Flex :: Possible To Generate Complex PDF Files?

Sep 27, 2011

I'm trying to understand if it is possible to generate complex PDF files with Flex. By complex I mean add images, styled text (font-family, weight, columns) layout elements with large degree of control and so on. I was looking at AlivePDF library but cannot understand if it can handle more complicated PDF generation than plain text.

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Flash :: Does BlazeDS Generate Files?

Feb 9, 2012

I've been giving a application to work on that uses a Java EE application for the backend, Flash for the front end, and BlazeDS to connect the two. I have never used Flash or BlazeDS, and am trying to get my head around how BlazeDS works.

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When you select your Java ExampleService, BlazeDS will create _Super_ExampleService.as and ExampleService.as and put them in your "service package" location. ExampleService.as is empty but extends _Super_ExampleService.as (which basically is a Flash service that you can use to call the methods in your Java service). If you need to add extra methods, you would add them to ExampleService.as. (Hopefully this is all correct, please correct me if I'm wrong)

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IDE :: Generate Exe Files From Stand Alone Application?

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Generate IPA Files (iphone) On Flash Builder 4.5?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate And Save .mp3 Files From Flash?

Apr 13, 2009

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Is it possible to generate and save .mp3 files from flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR Generate XML Of Selected Folders And Files?

Feb 28, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" creationComplete="init(event)">


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Flex :: Best Way To Validate A Complex Flex Form?

Dec 8, 2009

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Flex :: Complex Movement Within Animation?

Jul 14, 2009

I've this application, where two children are playing catch. One throws and the other catches. While I can show a ball object moving between two stationary objects, how do I show the objects "releasing" and "catching" the ball, in a way that is close to lifelike?[URL]...

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Actionscript :: Flex - How To Insert Complex Strings

May 21, 2010

How to insert complex strings into Actionscript?

So I have a string

-vvv -I rc w:// v dv s="60x40" --ut="#scode{vcode=FV1,acode=p3,ab=128,ch=2,rate=4400}:dup{dt=st{ac=http{mime=v/x-flv},mux=mpeg{v},dt=:80/sm.fv}}"


That string has so many problems like some cart of it can happen to be like regexp BUTI DO NOT want it to be parsed as any kind of reg exp - I need It AS IT IS!)

How to put that strange string into variable (put it not inputing it thru UI - hardcode it into AS code)?

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Flex :: BlazeDS Serialization With Complex Types

Oct 25, 2010

I recently came into a situation when sending a nested object from Java to Flex via a HashMap the Objects were null. More precisely:final Map< Integer, List<String>> tempMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();would send the keys as integers but the values were all null.But when sending the same with String keys:final Map<String, List<String>> tempMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();the objects came thru.Are there any restrictions in BlazeDS serialization when using complex types as keys?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Complex Interactive Content In Flex?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm a seasoned Flash developer and have just recently switched to Flex, but so far I've been having a hard time with creating the right kind of components. For instance, in Flash if I wanted to add a complex interactive menu, I would have a menu clip in the library, then export it for ActionScript, assign a class to it and add it to stage. How would I do something like this in Flex? It seems all I can do is expand the UI Components, and none of them is really suitable for what I want to do

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Flex :: Generate Dynamic Flex-ComboBoxes By Class-Properties

Jul 6, 2011

I have an Flex-Object with for example 3 properties.


I like to generate 3 Comboboxes to show the data.
No problem if I do it hardcoded in sourcecode.

But how can I find the prop1 to prop3 at runtime?

If next time I have 5 properties with different name it should generate 5 combos.

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Flex :: Generate A Flex Image From A Hidden Component?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to put an image, generated from some text, in a RichEditableText. Since it's a styled text, I thought about putting it another RichEditableText, style it, then print it to a Bitmap to use as source for InlineGraphicsElement.I use the following code to do that

var txt:RichEditableText = new RichEditableText();
txt.text = name;
// Appliy given styles to the text flow of input rich editable text


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Flex :: Generate Flex SOAP Client Using Maven?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a java server side project which contains JAX-WS web-services (using JavaEE 6 and the @WebService annotation).

Is there some kind of plugin that would allow me to generate Flex client stubs during my maven build ?

I have taken a look at enunciate, but it seems to generate only AMF client.

I've also tried to look at GraniteDS, but their doc seems a little opaque to me.

Notice my Flex project is compiled using flexmojos, which contains a flexmojos:generate mojo that should be able to generate domain object (however I don't understand how to say it to use domain classes from ANOTHER project, and not from a different folder).

So, is there any maven plugin that would allow the kind of feature described in this Adobe page ?

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Flex - Generate The ASDocs For The API?

Oct 7, 2009

I have an API that inherits flash.display.Sprite .When I try to generate the ASDocs for the API, The ASdoc shows that my class inherits from flash.display.Sprite, but doesnt link or there is no click-able link to the Sprite's ASDoc. Can anyone tell me what I am missing.


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Flex :: Allows To Generate Getters/setters?

Nov 16, 2009

Is there a way to synthesize getters/setters in AS3? It's very common that you have a class with lots of variables, especially in math calculations (Model in MVC pattern), that you'd like to expose. Is there something like synthesize property in Objective-C, that allows to generate getters/setters?

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Flex - Automatically Generate Images From SWF?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm looking for something that automatically generates images from the content in some SWF and stores the images on a server to be fetched if the user doesn't have Flash Player installed. The purpose is to at least show a static diagram instead of just a table with data, if Flash Player isn't installed.

It's quite easy to create an image from a DisplayObject using Actionscript, but that requires someone opens the SWF in the first place. I would like this to execute on the server side. Is it possible? Is there a headless Flash Player that could be used with PHP for example?

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Flex :: Generate Certificate For Signing AIR App

Nov 25, 2009

How do I generate a self-signed certificate to sign an adobe AIR app? I'm using the maven flexmojos plugin. I've followed an openssl tutorial to generate a .p12, but now the mvn plugin /adt compiler is telling me that the certificate is not a X509 certificate.

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Flex :: Dynamically Generate ComboBox Name?

Dec 7, 2009

I have a script that parses some complex XML. When the XML element is of a certain type, it generates a comboBox using the XML element's children to populate the box. I then want to check all of the values of the all the generated ComboBoxes against their correct answers (which is also info stored in the XML file). When creating the ComboBoxes, I added an "id" property. However, it seems that I cannot them use:


to check the answers. However, I am able to get the labelField if I know the variable name used to create the ComboBox.


This indicates (to me) that I need to dynamically generate the variable name as I'm creating new instances of the ComboBox. But how do I dynamically generate a variable name? If I use

var thisBox:String = "box"+boxCount;
var newBox:ComboBox = thisBox as ComboBox;

I get an implicit coercion error. I also tried changing the creation statement to a function that accepted an argument, "thisBox," but this didn't work either. Conceptually, this seems quite simple, but I'm having a hard time putting it to practice. It seems that the comboBox's id is what is generated by created the box using script (e.g., var thisBox). How do I dynamically generate this name?

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