controller for this sort of work?
Do I need a Servlet Factory?
Can the HttpServlet be a Spring managed bean, and call the ASP page another way?
(I like this idea least) Should I call the HttpServlet from Flex, and leverage logging and data the Servlet needs with a Remote Object?
The reason for my stubbornness in wanting to do this from Java is that I want to do some logging, and maybe leverage some other Singleton beans in the scope of the @Service class. However I work this out, I want to be as close to "Best Practices" as possible.

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Java :: Understand WAR Descriptor And Structure / Flex Project Within WAR

Jan 14, 2012

I am trying to understand why I am not able to launch a SWF from the URL after launching mvm jetty:run on my project.The project has built successfully and produced a Falcon-WAR-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war in the maven target directory. In this file are the following files - and includes the .swf file compiled from the Flex project.[code]The context root of my application is the same as the artifact ID of the WAR, so it is FALCON-WAR.When I launch mvn jetty:run, I get the following print to the console:However when I try to navigate to URL...on my browser, I get the following, when I expect to launch the .swf file from the web.xml definition.

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Flex :: Possible To Generate Complex PDF Files?

Sep 27, 2011

I'm trying to understand if it is possible to generate complex PDF files with Flex. By complex I mean add images, styled text (font-family, weight, columns) layout elements with large degree of control and so on. I was looking at AlivePDF library but cannot understand if it can handle more complicated PDF generation than plain text.

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Java :: Channel.connect.failed Error When Deploy Flex Project To Linux Redhat Server?

Jun 23, 2011

when i do this locally on tomcat server on local development machine it works fine when i brought it over to linux im getting this error.i dont know what to do anymore it should be straight forward but i'm having no luck. i do have a web.xml and i see a broker for my remote access so i just dont know what it could possibly be

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Unused Mxml And Files In A Flex Project?

Apr 5, 2011

I am trying to make the project build light by removing all the unused (mxml,xml and image ) files. Currently I am manually searching for each image and then removing the unused file. But is there a way such that we can get list of unused files automatically . I was trying to use the swfDump.jar from 4.0 sdk . But that dint work as it is working with projects that are build using flex sdk 4.0. I am currently using 3.2 .

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Flex :: Code Generation From Java Source Files?

Nov 24, 2010

I'm currently working on a Java/Flex project and I'm looking for a way to generate some parts of my Actionscript code from my Java files. One of the goal is to generate the AS valueObjects from the JAVA transferObject as well as some AS code to access the serverside function asynchronous.And other important point is that I want to be independent of some IDE. The code generation should run from Maven or Ant and take the Java source code as input.I looked a little bit around and found stuff like SpringROO, Groovy-GRAM, AST in eclipse,..

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Actionscript 3 :: Embedding Wav Files In Flash/Flex Project?

May 13, 2010

The Flash IDE is capable of embedding many types of uncompressed sound files, including wav, and offers optional compression when publishing.However,the [Embed] tag, only seems to allow embedding of mp3 files.Is it truly impossible to embed an uncompressed wav file,or am I missing some magic, undocumented mimeType?I was hoping for something like:

[Embed source="../../audio/wibble.wav" mimeType="audio/wav"]

...but I get no transcoder registered for mimeType 'audio/wav'.It's possible to embed wav or other format as an octet-stream and parse at runtime,but that's pretty heavy handed I think. I'm surprised that even though the Flash IDE can embed uncompressed sound data,[Embed] cannot, given that the swf spec can contain uncompressed sound data.

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Flex :: Website Where To Find Free Mp3 Files To Use In Project

Sep 4, 2010

I was wondering if there is a website from where I can download free mp3 files to use in my flex project? I am looking for some mp3 files using which I can create simple sound effects (e.g., you press a button, you hear a sound). I read flex can only play mp3 files, not wav files. Is this true? What's the best way to convert wav files to mp3?

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Flex :: Use Flash Builder To Run Multiple Mxml Files In One Project?

Mar 1, 2012

I imported an .fxp project into a Flash Builder and then observed there are 5 .mxml files in the src/(default package) directory. Silly question -- how to run each of these five files?

Since I've named the project differently than any of the .mxml files, whenever I try to run something it uses the default (empty) .mxml file named after the project. Deleting that empty mxml file didn't help anything. I also tried to clean the project, but nothing changes (although I see the directories refresh with the same contents). There are no html files in the bin-debug directory.

There must be some simple way to run those .mxml files that I'm missing.

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Actionscript 3 :: Generate Classes For A New Project?

May 4, 2010

Whenever I start a new game, I make a whole bunch of classes that extend my base classes, so: URL...and has some setup code.Now all I need is a way to generate these classes at the start of the project so I don't have to create each one manually. It will save me at least an hour of faffing around per game. So how do I do it? I normally use FlashDevelop but I also have FlexBuilder 3, or I'm happy to download whatever other software I need (PC).

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Java :: Avoid Flex Application Store Temporary Internet Files?

Jan 12, 2012

I've programmed a Java application using BlazeDS and Flex, but i think the problem also occurs in any ajax style application. It's a monitoring application, so requests are made regularly to the server. The browser has stored a large amount of temporary internet files on the client pc even getting it saturated. How I can avoid this? I have seen some articles that say to include variables in the html header as:


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Flash :: Builder - Know Exact Flex Sdk Version From Existing Project Files?

Nov 23, 2011

I received an inheritance old flex project. I've never worked with Flex. I installed the latest Flash Builder and I need to know the exact version of used Flex SDK. Is there any way to know used SDK version from project files?

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Java :: Generate A Weighted Random Number?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm trying to devise a (good) way to choose a random number from a range of possible numbers where each number in the range is given a weight. To put it simply: given the range of numbers (0,1,2) choose a number where 0 has an 80% probability of being selected, 1 has a 10% chance and 2 has a 10% chance.

It's been about 8 years since my college stats class, so you can imagine the proper formula for this escapes me at the moment.

Here's the 'cheap and dirty' method that I came up with. This solution uses ColdFusion. Yours may use whatever language you'd like. I'm a programmer, I think I can handle porting it. Ultimately my solution needs to be in Groovy - I wrote this one in ColdFusion because it's easy to quickly write/test in CF.

public function weightedRandom( Struct options ) {
var tempArr = [];
for( var o in arguments.options )


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Flex :: Maven - Flexmojos: Type Was Not Found - UncaughtErrorEvent (Flex 4.1)?

Apr 28, 2011

I'm using flexmojos 3.8 with flex compiler Project compiles fine in Flash Builder, but with flexmojos / maven I get the following Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: UncaughtErrorEvent

The Flex Code looks like this:

loaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents.addEventListener(UncaughtErrorEvent.UNCAUGHT_ERROR, onUncaughtError);

The Flex Compiler 4.1 should know the type UncaughtErrorEvent - Why does it fail?

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