Php :: Getting The 'Zend Amf Endpoint' Mesage On Dreamhost But OK On Localserver

Aug 22, 2010

I've been working with Zend Amf for few months and everything is fine on my localserver (and was fine on my test server hosted by dreamhost) until recently. Now every time I try to access the gateway via the URL (i.e. http://hostname/gateway/) instead of the 'Zend AMF endpoint' message should be getting, the browser simply prompts me to download an application/x-amf file.

I have checked my code for any leading or trailing spaces (made sure all my PHP didn't have an endtag).Checked the PHP's 5.2..updated Zend to 1.10.7. I was hoping that this wasn't interfering with my remote flash calls but that doesn't seem to be working as well. Flex doesn't even report a fault code.

Is there any specific PHP settings I should be checking?

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feasable protection of my Zend_AMF gateway? I mean, how can I prevent someone from calling my service methods?

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Ruby On Rails :: Why Is My First RoR App On Dreamhost Running So Slow

Aug 26, 2009

I've got my first RoR app deployed to Dreamhost and it's using Passenger. The one note on Dreamhost's wiki about slow response mentioned changing a RewriteRules line in the public/.htaccess file to use FastCGI. But I assume this will have no effect if I'm using Passenger, is that right? I've looked at the logs and compared them to my local logs, and it looks like there is a wider range on Dreamhost. Some responses are comparable to the quick local ones, others can take a few seconds. I'm using a Flex front end with HTTPServices to the rails backend, and I think I also need to add logging around my services to see what kind of network delay I'm getting and try to isolate where the delays are. I should also add that there is probably plenty of room for improvement in the area of eager loading associations. I think I did that a little early on, but haven't done it thoroughly through all the associations. I have the local logs set to the default where I can see all the queries, and there are a lot of them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Filereference.upload ... Works On Localserver But Not On Webserver

Feb 6, 2011

I'm uploading images via filereference.upload ... works fine when testing on local machine with apache. once I port everything to my web-based server ( shared server with a webhosting company ), the upload fails. - do not get any errors such as SECURITY_ERROR , HTTP_STATUS , IO_ERROR - do get 1 PROGRESS event - only 1 - but it already shows 100% - do get COMPLETE event after a couple of seconds - do not get UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, but do get it on localhost - do not get the image on the remote server - my local php is 5.2 ... webserver php is 4.4 ... - I have tried setting 757 as file permissions for image directory - all php, swf, image directories are in the same domain, though in different directories. - I have tried uploading the image to the same directory as php directory itself .

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Flex :: Builder Endpoint Tokens?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm trying to get a better understanding of how endpoints work. I've read this and have learned that the services.config is "baked" into the swf at compile time. In that article he references the tokens.[URL]..

where server.port, and context.root are the tokens. I guess what I'm wondering is what tokens are available to me, and if they act like variables can I set my own custom token?

Edit: We're moving to another development server soon. We have 2 main flex developers and when they check out projects from the repository we want their projects work work independently of each other... so I want to make sure the endpoint will get set correctly for each developers project location.

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Specify Endpoint URL At Runtime In A Flex App Which Communicates With PHP?

Nov 22, 2010

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I tried to overwrite the endpoint in the mxml Remote Object, with no success.

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Flash - Overwrite BlazeDS / FlexDataservice Endpoint?

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<annotation name="ServiceConfig">
<item name="DEFAULT_ENTITY_PACKAGE">valueObjects</item>
<item name="contextRoot">/MYWEBAPP</item>
<item name="rootUrl"></item>


the _super_Database class created by Flex DataService uses that configuration to setup a remote object for communications.Now i'm looking for a way to overwrite those settings within the Database class which extends the _super_Database class.

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Sep 1, 2009

I've created a symbol and motion tween and given an instance name to the tween (lets call it mt1) on Layer 1, frame 1 - frame 10. On layer 2, frame 1 I create a button and stop and add the MouseEvent hander and function. Can I, from the function on layer 2, alter the end point of the motion tween on layer 1 via the function? I've tried, but unsuccessfully. Can't seem to access the tween properly. Or I am way off base. Here's the Actionscript frame 1, layer 2:


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Oct 4, 2011

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Php :: FlashBuilder 4 And Zend Framework Error?

Jun 11, 2010

I am trying to use adobe flash builder 4 with a php service.I had it set up an older macbook running leopard, but just tried to set it up on my new laptop running snow leopard.I did all the same steps.. set the Flex Server to be PHP, set the web root and url.Then I go to Data->Connect To PHP and point it to a php file I have in my web root. It says it needs to install Zend, and claims it does so successfully, but then when I try to continue, I get an error.I don't understand.. this same setup works on my older laptop.

(Yes, I checked the amf.production was false)

Unable to retrieve operations and entities from the file

Make sure that Zend Framework is installed correctly and the parameter "amf.production" is not set to true in the amf_config.ini file located in the project output folder.code]....

