ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate .FLA Or .SWF Files Programmatically?

Dec 4, 2009

I need to generate SWF or FLA files programmatically using php. Because I want to create a movie(either swf or fla) using sequences of images at my sever.
How to generate .FLA or .SWF files programmatically using php?Are theres any libraries for that?Or at least any APIs for generating those files?

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Actionscript 3 :: Generate A Flash Animation Programmatically?

Feb 12, 2012

My flash asset file contains seven poses of a cute character. On the other hand, a C++ application (OpenCV), detects my gestures on the webcam. Each gesture is mapped to one of the seven poses. How to generate a sequence of animated poses in Flash format? Which library/plugin can best output such flash sequence? SWFTools has a command called jpeg2swf that does the job - but my asets are (already) in swf format. I guess I need something like swf_frames2swf


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Professional :: Programmatically Generate Live Streaming Video?

Feb 15, 2010

We have video cameras from Point Grey Research that are typically used for instrumentation and measuring.To oversimplify, the Flycapture software library they provide essentially captures single frames as 2-dimensional arrays of 16-bit greyscale values. We want to measure and process this information in real time. We also want to take this video, write some simple overlays on it (rectangular outlines, histograms, etc.) and make it available for viewing on a local area network using an ordinary web browser.

That is, we need to programmatically generate a live FLV stream on the fly--where the source of the video is not actually a device, but our program. The resolution and bandwidth requirements are modest; 320x240 30 fps 8 bit-grey = less than three megabytes per second. Some very simple, fast, easy compression would do, and in fact compression is not really needed at all.

I'm puzzled as how to where to start. I've browsed dozens of free and commercial packages, and they all seem to assume that the video source is a device.

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View 3 Replies :: Programmatically Upload Larger Files In Flex?

Mar 10, 2010

I created an application as part of an ASP.NET site. I would like to receive error notifications in my inbox whenever something goes wrong with that flash application.As I do not have control over our mail server (which has a different domain name), I cannot establish a cross domain policy allowing me to send error emails to my inbox.Instead, thought I'd send a request to an ASP.NET handler that sends an email on behalf of the flash app.Now the problem: the error report should include a screenshot of the flash application at the time the error occurred. The FileReference class however only allows file uploads with user interaction (browse dialog) and cannot be used programmatically to send the screenshot to my ASP.NET handler. The plain old POST back only allows files up to ~200K.

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Media Server :: Way To Generate Swf Files?

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Flash :: Does BlazeDS Generate Files?

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IDE :: Generate Exe Files From Stand Alone Application?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate Files With No Server Interaction?

Jan 15, 2011

I know Shared Objects are the standard way to store data from flash, but these seem to have a number of limitations.I'm wondering if it's possible for the flashplayer to manipulate regular files.It's my understanding that through FileReference you can load a file of the user's choice into memory. My question is, would it be possible to manipulate this file then present it back to the user for download? Possibly using javascript to assist?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" creationComplete="init(event)">


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I've got a Java/Flex project that I'm building using Maven. After doing some research I'm using the Flexmojos project [URL] for the Flex part, and almost everything seems to work fine so far (after a bit of struggling). I'm using version 4.0-alpha-5 (4.0-SNAPSHOT didn't seem to work for me).The Flex projects isn't recognized by Eclipse as Flex projects though. If I manually change the .project file and add .actionScriptProperties and .flexProperties files, Eclipse seems to recognize the projects as Flex projects.

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Dec 13, 2011

I want to build an air app that takes input (for example a list of filenames to be generated) from the user and generates sound files with desired naming. The sound files should be an "empty/silence" sound (wav, aif or mp3). Is it possible the generate such a file? If not, can I use an existing sound and embed it into the app and have that as a source when generating the files? The purpose of this is to get a structure of files ready in the project that will be replaced by our Sound Director. This way, we can trigger all sounds before they are created.

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Flash - How To Print SWF Programmatically

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Programmatically Creating A Swf

Jul 1, 2010

I was wondering how I could programmatically create a swf using Flash AS3 and AIR? I have successfully recreated a swf (using the data found in a swf file converted to hex and using byteArray) but I can't seem to change anything to it; if I do it no longer works.I have some text fields a person can enter information into. I want to take that information and save it out to a swf file.[code]

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Oct 19, 2004

Is there any way to set layers programmatically? If there is please please how?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Sound With 100% Programmatically

Nov 10, 2007

I learn that if I want to add sound in flash, I need to put the sound in library, and then assign linkage...

But I have like 100-200 of sounds, and some of them update runtime... can I dynamically add sound to flash project?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Instance Of A PNG Programmatically?

Jan 28, 2008

I have a flash file. I have a class called Screen. In Screen I want three properties: Image1, Image2, Image3. These image properties are representative of three bitmaps already in my flash file. How do I just create instances of them? And once they are initialised what type are they? Are they BitmapData?Or I can put said images as graphics in my flash file, so how to I create an instance of a graphic programtically?If I can't do this, I am happy to load the images from an external folder. How could I do this? Is it just load("image.png")?

I want to be able to just pass as a parameter the image instance and screen holds a reference to it. How can I create this instance though in the first place?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Set Layers Programmatically?

Oct 19, 2004

Is there any way to set layers programmatically? If there is please please how?

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AS3 :: Way To Programmatically Link MovieClips To Play One After Other?

May 3, 2010

I am trying to programmatically queue MovieClips on the scene to play one after the other. I have tried onEnterFrame with Event.ENTER_FRAME that gotoAndStop() to next fram each time, but this does not show the MovieClip playing somewhy.Is there a way to programmatically link (in AS3) MovieClips to play one after the other? One I tried is at URL... and I have tried creating actionscript at last frame for each movieclip, but this goes directly into function I specify as an event at the time of creation (MovieClip.addFrameScript(MovieClip.totalFrames1, MyEventFunction) )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Programmatically Draw Arrowhead?

Jun 4, 2010

how to draw an arrowhead facing either left or right programmatically with as3? The arrowhead should be a filled triangle pointing either left or right.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Programmatically Control FLVPlayback

Oct 7, 2010

I'm trying to control the video playback of a live video stream using ActionScript 3 code in Flash Professional.
There's a FLVPlayback component on my stage titled "flvPlayer", and in Frame one of my "Actions" layer, I have the following code:
import flash.display.Sprite; 
var vidURL:String = new String("rtmp://

I can get it to work by adding the source to the Compenent Parameters window, but I need to be able to access those parameters in code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Channel An Mc Programmatically?

Mar 24, 2009

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Flash - Extract Fonts From PDF Programmatically?

Nov 17, 2009

I am developing PDF to e-book converter which will run on a server.I need to programmatically extract embedded fonts from PDF file to finish the project.Now I am able to extract images and text, but to display content in the Flash Player precisely I need the fonts to be extracted from PDF and compiled to SWF to be loaded by Flex application at run time.

I am wondering if it's possible, as such tool as pdf2swf.exe from SWFTools is able to do this. I have decompiled the swf file produced by the tool and there were fonts embedded.The extracted fonts will be used for displaying the same content from PDF file only, just in Flash player. So i think it will not be any rights violation? Moreover, people who will use the converter have all rights for the PDF files content.

So I see next workflow:

1. Call pdf2swf.exe to produce SWF file with fonts embedded;

2. Call some tool (Which one?) to parse previous SWF to SWFs with separate fonts.

3. Load the SWFs with fonts to Flex application at run time to correctly display content.

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