ActionScript 3.0 :: Center Videos Dynamically At Runtime?

Oct 23, 2010

I have a presentation with various embedded and external videos linked to it. I need them to be positioned in the center of the screen no matter what resolution the user is running, therefore I need to position them dynamically and not with specific co-ordinates. I have found a link and some code that does this, but its a big chunk of code and I would like to put this code in my main .as file, as a function, and then in my main timeline when I have a video - just use one line of code to call the function and apply it to a movieclip with the video inside.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Center Videos Dynamically At Runtime

Oct 23, 2010

I have a presentation with various embedded and external videos linked to it. I need them to be positioned in the center of the screen no matter what resolution the user is running, therefore I need to position them dynamically and not with specific co-ordinates. I have found a link and some code that does this, but its a big chunk of code and I would like to put this code in my main .as file, as a function, and then in my main timeline when I have a video - just use one line of code to call the function and apply it to a movieclip with the video inside.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Proper Resize Images And Videos At Runtime Without Losing Quality?

Dec 9, 2009

I've built a flash site in which i want to resize a movie to the stage. I do it by keeping the proportion, thus i only resize the width and then i resize the height acordingly to the new width but keeping the proportion. The problem is that my film still looks "pixeled". I found a website on which the stage resizes dinamically with the movie and the background images without either of them losing quality. Till now i knew that resizing images or videos in flash at authoring or runtime produces pixeled results.
This is the website: [URL:]. Can someone tell me how do they do it without losing quality? just make the browser windowed and resize the margins to see the effect.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MediaPlayback: Dynamically Loading Videos?

Feb 28, 2007

I currently have this code:

var vLoad = new Array();
vLoad = vidURL.text;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Loading FLV Videos Dynamically

Dec 2, 2008

We're using a content management system and client wants to upload videos. These videos will be for advertisers or directory listings. The videos will be converted on the fly to flv. Using flash8 flv component. Depending on the URL, I need the swf to access the correct video from a dynamically created xml file. I'm able to get the swf to recognize the current URL, and I put the URL into a variable called pageURL. Based on this URL, I need the swf to send this to the xml, with php - it will determine what video to get from database - based on the URL sent. I then need the swf file to play the correct video from the xml file.

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Jquery :: Flash - Dynamically Embedding Youtube Videos?

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I'm trying to retrieve a listing of a user's youtube videos and embed them in a page using jQuery. My code looks something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
//some variables
var fl_obj_template = $('<object width="260" height="140">' +


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Center A Dynamically Loaded MC?

Feb 28, 2008

I just want to center my dynamically loaded movieclip, into it's container box. Not center on the stage, but make it center with the container_mc it loads in.

You know when you load a external swf, it loads from the top left corner. How can the loaded image or movie load centered instead of aligned top-left?

I am actually using the XML thumbnail gallery here at kirupa. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Center Images Loaded Dynamically?

Sep 24, 2009

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... part of function ...
for (var i:uint=0; i<numPictures; i++) {
var pictLdr:Loader = new Loader();[code].......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Dynamically Fed Photo Around A Center?

Sep 6, 2006

I'm doing a little photo rotation front-end for a site I'm working on. It's a custom photo gallery site that needs to have a photo rotation functionality to it. The back-end developers couldn't find a decent way to do it in Javascript, so they've come to me to figure it out in Flash.They pointed me to the Flickr rotation tool as an example. Seems like it should be straightforward:Load photo into empty movie clip on stageRe-center photo movie clip to the stageUse left/right rotation buttons to rotate image in 90 degree incrementsThat said, I'm having a tough time, after I load a photo into the empty movieclip, using a rotate left and rotate right button to spin the photo around. Obviously, the registration point is in top-left corner of the photo movieclip when the photo is loaded.

I've read that rotation can be managed by putting the clip to be rotated into an outer clip, but...there's a catch......I won't ever know what the exact size of the photo being loaded is going to be, so I can't set the outer clip to a certain size. I only know that it will never be wider than 100px.

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Bind A Component To An XML Node Dynamically At Runtime?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a custom component based on mx:ComboBox. Within it I connect to an HTTPService (the url is passed as a paramter) and bind the combobox. Parameters to be sent to the HTTPService are passed to the component. This is working fine. But I want to modify it to make it re-usable with other HTTP service URLs, which return the XML in a different format.

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Feb 11, 2011

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Works fine

[Embed(source='C:/fonts11/EASTERAR.TTF', fontFamily="xyz")]
var xyz:Class;
var arialEmbeddedFont:Font = new xyz();
var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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Nov 21, 2011

Having trouble with this one, let's say I have a 800x600 stage with a movieclip on stage. Now inside this mc I have a red dot thrown randomly somewhere inside. How can I make my mc move so that it centers that red dot to the center of the stage? I need the animation to be dynamic but I can't figure out the formula to do it

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Dynamically Generated Objects Rotating Around Its Own Center?