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AS3 :: Php - Open A File Dialogue Box From Zend AMF?

Dec 3, 2010

I want to send a request to my Zend AMF to Open a Dialogue Box for a File Download.The process:Send a request to the Zend Server from my flash App, process the MYSQL results with PHP, then send the result to the browser as a file download (.csv) AND a result true or false to the appI have the code working just fine outside of the Zend Environment, but of course, when i go to echo/print the file - it sends back to flash with nothing happening.Is there any way around this?

$file = "";
$outtype = "Content-type: application/octet-stream";


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Php :: Flex (with Zend) Running On A IIS-Server?

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When i specify the web root to an other directory, nothing works, not even on my local machine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Parameters From FLEX To PHP (zend Amf)?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm working on a school assignment in which I have to make a basic CRUD (create, read, update and delete) content management application using the Zend AMF framework in FLEX.Basically I create a mock database and have flex print the data from the database into a data-grid. I need to also have an add form, edit+update feature and delete feature. As of now I have FLEX printing all the database info into my data-grid and my add form works as well as my delete button. My problem is I cannot get the update function/query to work. You know:

(UPDATE myTable SET valueName='".$variable."')

What happens is I have it programmed so that when you click on any row in the data-grid, the information is printed back into the add form. Here you can change the values and hit the 'update button' (not the add button) to run the update query on the php file.So my mxml looks something like this:

PHP Code:

<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="{amfcall.getDatabase()}">
<mx:RemoteObject id="amfcall" destination="MyPHPclass" source="MyPHPclass" endpoint="http://localhost/FlexAMFCMSapplication/index.php" showBusyCursor="true" />


So basically I can send the ID over to the PHP but not other values along with it, in this case the date time and name. How can I send over these edited values so the update function actually updates them?I'm assuming my update function is wrong in either the mxml or the php or both.

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Flex :: Zend AMF Implementation And AMF Protocol Security?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a Flex frontend connecting via RemoteObject to Zend Framework's Zend Amf. This is my only means to transport data between client layer (Flex) and the application and persistence layers (LAMP with Zend Framework).Some ways I can address security are as follows:

I can address TLS by using mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel in my services-config.xml file and ensuring Flash player is loaded into a HTTPS wrapper and is in fact using HTTPS since the AMF protocol is layered on top of HTTP RemoteObject has a setCredentials method with which I can pass AMF authentication headers to protect user related data. Assuming TLS was actually secure I can expose methods on the endpoint after authenticating the User.I can protect against cross-site scripting and other FLASH vulnerabilities with a properly set up crossdomain.xml how to I protect my endpoint against another AMF consumer? For instance, if there were another AMF consumer (not Flash so not bound by crossdomain.xml and Flash sandbox security) other than my Flex client that knew my endpoint, what would stop it from using methods that the endpoint exposes?

As far as I know I essentially need a way to authenticate my Flex application against my Zend Amf endpoint. After AMF consumer authentication, I have some of the security mechanisms I mentioned above to protect certain pieces of data (like User authentication). I can not embed some sort of authentication mechanism into my Flex swf because the swf is vulnerable to decompilation (the swf can not be trusted). While sensitive data is protected via User authentication the unprotected data is hardly public but as far as I can tell is totally open for public consumption.

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Flex :: Zend Framework Model With Service?

Feb 10, 2010

i have a question about Zend Framework and mainly the model part. I know there is no abstract model class and understand why. I red a lot of blog posts about it, but couldn't find any example that would clearly explain it to me. I'm building a very basic application. Lets imagine we have just three, name, street, streetNo, Town), meta(ID, name, description), company2meta(ID, companyID, metaID, value, note). All types of realtionship are there (1n n1, nm). The a need also services (amf) with Value Objects. So, here is what I think:


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Flex :: Zend Amf - Display Results In Different Labels

Apr 11, 2011

I've got a simple app that is currently getting information form a database and just displaying the content into a datagrid.

Instead of having this information displayed in a datagrid, I'd like to display it in a couple of labels (first name, last name, phone, etc.), but I'm not really sure how to.

Currently on creationComplete I call my php query function - which looks like this.

public function getPeople() {
return mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_people ORDER BY pers_name ASC");


Eventually my query will be modified and will only ever return 1 row from the database. So how do I get the results to display in labels instead of the datagrid?

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - AMF Zend Fails Silently

Jun 1, 2011

I'm trying to connect to a Zend-PHP service within a pure ActionScript program. I've managed to use the service successfully using Flex. (But Flex mobile apps are bloated, and typically 10x bigger than pure ActionScript apps - which is why I'm trying to write it in Pure Actionscript). I'm trying to access the PHP/Zend service that I downloaded, and used in the following tutorial:- [URL] The PHP code that I'm connecting to is available as a download from this site - as well as instructions about how to use it in Flex. And this is what I've written in ActionScript:-


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Flex :: Access Strings From Zend AMF Objects?

