Java :: Can Maven Projects Have Multiple Parents
Oct 28, 2009
we have java and flex projects at work. We currently have 1 base pom that contains the configurations we want to use for both projects. Problem with this is: flex projects inherit configuration for javadoc and pmd for example, which they do not want.
I want to do this a bit more clean and have a real base-pom and then a java-base-pom and a flex-base-pom. But how does this work in a multimodule that has both a flex part and a java part?
We have plugins to our own application where we use the following structure:
my-plugin-client (flex)
my-plugin-server (java)
The my-plugin just contains a pom.xml with section. I would use the my-plugin pom.xml as a parent to both, but then I cannot also use the java base-pom or the flex base-pom also as parent.
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Apr 25, 2004
I have several buttons on an externally loaded swf that work fine but I'd like to clean up the code if possible. Is there an better way to target the mc other than using multiple _parents?
on (rollOver) {
_parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.expression.gotoAndStop (2);
} on (rollOut) {
_parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.expression.gotoAndStop (1);
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Jun 15, 2010
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Installed Created a multi-modular webapp project using flexmojo:
mvn archetype:generate
with following options
Parent pom has swc, swf, war as modules.
Dependency is war->swf->swc.
With parent artifactId of swf, swc, war set to swf, swc, test respectively.On executing mvn on test folder(for that matter clean or anything) I get this following error.
G:Projects est>mvn -e
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Looks like its trying to download the project from maven's central repository instead of building it.
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Apr 15, 2012
I am writing a Red5 application that provides 1-on-1 video chat to a Flash client over RTMP.
Unfortunately most tutorials I was able to find were sketchy at best and the documentation of Red5 itself tends to be vague when it comes to API concepts and intended usage.
In short, I am a bit stuck and looking for hints on Red5 ApplicationAdapter implementation. Gnarly details are as follows:
First of all, the connections come in two flavors: visitors and consultants. A visitor should be able to indicate which consultant it wishes to communicate with. A consultant simply gets connected to the requesting visitor as long as the consultant is not busy servicing another. Obviously, every RTMP connection has two-way traffic: both sending and receiving video. From the standpoint of the server, connections bring in a bunch of video streams that get their receiving endpoints assigned by request. Since several video conversations can be in progress simultaneously, the main task of the application is to handle the mapping of visitor streams to consultants and provide a list indicating each consultant's state (busy/available) via AMF.
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What is the easiest way to establish the connection type (visitor/consultant)? Which API classes should be used to implement a persistent, globally accessible list of active connections for reporting the state of each consultant? How to switch receving endpoints dynamically when the goal is to connect a specific visitor to the selected consultant?
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Sep 30, 2011
I'm currently working on a Flex3/blazeDS/Spring/Oracle project. My requirement is display a list of files from an external FTP server in a grid, user can select single file or multiple files to download, and if user selects multiple files I should tar the files on the FTP server and download the tar file from FTP server to user disk. As per my understanding on the File Download in Flex we have 2 ways to do it. 1) File Reference 2) Using navigateURL and call server side JSP/Servlets to download files.
1) For FileReference we need to download the data first and prompt the user to save the file by clicking on some button. We cannot prompt the 'Save' dialogue without the click event for Security reasons in Flex (Workaround). But my client hates this process because its two steps and he want it in one step like normal file download with only 'Save' dialogue. Then I tried the second option.
2) navigateURL. Open a new windows make a post url request for to JSP/Servlets and prompt the 'Save' dialogue. The problem I am facing here is the pop-up window does not close once the download is complete. navigateURL does not return any reference to the window to close the window. I even tried different content types and headers and java script but none seems to work. The window closes when it is a single file and not for the tar or zip file. I would like to download the popup window for any type of downloads. I am using IE7.
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Nov 10, 2009
ok, my Digital arts class is making a flash project, and im like the only one actually making a game, so im pretty much alone. i got a lot of help from the people on the AS3 forum, but im pretty sure that my question is too easy to put there. so, i have an array, and it basicly puts a spike on the screen at a random Y, and moves it across the screen, but, when i hit a spike, and ti goes to the you lose screen, the loop keeps adding children, and putting them on the screen, is it possible to just say stop adding children, and go to the next frame? i have a break, but when i stop colliding with the spike in the next frame, the spikes start coming again. also, can i totally reset the movie? cause when i just go to frame 1, the array plays itself ontop of itself and it gets twice as hard
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Nov 1, 2010
I can't set my custom theme in Maven like I do it in Eclipse by changing theme in project properties.
I note the theme swc in dependencies, the compiler founds it but the theme doesn't change.
Who knows how can I set a custom theme in Maven?
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I want to get the full parent node on a result of a search.
XML example:
How can I achieve this expected XML result?
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Mar 28, 2010
graphicsSpace.graphicsInnerMenu.selectFolderMenu.imagesButton.addEvent Listener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,imagesPage_change);function imagesPage_change(e:MouseEvent):void{
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