ActionScript 2.0 :: Generate A Keyframe Timeline Filled With External .jpg Files

Jul 15, 2005

anyone know if it is possible to use actionscript to generate a keyframe timeline filled with external .jpg files on each keyframe.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External .swf Files With Preloaders In Them Conflicting With The Main Timeline?

Oct 25, 2009

The problem is that when I try to click on a button it gives me this error:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object dyson_fla::MainTimeline/progressHandler()(progressHandler is the function that calculates bytes loaded and does all the math for the preloader; this is part of the external .swf that are loaded onto the main timeline)Here's the code for the main .swf and after I'm adding the code for one of the external .swf that I'm trying to load.

import flash.display.*;
import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*


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May 12, 2005

I am making a thing on my flash animation with a 3d planet spinning. When you move your mouse over it the planet will stop and contact info comes up, and when you rollOut the planet continues spinning and the contact info fades away. I have everything working but i cant get the planet to stop spinning when i do this because the button controls the fade but the planet is just spinning in the backround, hard to explan. Anyways i need to be able to send a stop and play action to the planet movie clip behind the button to stop. i need to send an action from Scene 1>universal>destinationclip>world. from a keyframe on the destination clip.

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How to generate .FLA or .SWF files programmatically using php?Are theres any libraries for that?Or at least any APIs for generating those files?

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Feb 9, 2012

I've been giving a application to work on that uses a Java EE application for the backend, Flash for the front end, and BlazeDS to connect the two. I have never used Flash or BlazeDS, and am trying to get my head around how BlazeDS works.

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Jan 15, 2011

I know Shared Objects are the standard way to store data from flash, but these seem to have a number of limitations.I'm wondering if it's possible for the flashplayer to manipulate regular files.It's my understanding that through FileReference you can load a file of the user's choice into memory. My question is, would it be possible to manipulate this file then present it back to the user for download? Possibly using javascript to assist?

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Feb 28, 2011

I am trying to generate XML of a user selected folder and inner folders along with the files recursively. Structure of the XML generated should be as the user selected folder.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" creationComplete="init(event)">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Plays One Keyframe Then Switches To 2nd Keyframe When Date Changes?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a simple flash that has 2 layers 2 images. one image is on the first frame and the other image is on the second keyframe. Actionscript starts on 1st keyframe.  What I have it doing is loading frame one stop() reads the actionscript checks the date if the date is met it goes and stops on frame 2 and plays other image:
Everytime the flash refreshes it plays frame one then jumps to frame 2 if the date is met.  How do I avoid playing frame one if the date is met what it's doing is playing the first image before the date change and a split second after it plays frame 2.  (you see a hiccup)
i need the flash to "preload, check the actionscript before it loads if the date is met automataclly go to frame 2 avoiding frame one all together.

actionscript used on frame one:

var year:Number = 2012;
var month:Number = 3;
var day:Number = 22;


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Java :: Generate Flex Project Files Using Maven?

Sep 14, 2010

I've got a Java/Flex project that I'm building using Maven. After doing some research I'm using the Flexmojos project [URL] for the Flex part, and almost everything seems to work fine so far (after a bit of struggling). I'm using version 4.0-alpha-5 (4.0-SNAPSHOT didn't seem to work for me).The Flex projects isn't recognized by Eclipse as Flex projects though. If I manually change the .project file and add .actionScriptProperties and .flexProperties files, Eclipse seems to recognize the projects as Flex projects.

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ActionScript 3 :: Generate Silence Audio Files With Adobe Air

Dec 13, 2011

I want to build an air app that takes input (for example a list of filenames to be generated) from the user and generates sound files with desired naming. The sound files should be an "empty/silence" sound (wav, aif or mp3). Is it possible the generate such a file? If not, can I use an existing sound and embed it into the app and have that as a source when generating the files? The purpose of this is to get a structure of files ready in the project that will be replaced by our Sound Director. This way, we can trigger all sounds before they are created.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer On A Keyframe "Actions" On The Timeline In The Fla File

Feb 12, 2010

Timer works too but it only count down from 100 till 0 in a fast way. But what I want to do is make a code: if / else function on the timer that is linked to movieclips. Just need a hint in the right direction. I was just working on that The timer is on a keyframe "Actions" on the timeline in the fla file.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Random Keyframe To Keyframe In MC?

Mar 29, 2006

i am creating a game now this is complex but i have been told by my fellow actioncript co worker that its doable, What it is i have a game "Reaction Tester" and It is inside a car going along the road so its psudeo 3d and i have the "walls" and road sorted now i want a movie clip in the road to throw out random objects From a Movie clip, now i will call them from frame names, say..

frame 1-10 is a tween with a box coming down and then frame 11-20 is a cat and frame 21-30 is a hole in the road Etc i want it to call a random frame to frame, to play

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine The Last Keyframe/if A Frame Is A Keyframe?

Mar 20, 2007

i'm making a game and to score some extra performance im rendering every frame of every entity into an array of bitmapdata's the first time the frame is seen, and it works well, but its wasting alot of memory because we have alot of animations, and most of them are double framed at least, so more than half of the bitmaps could be ignored if there was a way to determine if a frame is a keyframe or not

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Flash :: Generate Certificates And Provisioning Files For IPhone Development In Windows?

Sep 11, 2010

I would like to do some iPhone development from my Windows box using the Adobe iPhone packager. I get how to do pretty much everything except creating / obtaining the certificates and provisioning files needed to complete the packaging process. What is the easiest and quickest way to get up and running?

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Professional :: Timeline: What Does A Little "a" In A Keyframe Mean

Apr 10, 2010

what does a little "a" above a "o" in a keyframe mean?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate Buttons From An External Class?

Mar 18, 2011

I am trying to generate an invisible button and I want it to be reusable and would be in an external class..

I have a Main.fla with and an External Class.

The External class codes:

package com.ui
import flash.display.Sprite;


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