Dec 3, 2011

I'm using Flex 3.6 and ZEND AMF version 1.11

I have an array that shows in my trace using trace(ObjectUtil.toString(event.result))[code]...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Zend : Getting A BadCall Version Error?

Feb 6, 2009

So I can get the following to work on a MAMP local server but have a problem running it on the internet (I have Dreamhost) as I keep getting a BadCall version error and when I run it locally using WAMP it just times out without an error. As to the error when I am running it up online, I am using Charles to see what is going on and it gives me this output:

Connected successfully<br />
<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query() [<a href='function.mysql-query'>function.mysql-query</a>]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in <b>/home/.glick/mydomain/</b> on line <b>18</b><br />
<br />[code]..........

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Getting Zend AMF Framework Parameters Error

Mar 21, 2009

I've got some trouble with the Zend Framework (AMF) and ActionScript, in sending multiple parameter to a PHP Function.

The user loads an image file from the local hard drive using FileReference into the Flash Movie than I take the Image's Bitmap Data, encode it to with JPGEncoder (CoreLib), get the byteArray of it and pass it to a PHP function though a NetConnection Instance like this.[code]...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Zend AMF On Flash Online / Not Localhost

Jun 25, 2009

i managed to make a image gallery with the help of the gotoAndLearn ZendAmf Flash tutorial. When i use the WAMP localhost it works absolutely great, but when i try to use it online it doesn´t work.[code]

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Errors On Inserting Db Objects Using Zend?

Aug 3, 2010

That part works fine and I can run a SELECT query on my database and return the results to Flash - No problem!However, I get constant errors when I try to use the INSERT command. I must be clear that the INSERT command is working fine and it DOES update the database - It's the callback to Flash that brings up error:ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property length not found on Boolean and there is no default main/onReturnSchoolPupilsSetup()My PHP code is as follows:

Code: Select allpublic function addSchoolClass($schoolID, $className)
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO class SET schoolID = $schoolID, name = '$className'"); 


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Php :: Zend Class Variable Retention For Mysql Queries

Jan 9, 2010

I have a flash application which uses a single php file to retrieve records from a database (using the Zend framework). When the application first begins, I make a call to the php to set a class variable, so that all future requests to the database will use this variable to select records based on its value. So here is how the class begins: class MyClass


So my question is, how can I get a PHP class variable to persist so that I can set it once, and I can access it anytime during the life of an application?

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Flash :: Embed Movie In A Zend View Programmatically?

Mar 15, 2010

I have tried to embed a flash movie in a zend view using the htmlFlash helper.

In theory you only have to pass the movie path to the htmlFlash helper in a phtml view[code]...

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Php :: Flex/Zend Channel Connect Failed Error?

Jul 6, 2010

I am using Flex and php to develop my project. Everything works great in my local machine.However, when I upload my files to my serverI got the error when loading my flex application.The pop-up error message is

send failed
channel.connect.failed.error url:


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Jquery :: Add An Onload Event To A View In Zend Framework?

Oct 12, 2011

I tried the following:

$this->view->pagedata['body'] = "onload='purchase_ajax_init();'";

But just keep getting:

Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property Zend_View::$view has no effect in C:Program Files (x86)endApache2htdocsljjapplicationviewsscriptspurchasecreate.phtml on line 4

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Zend AMF Call Isn't Transferring To Client Server

May 7, 2010

I have a client that I am going live with so I am transferring their website from my web server to their web server. Using Zend AMF, I am calling a database that reads perfectly when I point to it from my server but it doesn't work when I call the database from the client's server. In both instances, I am pointing to the same absolute path to my boot strap (on my web server). I don't understand what the difference would be.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Services + Zend AMF + CakePHP = FlexibleCake?

May 11, 2009

I'm working on a new project in Flex with a CakePHP backend and since I'm using Mate, I wanted to use the RemoteObject stuff it does to call CakePHP.First I tried just doing one call at a time in CakePHP but I saw that that would mean a lot of endpoints, so I looked into some like amfphp for cakephp. I saw that Zend AMF is now the successor to AMFPHP so I wanted to try to integrate it.

I probably spent 8 hours on the final solution that is probably 10 lines of code.So without further ado I give you FlexibleCake: a CakePHP controller that acts as an AMF Endpoint and is able to instantiate and call any controller / method. I also built a "tester" or "explorer" app that allows you to send requests to the end point and visualize the result.


PS there where some changes I had to make to the core CakePHP classes to make it work. It only involved modifying the comments in the model.php class I believe (since Zend AMF reads the comments to gather metadata for the functions called).

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Zend Framework :: Connect From Flash Media Server 3.5 To Zend_Amf?

Dec 31, 2009

i want to be able to connect from flash media server 3.5 to Zend_Amf (latest ZendFramework version). i tried doing the following:

function amfresponder ( ) {
this.onResult = function (result) {
trace("Success: " + String(result));


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