Professional :: If Else Conditional Statements For Dynamic TextFields

Nov 29, 2010

This is about a self assessment quiz.There will be four options and each one has a scale from1-5 i.e., "option a" has 1mark, "option b" has 2marks,"option c" has 3 marks, "option d" has 4marks and "option e" has 5 marks and we count the answered and we display the score for example if there are 20 question in it if they answered "option e" 5 times the score will be 25 and option d 5 times the score will be 20, and if "option c" for 5 times the score will be 15,and "option b" for 3 times the score will be 6 and "option a" two times the score will be 2, and we add up all the score and display in a dynamic text field called "score" and the total score is 68.

And I have another dynamic text field called "tsc" where I have to display the tags like excellent , good, better ......etc. Till now every thing is fine but I am unable to compare them it is displaying excellent even if i get 10 marks. If the score is greater than 55 "tsc" should display Excellent, if the score is greater than 41 or less than 55 "tsc" should display Best, if the score is greater than 26 or less than 40 "tsc" should display Better,if the score is none of the above "tsc" should display Poor.

This is my code on the submit button:
on (release) {
if (scor>=55) {
tsc = "Excellent";
} else if (scor == 41 && scor<=55) {
[Code] .....
Where:"sQ" is the frame name where i am displaying the score details"scor" is the var name for the dynamic text field for displaying total score"tsc" is the var name for the dynamic text field for displaying the tags llike good, Excellent, better, poor.....etc.

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if(percent<51) {
"Below 50";
} else if(percent>50) {
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var myXML = new XML();


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xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Multiple If Else Statements & Manual Dynamic Xml Data Input To Trigger A Goto And Play

Dec 19, 2011

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Below is code that is manual input - I had set up a dynamic txt field in flash named it : raffle_tix_remain When loaded on to the host I can manulally update the xml code and the change will take effect. raffle_tix_remain.text = root.loaderInfo.parameters.raffle_tix_remain;

My question: Since the raffle_tix_remain is a manual input from a user to xml Is there a way to tell flash once it refreshes and "raffle_ tix_ remain" goes to (0)zero gotoAndPlay(2); and let it play like a "sold out" sign i guess that would be a if else statement.


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Aug 12, 2010

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var leading:Number = 15;
var i:Number = 0;
while (i<14) {


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Feb 5, 2009

I have a few textField objects that are created dynamically with XML. I want to space them evenly horizontally, how would I do that? So far this is all I have, but it does not account for different character lengths per textField.

for (var i:int = 0; i < xmlList.length(); i++) {
var tf:TextField = new TextField();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Format Dynamic TextFields Globally

Sep 13, 2009

In my project, several textField mclips are created dynamically. These mclips pull their content from an XML from.

The text is formatting partially using TextFormat, but I have been unsuccessful setting the font family.

I think this is because the content is dynamic and called from the XML.

In any case, I then tried to set the font family using mx.styles, but also with no luck:

import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
var text_style:Object = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.styles.myStyle = text_style;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic TextFields Does Not Display All Specified Word

Aug 19, 2010

I make a dynamic textfield, specify it's instance, then assign it a string or variable with AC, but often the dynamic text will not display all the text or variables. For example, I say
warning.text = "Please do not enter more info than necessary.";
Yet what appears onscreen, is:
"lease do not enter more ino tan neesary."
This happens no matter how big I make the text area, or how small I make the text, so I don't get why it's not all viewed. (Btw When I copy from the textfield I do get all the text)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Textfields - Embed Fonts?

Jun 29, 2004

how to embed fonts as for some reason i can get the font im using to show up Here is the script i used to create the textfields:


as you can see from the 2 images i have put up with the fonts active on my system e.g font_on the text is ok but with the fonts turned of e.g fonts_off i get a different text even thou the fonts are done addressed in my script.

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