ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Dropdown Direction Of Datefield?

Jul 15, 2010

I want to change the dropdown driection of the calender of  datefield.since my width of the application is small.and also i want to reduce the size of the datefield's calender control.

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Mar 10, 2009

function moveStuff(){
this._y += 5;


thats my basic Arrow key functions to move a movie clip lp_mc is my character in the left position so when left key is pressed it moves forwards but when right is presssed it moves backwards... i have a movieclip called rp_mc which is the same thing but facing the other way when right is pressed how do i swap the lp_mc for rp_mc so it changes direction?

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Nov 15, 2011

i'm trying to animate a movie clip by subtracting from its y value and then when it reaches a negative value change direction and animate by adding to its y value until it's back to 0 and loop back and forth. what i have isn't working.

function Bodyloop(e:Event):void{
var direction:Boolean;
if(body.y > 0){


when it reaches -500 is jumps back and forth.

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animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',1);
bg_1 = animator.attachMovie('bg_mc','bg_1',1);
bg_2 = animator.attachMovie('bg_mc','bg_2',2);


how to get it to go from left to right, rather than right to left as it does now. Been messing with it for a while and have no idea what to do.

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Oct 20, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Mouse Direction And Change Frame?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm building a simple 360 degree image rotation effect using single frames and forward and back buttons. I'm new to AS3 and have managed to create functioning buttons... (so my code may be a bit odd!)But now I also want to advance frames by clicking and dragging on the image itself (or on an invisible button sat on top of the image).Although there are some threads here which have asked the same thing, I don't understand how they were answered. My code is below, and the file I am practising with is on:URL...At the moment if you click on the image area it will advance but as there is no code detecting mouse direction, it just goes forward. Can anyone help me understand how to implement a simple direction detection and then use this to decided whether to advance or go backwards.[code]

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May 19, 2010

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this.rotation = (Math.atan2(targetY-this.y, targetX-this.x )/Math.PI)*180;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint To Change Direction Of Moving Object

Jan 5, 2011

I'm having a problem changing the direction of a movieclip using hitTestPoint. I have some balls on the screen that only move left, right, up and down. and pending the way they are moving they have to change direction. if they're moving right they have to change to up. left to down, up to right and down to left. I tried the following code for getting a ball moving moving right to change to up. note: movingDir is just a string i use to keep track of how the ball is moving and is defined initially in another class. here is a snippet from the ball class:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Direction Of The Panel With The Click Of A Button?

Oct 24, 2010

But I have a simple problem I think.I have a moving panel of images, and I want to be able to change the direction of the panel with the click of a button. Here's what I have so far:

var panelSpeed:Number = 1;
var leftDirection:int = -1;
var rightDirection:int = +1;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint To Change Direction Of Moving Object?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm having a problem changing the direction of a movieclip using hitTestPoint. I have some balls on the screen that only move left, right, up and down. and pending the way they are moving they have to change direction. if they're moving right they have to change to up. left to down, up to right and down to left. I tried the following code for getting a ball moving moving right to change to up.

note: movingDir is just a string i use to keep track of how the ball is moving and is defined initially in another class.

here is a snippet from the ball class:

Code: Select allthis._movingDir = "right";
this._speedR = 5;
this.x += this._speedR; 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame - Moving Object On Stage And Change Direction

Mar 22, 2006

I'm trying to set up a script which would force an object to move through the stage until a particular point and than change direction. I wrote something like that:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
moveUp = function () {
this._y -= 1;
if (this._y<-30) {
this.onEnterFrame = moveDown;
moveDown = function () {
this._y += 1;
if (this._y>600) {
this.onEnterFrame = moveUp;
this.onEnterFrame = moveUp;

But it doesn't work. the object moves only one direction and does not change it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Frame In The MC Math.atan2 According To The Direction It's Facing

Dec 14, 2009

I've got a movieclip which follows a predefined path (like in those tower defense games). Normally the mc changes the direction it faces with Math.atan2 method and then rotates the movieclip, but because this game is in a tilted view( in stead of directly from the top) I need it to change the frame in the MC according to the direction it's facing.

Is it possible to read out Math.atan2 method data, and then change the frame the MC is displaying, according to this data? I used [URl]...on-and-realism as a base for this game. If Math.atan2 method

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Movement: Flip Horizontal On Direction Change Along X?

Mar 30, 2010

Random Movement: Flip horizontal on direction change along x

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Movement / Flip Horizontal On Direction Change Along X

Mar 31, 2010

[I am using one of the Random Movement Tutorials and as my moving object have a front and a back I wish them to flip horizontally when the change direction.They currently start face left and start moving left, when they start moving right I wish them to flip horizontally.[code]

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