ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking Three 'if' Statements Are Correct Or Wrong?

Jul 24, 2009

I'm working on a quiz where a user has to drag three movie clips to correct positions then press the 'next'button to move on (calls funtion nxt).I have nxt function to check to see if the three movie clips have been dragged onto the three correct positions (other movieclips),the code works but only if all three are correct.I want the function to check to see if all the clips have hit the right target, 

if so, then add +1 to the 'score' and go to frame 'end'

if the clips aren't on the right target then just go to frame 'end'

At the moment the nxt function doesn't work if the answers are wrong.

function nxt(event:MouseEvent):void
if (asc1_mc.hitTestObject(blank1_mc))[code]...........

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var startY:Number;


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[Code] .....

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function selectAnswer(n) {
// correct
if (answers[n] == correctAnswer) {;


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[Code] .....

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var pageAnim = 1;


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T =T+1
if (T>4){
} if (T = 1){
_root.snd1.start(0, 100);
[Code] .....

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function functionOne() {
randomX = 550*Math.random();
randomY = 400*Math.random();
} functionOneInterval = setInterval(functionOne, 1000);
function functionTwo() {
[Code] .....

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if my number I enter is an even number then display (in an XML calendar) even days
if my number I enter is odd then display (tin an XML calendar) odd days

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Apr 9, 2010

So I am creating a drag and drop game but the thing is that there is not one question for each statement. Is it possible to have say... 10 statments on the right and one "box" on the left where the statements can be dragged to, if its correct it stays there, if its incorrect it goes back to its original position.

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Jun 15, 2010

I am interested in have a dynamic text field display three quotes at different intervals. I thought I could use the Timer to trigger these quotes by loading them into the dynamic TextField.
However, I cannot seem to get it going. I try to attach a number from the timer but that throws an error /1176: Comparison between a value with static type flash.utils:Timer and a possibly unrelated type int.


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