Professional :: Multiple Statements One Drop Box?

Apr 9, 2010

So I am creating a drag and drop game but the thing is that there is not one question for each statement. Is it possible to have say... 10 statments on the right and one "box" on the left where the statements can be dragged to, if its correct it stays there, if its incorrect it goes back to its original position.

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Professional :: Drop Multiple Images In Multiple Frames

Aug 22, 2011

I have 260 images that I need to place on different frame. Instead of dragging them one by one the image on the stage, is there a way to drop all of them in one shot but each images is on a different frame?

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Professional :: Drag And Drop To Multiple Targets?

May 11, 2010

Im trying to create a simple drag and drop app where you can drap a movieclip into multiple areas.This is the code i have so far (taken from a tutorial i found) thats works perfectly for 1 target but not for multiples. I initially tried giving the targets the same instance name but that didnt work.
stop();var startX:Number;var startY:Number;
square_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);square_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
function pickUp(event:MouseEvent):void { square_mc.gotoAndStop (2);;


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Professional :: Drag And Drop Multiple Times?

Aug 12, 2010

Is there a way to make an item, which can be draged onto the stage mulitple times? Like in making beats in music apps. You select a sample and drag it into the stage.

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Professional :: Drag And Drop Objects To Multiple Targets?

Nov 27, 2010

i have tried a lot of time to make my project into a success.this is the link to my swf...all objects are accepted when i drop it into the plastic bin

var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
var counter:Number = 0;


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Professional :: Drag Drop Objects To Multiple Target Areas?

Oct 30, 2010

I am trying to make a quiz on metals. I have several elements which i want to fall into multiple target areas (e.g. the target areas are shaded grey in the following swf; metal_mc, nonmetal_mc, metalloid_mc). I can make individuals match to target areas (as there are tutorials for that) but i want each one to be able to slide in to any target area (and someday i want to create a solve button which will then place each element in the correct place). have started all over and have designated only chlorine to move (for the moment) but how do i code it to allow it to fall into any of the grey areas?

var objectoriginalX:Number;var objectoriginalY:Number;chlorine_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);chlorine_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop For Multiple For Statements?

Oct 20, 2010

I need to put a load of MC's on stage with the use of an array as such:

for (var i = 1; i = 4; i++) {
if (reg[i] == "singlewall") {
var Wall:MovieClip = new wallClass() as MovieClip;

I need a lot more then 4 though and I need a way to make new "Wall" variables
Tried doing it with:

for (var i = 1; i = 4; i++) {
if (reg[i] == "singlewall") {
var Wall:MovieClip = new wallClass() as MovieClip; = "mc"+i;

This does not work though, yields an infinite loop somehow

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple For Loops Within Various If Statements?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm building a quick products display app for my company (basically customers put in certain numeric values and the app recommends a product based on the numbers.) I've done this with if statments and addChild()s

Now if they've gotten one result and they want to try with different values I need to removeChild() the product images from the stage.

So far I have this working by adding the addChild()s to an Array and using a for loop to remove them everytime the calculate button is hit. This works fine until I get to product double ups (some products can work across multiple values) then it errors.

Below is part of the code I've shorthanded some of the parts which are working fine as well as the repeat parts so that it's not just a whole blob of code

import flash.display.MovieClip;
equal_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, equClick);


View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple If / Else Statements - Not Working

Dec 31, 2010

I've been developing an AS3 based 2D fighting game engine (like Street Fighter II), and have run into an issue. I'm using if/else statements in my onEnterFrame function to hit test my fighters. This works great in my first if/else statement, but for some reason it doesn't recognize my second if/else statement that follows the first. I know it's not the code, because if I bring the second if/else statement up and place it above the first statement (simply swapping the order), the hit test is successful. Why is it that only the if/else statement that comes first works, but any that come after it don't?

Here's my code:
function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {
//MOVE THE char1
PlayerBase.players[0].x += plyr1vx;
PlayerBase.players[1].x += plyr2vx;
[Code] .....

I've also attached a .zip file with my published files so you can see the issue in the game (must be viewed in a browser for keys to work correctly). Move the left player using "A" and "D" keys. Make him punch with "Z" and kick with "X". Punch is the first if statement in my code, and kick is the second if statement (not working).

