ActionScript 2.0 :: When You Click On The Button For Second Time The Movieclip Attached Go To Coordinates 0,0?

Dec 11, 2007

I have a layer called SCRIPT and on the first frame i put an actionscript that attach a movieclip (attachMovie). After i attach that movie clip i set the _x and _y coordinates to a specific place. This movie clip has a combo box inside.On another layer i have a button, when you click on this button i attach a movie clip (attatchMovie), this is the same movieclip i attached before on the first frame of SCRIPT layer.Here is the problem, when you click on the button for second time the movieclip attached go to coordinates 0,0.but, if a open the movieclip and delete the combobox everything works fine.Im including a very simple fla file to illstrate the problem, feel free to download it to see what im talking about.

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If I attach a movieClip this way:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Detecting Click On An MC Inside An Attached Movieclip?

Apr 23, 2011

I'm working with a MovieClip ("mainMenuItem") that is linked to a Class ("") that uses attachMovie to add another movieclip ("Arrow") to mainMenuItem as follows:mcArrow = this.attachMovie(prefix+"Arrow", "_Arrow_symbol", this.getNextHighestDepth());I'm able to use on(release) within the Class definition to capture clicks on the mainMenuItem component, but haven't been able to find a way to detect a click on the "Arrow" library item that gets attached to that component.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload An Attached MovieClip By A Click In The Movie Clip Itself

Jan 7, 2011

I have an AS3 project (publishing to FP10) where I load a custom made window from the main movie. The custom made window is saved in the Library and has a close button (called exitinteraction_btn).
I manage to load the window from the main movie with the following:

var WinA = new windowa();    addChild(WinA);    var myTween:Tween = new Tween(WinA, "x", Elastic.easeIn, 175, 175, 5, true);    var myTween:Tween = new Tween(WinA, "y", Strong.easeIn, 175, 175, 5, true);
This is the code in my custom window (which I cannot manage to close and have it remove itself from the main movie when clicked):
exitinteraction_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeI);
function closeI(e:Event):void{   this.unloadAndStop();
I get the following error:
TypeError: Error #1006: unloadAndStop is not a function.    at windowa/heyb()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: X & Y Coordinates Of An Attached Movie From An Array

Dec 7, 2004

I just want each instance of the movie clip from my collect_array to show up in a different x & y position.

(the collect_array is defined as an array elsewhere). It displays the first item in the array once (or it's displaying all the items on top of each other).

PHP Code:

if (collect_array.length > 0) {
var xplace = 50;
var yplace = 50;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Movie Clip To Be Attached Once In The Designated X,y Coordinates?

Jan 2, 2010

Basically its an onPress event handler on a movie clip that attaches another movie to it when pressed.The problem is, I only want the movie clip to be attached once in the designated x,y coordinates, no matter how many times the main object is pressed. I'm essentially trying to write my own FreeTransform script, that allows users to resize the object.

Below is the my source code:

ActionScript Code:
chair_mc.onPress = function() {
var bounds:Object = chair_mc.getBounds(this);


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Flex :: Menu Control - Click A Button And A Menu Is Displayed. Click That Button A Second Time And Hide That Menu?

Jun 20, 2010

Basically, I have a button and on click it displays a menu. I want to click that menu a second time and the menu closes. Currently, every time you click the button, the menu reopens. I pasted the Flex livedoc example below. If you click the button, the menu keeps reopening.Now, I rigged it up by setting a var to open and closed, so when clicking the button it does a check. However, if you click away from the screen, the HIDE event gets dispatched, and the menu closes. This messed up the open close var being set.

How could I make this Flex example below show the menu on button click, and then on a second button click, it closes the menu? Take into affect that if you click away from the menu, it closes it.Also, I played around with the MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE event for the button and set the preventDefault, and the FlexMouseEvent event.cancelable is set to false.Changing to a PopUpMenuButton is not an option. I have to much skinning involved.Here is the Flex example:

// Import the Menu control.
import mx.controls.Menu;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Multiple Roll Over/out + AttachMC = Wrong Coordinates Of Attached Mc?

