Unable To Edit Graphic
Sep 20, 2011
I'm using Flash 8 and I have a Flash movie created some while ago that I need to change from time to time. Over the years the centre of some of the graphics/movie clips has moved as the clips grow and reduce in size. I now find I cannot edit the wording on one of the projects (project 10). [url]...
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Apr 1, 2009
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orig_stage_width = 960;
orig_stage_height = 600;
orig_back_width = 1600;
orig_back_height = 1200;
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Dec 14, 2009
This does not!. I'm not even referencing tile109 but by having the same graphic it errors real weird!. I am using the same graphic just for test purposes so would change it later - does seem very strange though.
The error occurs in my copypixel (null source), but as said tile109 isn't even used. Some mangling/reference prob?
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Jun 27, 2010
so i tried to make an emoticon in chat, it worked actually. but only if you type "/smile", it will turn into "" << colon and closed parenthesis. not if you type "bla bla bla ".
so here's the code i use:
function onSendBtClick(evt:MouseEvent):void
if (ti_message.text == "/smile")
all I wanna do is change the "", "", and ":/" into animated emoticon (for example: "smile.swf", "sad.swf", "frown.swf") anyone know the code to replace the text-emoticon code i used..?
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Jun 29, 2006
I downloaded this script: [url] I works fine, but i want some graphic on top of the images, without adding the graphic to all the images, so i made a new layer in flash, made the graphix i wanted... But when i run the script, the images is fading over the graphic i made....
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May 12, 2009
make a graphic like this:
when i press the button the graphic go up, if press again go down, always like this.
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Jun 30, 2009
I imported a panorama .jpg file (i.e., several overlapping landscape photos stitched together) onto the Flash MX 2004 stage, changed it to a symbol (graphic), and used Tween to simulate the panorama panning back and forth. The effect looks great when I click on the .swf file in Windows Explorer, but when I created a box on a PowerPoint 2000 slide and linked the .swf file to it, instead of the graphic, there is a red rectangle. The rectangle moves the way the graphic would, but you cannot see the photograph. By the way, I followed the steps at [URL] to link the .swf file to the PowerPoint slide.
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Jul 28, 2009
Half a year ago I started working on this game. One of the aspects of it involves clicking a point on the screen and a path made of 32x32 squares will be drawn from its current point to the clicked point. Well at the time I jsut needed to do a quick prototype so I did something like this.[code]That worked perfectly then and simply filled the path with that color. However now I want to break away from a solid color and fill the path with 32x32 .png tiles. If it helps to better visualize picture it similar to an RPG world maker or an RTS level editor.It's been a few months since I've looked at actionscript.
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Jun 18, 2008
I am following a good tutorial here:URl...And it uses the following example file to display an embedded FLV movie:URL...I am having a problem editing the cue points. If I open the compenent inspector for the FLVPlayback, and then open the cuePoints dialog, I should be able to add, remove, or modify cue points. However, I can't edit anything in the dialog at all. It seems locked.The tutorial clearly states you should be able to edit the points.
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Jun 18, 2008
[URL]In the tutorial, it says I should be able to edit cue points for the FLV video. I open the component inspector and the cuePoints dialog. All the cue points are listed, but it won't let me edit them. They seem ti be locked. I need to be able to edit cuepoints within flash for a linked flv file.
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Aug 5, 2011
I have a IT background and have been able to alter most of the template by myself to the design I would prefer my website to have. However I have hit a snag, it looks like part of the flash website design is controlled by bitmap images therefore I concluded those images were under the sources within the PSD folder. I tried creating a PNG file and double clicking the relevant bitmap and then updating it with the new file. However after I perform a publish preview the the change made no impact to the design.
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Jun 18, 2008
I am following the tutorial here at URL...and it links to the following tutorial file:URL...In the tutorial, it says I should be able to edit cue points for the FLV video. I open the component inspector and the cuePoints dialog. All the cue points are listed, but it won't let me edit them. They seem ti be locked. I need to be able to edit cuepoints within flash for a linked flv file.
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Sep 18, 2009
I just got adobe flash cs3 and I think its a very nice program that I hope I can use for more things going forward. Here is my first question.
How do you edit a .swf header? I can open it and it comes up but I do not see any options on how to change the existing words in it.
View 12 Replies
Oct 1, 2009
I am working on flash project ... requirement is ... editing flv movie on fly ...
Customer will upload flv file through simple html form.
And from admin i will run my flash project where i can be able to open that uploaded flv file and
make corrections in that flv file like draw line, change text etc and resaved it with my corrections. and mail flv link to client.
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Jul 14, 2009
I want to edit xml on run time dynamically using AS3.if is this possible plzzz send the tutorial link or sample script.
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