View 10 Replies

ActionScript 3 :: Multiple Statements In For Loop (1084 Error)

Sep 30, 2011

I'm trying to do a binary search in a for loop. However, flash does not like the following for loop.
for(var select:int = Math.floor((min + max / 2)), var turns:int = 0;
turns < input.length / 2 + 1;
turns++, select= Math.floor((min + max / 2))){
if(input[select] > want){ max = select;
} else if (input[select] < want){
min = select;
} else {
return select;

On the first line I get 1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before var. I think I know why (I'm using , to separate the different statements), but how do I fix it? ; won't work since it's what the for loop uses.
( var select:int = Math.floor((min + max / 2)) ;
var turns:int = 0);
turns < input.length / 2 + 1; //etc
does not work either.

View 2 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple If Statements - Place All Of The Same Parts Of The Face?

May 6, 2010

I am working on a puzzle has four different eyes, nose, and mouth. These can be placed on a blank head. I want to be able to place all of the same parts of the face, and have a response that says "Beauty" if the mix up the pieces from different faces, it will say "Beast." I don't know how to set up the AS3 to make this work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple If Then Statements To Check 3 Text Fields

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to check 3 scores at once. Is there a better way to code this... I want to check to see if they are all tied? If one score is greater than another? Seems like there should be a more cleaner way.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replacing Multiple Statements With A Loop - Syntax Incorrect?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a series of images loaded in via XML and assigned to "loady" movieclips. This code works fine:




I want to replace this with a loop since I know the total amount of items (myImagesNo), but this isn't working:


for (i=0; i<_root.myImagesNo; i++) {
_root.myMCL.loadClip(_root.myImages[i].attributes.url,this["_root.loady" + i]);

View 2 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Replacing Multiple Statements With A Loop / Syntax Incorrect?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a series of images loaded in via XML and assigned to "loady" movieclips. This code works fine:[code]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Drag And Drop Multiple Boxes And Snap To Multiple Locations Then Reveal Button

May 3, 2011

I'm Trying to develop a small game where the user chooses from a range of boxes of the left of screen and can drag 3 of them separatley to 3 holding boxes on ther right. each box can be dragged to any location and the order is not important. Once the 3 holding boxes are all full I want a new button to appear. I completed a tutorial and I've got one box working perfectly but no matter what i try I can't get it working with multiple boxes and locations. Below is a list of the instance names of the movie clips plus my actionscript. I've attached a link to the flash file.
box 1 = "circle_mc"
box 2 = "circle_mc2"
both the grey boxes are called = "targetCircle"


View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Multiple If Else Statements & Manual Dynamic Xml Data Input To Trigger A Goto And Play

Dec 19, 2011

Below is code that has a timer countdown that reads off of the computer. Below in bold is code to read "if it reaches the date, go to and play frame (2).


Below is code that is manual input - I had set up a dynamic txt field in flash named it : raffle_tix_remain When loaded on to the host I can manulally update the xml code and the change will take effect. raffle_tix_remain.text = root.loaderInfo.parameters.raffle_tix_remain;

My question: Since the raffle_tix_remain is a manual input from a user to xml Is there a way to tell flash once it refreshes and "raffle_ tix_ remain" goes to (0)zero gotoAndPlay(2); and let it play like a "sold out" sign i guess that would be a if else statement.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Multiple Objects To Multiple Target?

Sep 10, 2009

im creating a small drag and drop game in AS3-
I have 4 objects and 4 targets,
I want to be able to drag any of the 4 objects onto any of the targets, right now all I can manage is to allow each object drop onto one specific target only.
I thought by calling all my target names by the same instance name eg target_mc that would work but only one target will ever work.

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Multiple Drag And Drop, Multiple Targets?

Mar 25, 2012

I'm making a Multiple Drag and Drop in Multiple Targets educational puzzle for 6-7 y/o kids that tries to teach them a bit about which plants grow in which environments in the country. So, I have a map of Mexico divided in 3 diferent zones: desert, forest and tropic, and 6 different plants (of 3 different groups: cacti, pines and tropical flowers, 2 of each) scattered across the stage and around the map. The goal is for the kids to drop the plants in the right zone and then to click a "verify" button that triggers a validation process. Each of the plant's movie clip has 2 frames with a stop(); action on each: the plant graphic spans across both frames and the second frame has a red error sign over the graphic that indicates an error has occured (if that's the case). Then the validation process triggered by the "verify" button is supposed to move the playhead of each wrongly placed plant move clip to the second frame to show which plants are misplaced and move the main timeline's playhead to a frame that contains a "Please try again" text and a "Restart Puzzle" button. If all the answers are right, an animation plays saying that it was VERY WELL DONE! .
I searched the internet for some tutorials and found a file that is pretty close to what I need. I've tried to adapt the code to my puzzle but have failed miserably. The file is here if you want to check it out (scroll to the bottom of the page, it's called Soldier.fla). I'm not pasting the code here because it's VERY long, but I will if required. If you want me to upload the files somewhere else and link them here, I will. If you need me to send them to you I'll be glad.