May 12, 2009

i have a triangle that i generate using the following code:

Code: Select allinternal function generateTriangle(w, h, topPoint, color = "0xFF9900") {
var triangle:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
with ( {


I use this function and a foreach loop to generate 9 differently colored and sized triangles, which works fine when i place them on the canvas. But if i try to rotate them they rotate around the 0,0 point - i want them to rotate around the center of the individual triangles, how do i do that?

1. How do i move a dynamically generated triangle inside a movieclip? Solved using [URL]

2. How do i access each of the triangles inside the movieclip, or even better, place them in 9 different movieclips using addChild so that i can move them around individually?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Center Text In Movieclip Button?

Feb 14, 2006

I'm finishing up a project that has a grid of 60 buttons -- two different button movieclips on which I've done some scripting for links, alpha tweens, etc. Each instance of the movieclip button is uniquely named.

In side each of the two different style of movieclip buttons is a dynamic text field that, unfortunately, is sized to the dimensions of the movieclip background. Thus, when dynamic text is pulled in (from XML-based arrays) to populate the movieclip buttons, it is top aligned if only 1 line long. Given this current setup, how can I dynamically center (vertically and horiztonally) the dynamic text field within each of the two movieclip buttons?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Center Dynamically Loaded JPGs Of Dif Sizes?

Apr 20, 2006

I've read a few of the other threads on this subject but still had no luck. I'm loading jpgs via an xml file and the pics are all diffrent sizes. I'm trying to figure out how to center the image once loaded, but am running into brick wall after brick wall.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Center Align A Image Which Is Loaded Dynamically?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Center Align An Image Which Is Loaded Dynamically?

Jan 21, 2009

I have created a slideshow, in which image is loaded dynamically from a xml. the issue is the images gets aligned to left ,top position by default. i want it to center align.

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Professional :: Dynamically Changing Stage Size On Runtime

Mar 31, 2010

I need to change the stage size dynamically. When I try to do this?
size_mc.onRelease = function(){
Stage.height += 100;
It comes always the current stage size.

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JavaScript :: How To Dynamically Call Function At Runtime Without Using Eval

Nov 11, 2011

I'm trying to build an API in JS that will perform some operations and then execute the callback that's registered in AS when it's done. Because it's an API, I am just providing a JS method signature for another developer to call in Flash. Thus, the callback name that's registered in the AS part of the code should be a parameter that's passed in to the JS API in order for JS to communicate back to Flash.

For example:
[AS3 code]
ExternalInterface.addCallback("flashCallbackName", processRequest);"namespace.jsFnToCall", flashCallbackName);
function processRequest(data:String):void {
//do stuff
[Code] .....

Because the definition of the function is in AS, I can't use the window [function name] approach. The only way I can think of is to build the callback in a string and then use the eval() to execute it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Dynamically Created MovieClip Names During Runtime?

Nov 8, 2010

Is there a way to obtain a reference name of each item on the stage. A reference name that can be then used to manipulate the object? (and how would one do that if successful in obtaining the name?)

As an example that is not working for me, if I drag to stage two movie clips and dynamically include 5 additional movie clips at runtime, this [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Changing Base Folder Of App At Runtime?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a flash file in folder "/" which loads another flash file in folder "/xyz/". The second flash file will load several resource files on its own. Now flash is looking for the resource files at the base folder "/" and instead of the other loaded flash's folder "/xyz/". The second loaded flash file is provided by a third party and can't be modified. Is there any way to dynamically change the base folder of the "application" at run-time? I've heard about the html swf tag "BASE" so I've tried loading the second flash file with a ".....?BASE=/xyz/" but it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotate Dynamically Added Movieclip From Origin (0,0) And Not Center?

Jun 10, 2010

I've got this simple code here:

this["recipe"+i] = new recipelistname();
this["recipe"+i].buttonMode = true;
this["recipe"+i].recipeid = i;

The problem is that the movieclip rotates around the center. The textfield inside the movieclip is starting at 0,0. But it still rotates around the center, how can I make it rotate at 0,0?

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Flash :: Center The Registration Point For Dynamically Imported MovieClip?

Mar 2, 2011

I'm trying to see if there's a way to change the registration point of a MovieClip that's importing an image dynamically?Here is my code where I add an image to an "overlayHolder":

overlayBitmap = _loader.getBitmap( + "-overlay_image" );
overlayHolder.x = _data.overlay_left;
overlayHolder.y = _data.overlay_top;

What I need to do is rotate this image later on, upon interaction from someone, but need it to rotate with a center-registration.I've seen a bunch of tutorials/forums talk about centering a registration point when you're drawing a Sprite on the stage, but not when you're importing an image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Center A Dynamically Generated Movie Clip On Stage?

Feb 4, 2009

I have created an empty movie clip in the root, I load dynamically some jpg to the empty movie clip, but now I want to center it and I can't I have this code, it centers the movie clip but on the registration point of 0,0 not in the middle of the movie clip so the movie clip will show up nice and centered.

ActionScript Code:
var stageL:Object = new Object ();
stageL.onResize = function () {


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