ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Graphic On A MC?

Aug 4, 2009

(without using a button)I have a square MC with a dummy graphic. I want that MC to display (based on conditions, so with AS3) a different graphic. Something like myMC.picture=otherMc.picture

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Professional :: Changing A Graphic To A Movieclip Kills Swf?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a graphic sitting on my stage that I want to convert to a movieclip so I can change it's alpha with as3. If I change it from a graphic to a movieclip my swf stops working. I have a bunch of code which constructs a dynamic menu and it stops working when the graphic is changed to a movieclip. They aren't related in any way so why would this happen? As a graphic it doesn't have an intance name and nothing is happening to it. It's not animated or anything. It's just sitting on the stage.

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IDE :: Changing Hues Of A Tulip Graphic - Timeline Based

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Duplicating & Changing Movie Clip Without Changing Original?

Aug 31, 2009

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Keep Graphic 10px From Top?

Apr 1, 2009

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orig_stage_width = 960;
orig_stage_height = 600;
orig_back_width = 1600;
orig_back_height = 1200;


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IDE :: Change Graphic From ISO To Top-down?

Jul 20, 2010

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CS4 :: Change A Graphic Within Movieclip

May 10, 2009

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Jun 19, 2009

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Jun 6, 2009

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Dec 14, 2009


This does not!. I'm not even referencing tile109 but by having the same graphic it errors real weird!. I am using the same graphic just for test purposes so would change it later - does seem very strange though.

The error occurs in my copypixel (null source), but as said tile109 isn't even used. Some mangling/reference prob?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change :) Into Graphic Or Swf

Jun 27, 2010

so i tried to make an emoticon in chat, it worked actually. but only if you type "/smile", it will turn into "" << colon and closed parenthesis. not if you type "bla bla bla ".

so here's the code i use:

function onSendBtClick(evt:MouseEvent):void
if (ti_message.text == "/smile")


all I wanna do is change the "", "", and ":/" into animated emoticon (for example: "smile.swf", "sad.swf", "frown.swf") anyone know the code to replace the text-emoticon code i used..?

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May 12, 2009

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when i press the button the graphic go up, if press again go down, always like this.

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Jun 30, 2009

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Jul 28, 2009

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FLV: Display Graphic/movieclip At Cue Point?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a FLV playing (via FLVPlayback component), and I'd like to have a graphic/movieclip display on top of the video at one of the cue points.

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Different Between Movie Clip And Graphic In Flash?

Dec 23, 2009

I want to know all differents betweent Movie Clip and Graphic & Also I want to know when I use graphic or Movie Clip

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Get Coordinates Of Graphic That Is On Screen And Failing

Dec 10, 2010

I am trying to get coordinates of my graphic that is on the screen and failing. I am using AS2.

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Get Text To Move Towards A Graphic In Playback?

Jul 2, 2009

My brother is currently living overseas with his girlfriend and is flying home for a visit in August/September this year so I have decided to mark the occasion by creating a 3-scene Flash movie. Just there now I had the plane on the stage, I had the names moving towards the plane but when I played the scene back the text and the plane weren't on-screen at the same time, as the text and graphic were in different layers. My question is how do I make it look like the text is moving to get on the plane and vice versa as in the next scene I obviously want to have the plane flying towards the airport, (more text) i.e how do I merge the layers or is merging the layers not what I need to do?

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Replace A Graphic Symbol That Contains Text?

Sep 3, 2009

How do I replace a graphic symbol ?  It is actually made up of 3 layers including a textbox and bullet.  When I double click on the symbol, I get the Text Properties menu.
When I single click on the symbol on the stage, the properties menu shows a Swap button.  When I choose the correct symbol and click OK, it looks like it worked but it still shows the original symbol name (Instance of it) on this Properties menu.
Another issue is that when I change one of the symbols (by double clicking on the symbol and then double clicking on the text layer), it does change the text on that layer. However, then it changes the text on the other symbol as well even though they are different symbols.
Note that I can edit the original symbol and the new one.  Both symbols are different.  In other words, they each show the different text (which is what I want).  It's like the original symbol is attached/embedded and cannot be changed.
Background on this issue:  Rather than create a brand-new layer, I copied all the frames in a layer to a new layer because it has a motion tween on it.  I only need to change the symbol that is in the motion tween.  This is the only action/event happening on both layers.

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Making Vector Graphic Grayscale?

Oct 5, 2009

I have a image of a cartoon (it is vector graphic created in Flash not bitmap!) and I want to change it
into grayscale, how do I do that?

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