ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Using This With Conditional Statements

Sep 28, 2010

When use the full path name and the identifier of a movie clip, my conditional statement works fine. However, when I swap the identifier out with "this", it no longer works. This script is contained within the movie clip I am trying to reference. I have found that, "this" works fine by itself on the timeline. It just stops working when I place it within a conditional statement.

Here is my script:
function functionOne() {
randomX = 550*Math.random();
randomY = 400*Math.random();
} functionOneInterval = setInterval(functionOne, 1000);
function functionTwo() {
[Code] .....

The reason I am trying to use "this" instead of the identifier name is because the movie clip it is referencing will be duplicated. This script here generates a random destination point for an enemy spaceship and tells it to constantly move to the changing points. This script is contained within the enemy spaceship movieclip, and I am planning on duplicating several of them at once.

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Even if movieClip_mc is 0xA6A6A6 then the function will not execute:
Code: Select allvar myColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
myColorTransform.color = 0xFF0000;


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//Set function parameters
function createArray():Void {


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Professional :: If Else Conditional Statements For Dynamic TextFields

Nov 29, 2010

This is about a self assessment quiz.There will be four options and each one has a scale from1-5 i.e., "option a" has 1mark, "option b" has 2marks,"option c" has 3 marks, "option d" has 4marks and "option e" has 5 marks and we count the answered and we display the score for example if there are 20 question in it if they answered "option e" 5 times the score will be 25 and option d 5 times the score will be 20, and if "option c" for 5 times the score will be 15,and "option b" for 3 times the score will be 6 and "option a" two times the score will be 2, and we add up all the score and display in a dynamic text field called "score" and the total score is 68.

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on (release) {
if (scor>=55) {
tsc = "Excellent";
} else if (scor == 41 && scor<=55) {
[Code] .....
Where:"sQ" is the frame name where i am displaying the score details"scor" is the var name for the dynamic text field for displaying total score"tsc" is the var name for the dynamic text field for displaying the tags llike good, Excellent, better, poor.....etc.

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function dooraction(event:MouseEvent){
if ("Blue") {

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var count:Number = 4;
var evenOrOdd:String;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Conditional Statements For Click Referring To Loaded Swf

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statements Within If Statements?

Oct 7, 2004

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_root.qArray = new Array("question: A;B;C;D")
_root.qArray.push("Question?:A;B; C; D")

There are 11 questions.At the moment at the section with choosing answers I have

function selectAnswer(n) {
// correct
if (answers[n] == correctAnswer) {;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Statements In Flash

Apr 12, 2012

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if i could get a response ASAP that would be gr8, as i have 2 weeks to get it done.

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Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to learn AS3 the hard way (i.e. just barrelling on into it), and I'm a bit stuck on this form that I'm putting together. Aside from the normal headaches associated with form building in Flash, I've got a series of conditional contents that I need to work out.Basically, it's a no-brains-required error reporting form, and it's covering three sites, with several buildings, and a couple of thousand computers. What I want to do is to limit the amount of selectable machines available as more fields are filled out in this form: say I chose site 1, I only want machines that are actually on site one to be available. Would it make more sense for this to be done at the server end, or is there a way of getting the combo boxes to check to see whether conditions have been met prior to displaying contents?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Screen Flash With Conditional Values?

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What im trying to do is to keep the background image aligned to the top left but never scale below a certain pixel height or width. Here is an example of what im going for.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash CS4] Conditional Statement To Trigger An Event

Nov 30, 2008

I want to trigger an event when 4 buttons are being set to visible(originally set to ._visible=false at the beginning of the movie) say, the instance names of the buttons are "a","b","c",and "d", and their visibility is triggered by other events.When all of them are triggered/being set to visible, I want a movieclip to play (say, the name of the movieclip is "animation") I tried using the if statement and came up with the following code:


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May 5, 2011

've been trying to make a code in actionscript that will set a function to true if an object is moved to a specific part of the screen. The confusing thing is making the rule apply to when it's between a specific four coordinates (in this case, 165 and231 as the X coordinates, and 295 and 330 as the y coordinates; "honey" is the instance name of the symbol).I was given this code:

bool IsBetweenInclusive(int value, int lower, int upper)
return value >= lower


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Flash :: IDE - Switch And For Statements Doesn't Work Anymore After Autoformat

May 22, 2007

the flash autoformat destroys my code... And i use it all the time .. my switch and for statements doesnt work anymore after autoformat, it adds ';' where it shouldnt..

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Flash :: SWC Files Be Created In DEBUG Version By Using Conditional Compilation Constants?

Nov 8, 2011

Is there a way to compile SWC files in different targets (Debug vs. Release) similarly how you can compile a SWF file with the AS3 Conditional Compiler constants?

This link shows how SWF files can be compiled with predefined compiler constants:[URL]..

But I need to know how to achieve this with SWC files instead.

Note: I'm using FlashDevelop (Windows 7) to create the SWC (if that's any help to refine the answer).

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Flash :: Flex Conditional Compilation "else"?

Apr 29, 2010

In AS3 you can pass a constant to the compiler -define+=CONFIG::DEBUG,true And use it for conditional compilation like so:

CONFIG::DEBUG {trace("This only gets compiled when debug is true.");}

I'm looking for something like #ifndef so I can negate the value of debug and use it to conditionally add release code. The only solution I've found so far was in the conditional compilation documentation at adobe and since my debug and release configurations are mutually exclusive I don't like the idea of having both DEBUG and RELEASE constants.

Also, this format works, but I'm assuming that it's running the check at runtime which is not what I want:

//debug stuff
else {


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IDE :: How To Conditional Statment

Oct 26, 2009

So I'm not that familiar with using conditional statements yet, and I'm trying to get my head around it. I know what I need it to do, I'm just not sure of the correct syntax.I basically want a statement that says:

if( movieClip1 == frame 10)
then play movieClip2


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IDE :: Use If And Else Statements And Failing?

Apr 15, 2009

I am trying to use if and else statements and failing. I am either completely missing their purpose, or just not writing the correct code. Scenario: I have designed a gallery that consists of animation in movie clips that are placed on the time line. With the if/else statements I need Flash to know what movie clip the user is on, so that the users next action loads the correct movie clip.


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Double Up If Else Statements?

Apr 18, 2009

Is it possible to double up If Else statements? [code]...

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