ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Movieclip Withing Child?

Jun 29, 2010

This is probably super simple, but for me.. not!I am loading external swf into my main swf.How do I access a movieclip within a child. This is my code:

function loadFolio (event:MouseEvent) :void{
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("folio.swf");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Child Of A Movieclip Without Using The Movieclip Name?

Aug 13, 2009

I've got a dozen movie clips on stage, each with 3 children, and each of those have 8 children, as example named u01-u08.

Is it possible to access u01 directly without the parent names? like a wildcard? like the xml way of getting to nodes with a .. ?

sort of like: stage..u01.alpha = .5;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Of A Child In A Movieclip?

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function AddArt1(evt:MouseEvent): void {
var ClipArt1Request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/mypic.gif");
var ClipArt1:Loader = new Loader();
FLine1MC.ClipArt1.x = 550;
Anybody know what's my error?

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Flash - 2 Movieclips Not Playing Simultaneously Located On The Same Frame Nested Withing A Movieclip?

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//set stage for FBF
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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var player:Symbol3 = new Symbol3();


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var ThumbMC:MovieClip()
var childThumb:MovieClip()


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<mx:VBox id="content" width="100%" height="100%" ></mx:VBox>
public function doIT():void

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For ex:-

mcA = 300x300
mcB = 400x400

then only 300x300 of mcB movieclip is visible and rest of the part is hidden.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Child Of A Child's Stage?

Jun 10, 2010

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It doesnt work when the children are loaded into the mainSwf. how to access the stage of a child's child? I have tried root, Movieclip, this but can not get it to work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Variables From Withing An MC

Oct 9, 2009

I have a piece I'm working on that loads some copy to the front page. Then when you mouse over the navigation it plays the 2nd half of the MC that makes the copy fade. One of the navigation buttons works to bring the copy to fade back in by playing the first half of the MC.I'm declaring a boolean variable "intro" and setting it to true on load because the copy is visible.Then within my MC at the end (when the copy is done fading out) I set "intro" to false.Then if the user mouses over the nav it runs an "if" and if the intro is true it fades it out, and if its not it shouldn't do anything (stay invisible).The problem is it keeps playing the MC - so you mouse over the nav and it fades out, then you mouse over the nav again and it fades back in, then you mouse over the nav and it fades out again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables Withing Flash?

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I have a setup where I am loading 3 XML nodes from a database. It lists 2 of the 3 onscreen - an item and an item price. I am trying to have it work so that when an item is clicked that the item_id (loaded in the xml, but not displayed on screen) jumps to a frame with a dynamic text box and have it list ONLY the item clicked. So far, I made it jump to the frame with the text box and it lists the entire list, not just the item.I really want it so that you click an item then it stores the item_id in the background (then a mc plays saying "item added to cart"). I want the ability to store more than one item_id from different categories and when a user presses the 'view cart' button, that the text box loads those items.

I think I am close, but I got to thinking if it would be better to have some way of doing a php session or something similar to store the item_id and then when the 'view_cart' button is pressed, the text box lists the item_id and the item_name and item_price for each item in the session. I wasn't sure if Flash can talk to php like that. Can it?Is this the right way to approach what I am trying to do? I'd like to use one 'holder text box' if possible.

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Feb 15, 2009

So I am trying to save a screenshot using JPGEncoder while in full screen mode. The document size is 100x700, and the stage is aligned to bottom. I've been able to capture the right size, however it always seems to capturing the image from the wrong start x,y position. There is some elements out of bound but I am just trying to clip them.

Here was last attempt :



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flickering Gallery Withing A Movie Clip?

Jun 6, 2010

So I have this gallery which I downloaded, it is AS 2.0.

It works well as is on the main(Scene 1) page, except that when I create a new MovieClip, and paste all the original frames w/actions into it, it begins to flicker and none function.

Here are the codes:

Perhaps there is something that I need to change?

Here is the actual gallery with my problem in it:


First Frame:
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";


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Jul 27, 2010

What I have is a SWF file that calls out to 3 different SWF files via the following code:

// Array of external clips to use. Variable index refers to next clip to be displayed.var clips:Array = ["page1.swf", "page2.swf", "page3.swf"];var index:int = 0;
// Stuff to load swf filesvar thisLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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Actionscript 3 :: Changing Root Variables From Withing A Function?

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I'm new to Actionscript 3, just started working with it after years of working with AS2,

What I'm trying to do at the moment is to change a variable that's located in the root from a function,

Something like this:
var myVariable:String = "String test";
function testFunction():void
myVariable = "new String";


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Jan 8, 2011

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var HDLrange:int="enterRange_txt.text";
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Mc Child?

Jun 29, 2009

i've made a simple example here to show you my problem. I have basically created a stage object ("box"), with the nested children, box->b->c. I have exported box for as, with class "box" and base class movieclip. Now i create 4 instances of my box class and add an eventlistener to the nested child c. When i later on try to remove the eventlisterner for myinstance.b.c i get: TypeError: Error #1010: term is undefined and has no DocumentClass/removeSomething(). Here is my code:

import ....


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Cannot Access Child Variables?

Jul 23, 2009

The error is as follows:1119: Access of possibly undefined property shiftX through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObject.shiftX is declared in the first line of the movie clipFirst i check to see if the child doesnt exist and if it does I access it like so:getChildByName("ball"+ccc2).shiftX)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access To A Child Not Working?

Oct 7, 2009

I am adding a movieclip in a class I will call class B that is added to a class I will call class A. In class B I am adding the movieclip like this:

var thumbHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); = "thumb" + loadingCount;
trace("after: is: " +;

In class A, I can do something like this:
thumbs_mc.alpha = .3;
But if I try to do something like this, I get an error, even though the trace above traces out the names correctly. thumbs_mc.thumb1.alpha = .3;

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Professional :: Possible To Access Child Timeline?

Oct 14, 2010

On the main timeline I've got a movieclip, inside this movieclip I have some elements. Can I manipulate those elements from the main timeline through AS3? How?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Access A Child's Timeline In It?

Mar 9, 2012

I have a cloud named cloud2_mc and in its timeline i have a cloud layer, and an actions layer. I took the cloud and made it into a a Movie clip clip with an instance name of embeddedcloud_mc in this Movie clips timeline i have a 50 frame animation of the cloud breaking appart and disapating with a tween and i have a stop(); function on frame 1 of this layer.

What I want to happen is, when the cloud2_mc movie clip is clicked to play the animation of the cloud breaking appart. the cloud2_mc has a trajectory moving slowly accross the sceen continuously when the cloud2_mc reaches the side of the sceen it loops again. When the animation is clicked i would like it to continue across its path but, when the cloud2_mc reaches to left hand side of the screen i want the embeddedcloud_mc to reset its timeline and go back to its original state where the cloud has not broken appart.

My question is, how do I access an embedded movie clips timeline to tell it to play an animation on its timeline as well as, how do i make the same object restet its timeline to frame 1?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Child At Top Index?

Dec 13, 2011

I am adding movieclips (myBall) to the stage by the click of a button. There is a base class applied to myBall which allows it (and its children) to be dragged and dropped. Within the base class on mouse down, along with startDrag, the movieclip is being brought to the top index. I would like to be able to refer to this movieclip in my document class. The point of doing this would be to apply a function to the last clicked movieclip (finding what movieclip was last clicked would happen by applying the function to the movieclip (myBall) with the highest index).[code]...

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