Jan 7, 2010

First the code:
tt = function (prev,nex,coox,alf) {  attachMovie (nex, nex, _root.getNextHighestDepth());  nex=eval(nex);  nex._x = coox;  nex._y =


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Movieclip (or Button) Appear On Coordinates Randomly When Loading Flash?

Nov 25, 2010

i can't seem to figure out this:

I have 3 coordinates on a stage.
Coordinate1 (x50;y50);
Coordinate2 (x150;y150);
Coordinate3 (x250;y250);

How to make a movieclip (or button) appear on one of theese coordinates randomly when loading flash?

Coordinates don't change but movieclip (or button) goes to one of theese positions upon flash movie starting.

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Flash5 Come In One At A Time Instead Of All On The Same Button Click?

Jun 10, 2010

I have recently upgraded to FlashCS5, but i am still working in Actionscript2.

I have a simple document, and on a button click i have several different things that appear, i am wondering though if i can get them to come in one at a time, instead of all together, but still clicking on the same button.

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flash professional cs5 and i dont know how to do thing like in actionscript 3.0

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May 14, 2009

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Getting The Static Session Time After Quit The Application, Or Click A Button?

Sep 18, 2007

Below I have a counter program. the counter starts running once i open the swf file. Now I need to place a button where i can get the static session time like say 00:01:50 in a text box telling " You have been logged for+time+time. I dont have any idea how i can get the locked timer. The timer goes on running. I want the static time to be displayed when i click on the exit button too. Because exit button opens a page where this time will be displayed, so the user knows how long he has spent on my swf.

//initial variables
var timing:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Time Delay - Saving Pictures To User Computer On Button Click?

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// Create a new instance of the FileReference class to work with.
var myfileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Click A Button Twice To Run Movieclip

Sep 26, 2009

I was just wondering why it is that after I have clicked a button to run a movieclip, I have to click it twice to run it again? I would like to be able to run it again with just one click - it is for a true and false set of questions. The movieclip is an animation that runs if correct (and there is another if it is incorrect.

Here is the button script

on (release) {

comment: tf1_mc runs when the true button is clicked and tf2_mc runs when the false button is clicked. The script above is for the false button

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Click A Button Inside A Movieclip

Jan 6, 2010

I have made a sort of drop down menu of a movieclip. There are actually two, the first one named list_over_mc is only to detect when the mouse is in the area for when to drop down the menu (onRollOver) and the other one, list_mc, is holding the menu itself. The problem is that when the menu is down nothing happens when I click the button (now named knapp1_btn). I have tried with another but with the same sort of script (but placed outside of the movieclip list_over_mc) and that works so I'm guessing it is because the button is "over" the other movieclip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button (MovieClip) With Two Click Functions

Aug 9, 2009

I'm almost 100% sure that I have to write an if, else statement for this. Below is the code I have for a button(movieclip) I created. It is suppose to play an animation when you click on it. Then when you click it again it's suppose to play a second animation that will take it back to the original state. What is happening is, it goes straight to the clicked state without playing the animation. However when you click the second time it plays the animation that takes you back to the original state. Am I correct in believing the only way to get the animation to play on both clicks is to use an if, else statement.

function clickPlus(event:MouseEvent):void {btn1.gotoAndPlay("clickOpen"); }btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlus);
function clickX(event:MouseEvent):void {btn1.gotoAndPlay("clickClose"); }btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickX);
btn1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlus);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Array On Click Of Each Button?

Jul 7, 2010

I have browse button on stage. when i click this i am uploading a image to a movieclip. then the movieclip is added to the stage. my issue is when i click the browse button 2nd time i need to select another image and add to another movieclip and display it  to the stage

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get MovieClip To Hide On Button Click

Jan 20, 2009

I got this code but when i click on another button is is still there how do i get it to disappear? I have two movieclip one is the snow and another movieclip is an empty mc called snow2

ActionScript Code:
i =0;
while (i<25) {
//duplicateMovieClip (dot, "dot" +i, i);
dot.duplicateMovieClip("snow"+i, i);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set MovieClip Visible On Click Of Button

Feb 2, 2009

public function mc1():Void {
for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
c = c+30;
//here my_clip is a refrence to stage
var mc_new = my_clip.attachMovie("mc_bread", "bread_"+i, my_clip.getNextHighestDepth()+1, {_x:80, _y:385-c});
mc_new._visible = false;
[Code] ......
See the function visibility I am trying to set visible a movieclip on a click of a button. this code gives no error but still movie clip is not visible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show Movieclip Upon Button Click?

