ActionScript 3.0 :: Changed Default Linkage To Merged Into Code - Firefox No Longer Works?
Sep 17, 2010
Changed AS3 defualt linkage to merged into code, and now my flash file will not load into firefox. It works fine in Chrome, but IE8 and firefox site at frame 1 of my movie, and no code is executed. Works perfectly in chrome. What do I do?the reason i changed to merged into code is because i made an imbeded preloader, and using preloader method as custom preloader loop and setting default linkage to Runtime Shared Library (RSL) borks the file.
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var sw:int = stage.stageWidth -1;
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52 49 46 46 54 00 13 00 57 41 56 45 62 65 78 74 5A 02
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Nov 22, 2011
I am having a problem with my build. When I add a valid statement to the code it will no longer complie and it fails with errors from an unrelated file.I experience these issues building with ant or building with mxmlc on the command line.Adding a valid statement to an myLittleBox.mxml will cause this error.All the errors are in ViewerMain.mxml.This file is not the main mxml file but it is referenced from the main mxml file.Before changing myLittleBox.mxml ViewerMain.mxml had no compile errors.There are no errors related to myLittleBox.mxml myLittleBox. mxml has no references to ViewerMain and only uses spark components ViewerMain.mxml has no direct references to myLittleBox.mxml. Its children's children's children would have a reference to myLittleBox.mxml.The valid statement added to myLittleBox.mxml could be many things (they all break it) including a comment.[code]
I noticed that the Model was using a constant in Viewer 1.This was causing all of Viewer 1 to be built when Viewer 2 is built.I moved the constant from Viewer 1 to the the Model (where it really should have been anyways) and my project built successfully since Viewer 1 and Viewer 2 were not being built at the same time.It makes sense that this would resolve the issue however this is just resolving a symptom of the issue.I am still very curious what was causing the the compiler to fail on ViewerMain.mxml when I add a comment to myLittleBox.mxml.I guess that it will remain a mystery for now.
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Dec 21, 2006
Is there a work around to the getURL Firefox issue? I am having trouble getting Firefox to open my file from my exe when FF is set to my default browser. If FF is already open, the getURL functions fine. If FF is closed, I have to click on my button twice in order to open the file (ie, click once opens a blank window, click again and the file opens) I have FF, Flash MX 2004 Prof. I have tried setting an interval to have the getURL fire again but I can't seem to get it to work.
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Sep 30, 2010
Trying to recode map program to utilise modest map rather than original hand made map routines. Finished up yesterday and had squashed bugs pretty much(annoying flicker issue but that didn't appear on another web browser I figure it's flash/browser related issue). Then I realised I need to try this in IE as well. And it doesn't work. Map loads up so modest map code is working. What is NOT working is everything else. It's supposed to track locations and draw arrows to their positions.
It doesn't go to where it's supposed to initially. No arrows are drawn. No control buttons from HTML side work. Nothing. Zip. I have suspicion it could be the ExternalInterface which works differently on firefox and IE. Could that be reason? If so how does one go detecting what browser I am using and how does one need to take that into account? Or is there something else that's different between IE and firefox I need to take into account?
IE itself only gives rather mystified error message.
Message: Unspecified error(my translation since original is in Finnish)
Line: 49
Column: 5
Code 0:
Funny thing is both php file and output html file is 37 lines long...
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Jan 30, 2011
I'm trying to set up a collision so that when a bullet hits a wall it is destroyed. Here is the snippet of code I am using: PHP Code:
This method works great for when detecting a collision between other moving instances and the walls, but for some reason with the bullets I get this error message when they almost touch the wall and Flash freezes and I usually have to restart it: PHP Code:
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Jul 21, 2010
I had a forum up a few months ago, and got help getting radio buttons to work with a continue button, causing the movie to gotoAndStop at a particular frame. (This is all being done on the main timeline).Everything was working fine, now, I keep trying to do it again, but regardless of which button I click, it only goes to frame 2 where the Novice radio button is supposed to go.I think the problem is in the line of code that reads:varframeNumber=2+Number( know it is set to only go to the novice area, but my understanding was that since these were radio buttons, any button clicked would work, and I only needed to type in one of the unique instance names
Here is the code:
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Nov 12, 2010
I'd been following several answers to similar problems with no luck at all, so i decided to try asking by myself:I have a page with several links that have to load data via Ajax using jquery and put the response inside a div. The main "tab" is a flash wich is inside a layer.Every time a user clicks on any of those links, flash container is resized to 0px and set visibility to hidden (trying to prevent the reload behaviour if display is set to none).
All works just fine EXCEPT the first time you click on any link that hides flash layer. In that particular case (only in Firefox) it resets the flash to initial state. I'm going nuts about this..
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Jun 9, 2011
I've literally been staring at this for 7 hours. I'm missing something.I have two movie clips on the stage. The instance name of the first is puzzleAK. The instance name of the second is pieceAK.The first is linked to a custom class called GeoPuzzle. The second is linked to a custom class called GeoPiece.The code compiles but throws an error (as explained).The code in the main timeline:
puzzleAK.fullName = "Alaska";puzzleAK.abbrev = "AK";puzzleAK.isLocked = false;trace ("made it through puzzle definitions: " + puzzleAK.fullName + " " + puzzleAK.abbrev + " " + puzzleAK.isLocked);
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