Aug 3, 2009

I am building a navigation menu with buttons that call and show a movieclip just below the button. I have no more compiler or output errors. Despite this, I still dont have a working navigation menu.The movieclips are only found in the library and are being called by buttons on the timeline. I currently have all the actionscript on frame 1 on a separate layer of the main timeline. None of the buttons or movieclips have code associated with them individually.The code I have created is as follows (I omited some bc the functions get repetitious).

va html_con_mc = new MovieClip


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Click In Duplicated Movieclip?

Nov 4, 2009

Before telling you my problem in actionscript, I would like to explain on how the system works. Please bear with my long explanations.I have a list of data that need to be display out. I've created one movieclip and I named it table_mc. Inside the table_mc, I put 2 dynamic text and one blue box with alpha 0. In order to display a list of data out, I used a table component in flash to duplicate the movieclip, table_mc. It saved me from doing a "for loop".

I wanted the list of data to be clickable so I converted the 2 dynamic text in table_mc, into movieclip. I named it table_but. When I clicked onto table_but, the blue box will appear, alpha 100 to show that it is being clicked.Here's the problem. I've done an actionscript in table_mc. In the list example, when i clicked onto no '2', the blue box appear and if I clicked onto no '5' the blue box for no '2' should disappear. Unfortunately the blue boxes will appear there together when i clicked onto no '2', '5' and '7' because they shared the same movieclip table_mc. Is there a way to do it when the blue box can only appear at a time?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Movieclip On Button Click?

Feb 21, 2011

how to play a movieclip on button click in actionscript 2.0.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Button - Go To Frame One On Click

Feb 18, 2009

I put a mcBtn in the end game frame, put this code in the frame:
mcBtn.buttonMode = true;
mcBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playGame);
function playGame(e:Event):void {
The object is to go to frame 1 when you press mcBtn. When I click it, Nothing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Movieclip Bigger When Click A Button?

Nov 29, 2004

What AS should I use to get a movieclip bigger when I click a Buttom? I want the object to grow at a size "x" and then stop....

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Put X And Y Coordinates Of Mouse In Two Variables But Only On A Click On Workspace?

Apr 6, 2009

How can I put the X and Y coordinates of the mouse in two variables, but only on a click on the workspace.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Isometric (3d) Coordinates From The Mouse Click (2d)

Sep 14, 2007

A few people asked me how to get isometric (3d) coordinates from the mouse click (2d).

The answer is: you have to assume that one of the x, y or z coordinates is fixed.

The original tutorial: [URL]

Original equations:

xFla = (x-z)*Math.cos(0.46365) + xOrigin
yFla = yOrigin - y - (x+z)*Math.sin(0.46365)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Apply Actions To A MovieClip Nested Inside A Dynamically Attached MovieClip - Remove Clip

Dec 4, 2011

I want to apply actions to a movieClip nested inside a dynamicly attached movieClip, with the attachMovie method; it doesn't works when the movieClip is attached by a button:

1.when the swf movie loads with an attachMovie method the remove_btn clears the window_mc


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ActionScript 3.0 :: CAN'T CLICK On Any Button - Movieclip Layer Work

Jul 31, 2010

i CAN'T CLICK on any button, movieclip layer and have actionscript work, it just says "CURRENT SELECTION CANNOT HAVE ACTIONS APPLIED TO IT" what do i have to do so that i can click on my button's and go in action pannel and be able to input my actions without it saying "CURRENT SELECTION CANNOT HAVE ACTIONS APPLIED TO IT"

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