View 10 Replies

Professional :: If Else Conditional Statements For Dynamic TextFields

Nov 29, 2010

This is about a self assessment quiz.There will be four options and each one has a scale from1-5 i.e., "option a" has 1mark, "option b" has 2marks,"option c" has 3 marks, "option d" has 4marks and "option e" has 5 marks and we count the answered and we display the score for example if there are 20 question in it if they answered "option e" 5 times the score will be 25 and option d 5 times the score will be 20, and if "option c" for 5 times the score will be 15,and "option b" for 3 times the score will be 6 and "option a" two times the score will be 2, and we add up all the score and display in a dynamic text field called "score" and the total score is 68.

And I have another dynamic text field called "tsc" where I have to display the tags like excellent , good, better ......etc. Till now every thing is fine but I am unable to compare them it is displaying excellent even if i get 10 marks. If the score is greater than 55 "tsc" should display Excellent, if the score is greater than 41 or less than 55 "tsc" should display Best, if the score is greater than 26 or less than 40 "tsc" should display Better,if the score is none of the above "tsc" should display Poor.

This is my code on the submit button:
on (release) {
if (scor>=55) {
tsc = "Excellent";
} else if (scor == 41 && scor<=55) {
[Code] .....
Where:"sQ" is the frame name where i am displaying the score details"scor" is the var name for the dynamic text field for displaying total score"tsc" is the var name for the dynamic text field for displaying the tags llike good, Excellent, better, poor.....etc.

View 4 Replies

Professional :: Unable To Make Timeline Import Statements?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a bunch of MovieClip Symbols in Library.  They all need to import the same classes for timeline code.  I don't want to add the import statements to every MovieClip's timeline.

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Professional :: Statements And Variable Movie Clip Names?

Feb 29, 2012

(problem 1 is that I cannot call buttonmoce this way!)I am really trying to imporve my code writing and using arrays and for will save me writing this code over and over again Cheers sub


View 11 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Multiple "if" Statements?

Mar 1, 2002

say i want something to happen, but I only want it to happen if more than two conditions are there a way to use multiple "if" statements?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statements Within If Statements?

Oct 7, 2004

If they get a question wrong in my quiz ( weakest link) the money clip goes to zero and it goes onto the next question. If they get it right the money clip advances and they go onto the next question. I want to include each time that it should only go onto the next question if all questions have been asked. SO i want an extra if clause in both sections, saying if current question is more than 11 go to '#game over"The questions are saved in the frame of the quiz

_root.qArray = new Array("question: A;B;C;D")
_root.qArray.push("Question?:A;B; C; D")

There are 11 questions.At the moment at the section with choosing answers I have

function selectAnswer(n) {
// correct
if (answers[n] == correctAnswer) {;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drop Mc On Multiple Targets?

Mar 18, 2010

I want to create a drag and drop app that will allow the user to drop mc onto either one of two correct targets.I gave the targets the same instance name but that doesn't work.The program only recognizes the first target mc created as correct.How can I make either target the correct one?

function dropIt(event:MouseEvent):void [code]....

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Multiple Mc`s

Jan 31, 2011

I want to make an animation like this: when i drag "mc1" in the same time drag "mc2" what is the code for this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop To Multiple Targets?

Oct 5, 2011

I have created a simple drag and drop game with 4 signs to be dragged onto 4 targets. As two of the answers are the same I need to be able to have the possibility of both signs to be dragged onto either target.


// Second Level Quit button
// loads second.swf in again
quit_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_2);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop With Multiple Targets

Sep 17, 2010

I'm having a problem find a solution to my drag and drop problem. Here is what this flash piece is basically supposed to do: 9 dragable items on the stage5 targets, numbers 1 - 5, where the items can be placed5 of the 9 dragable items are the correct answer and the user needs to drag them to the correct target, and have to be in order from 1-5. (eg. let's say the instructions are: Please place the, in the correct order, the 5 steps to getting ready in the morning.
Drag items Targets
Brush teeth 1.
Change oil in car  2.
Wash Face 3.
Put pants on 4.
Shower 5.
Get out of bed
Do tax's

So far I have it so if you drop the correct answer into its correct target it snaps to it and disable it's eventListeners. If you drop the drag item on the other targets they snap to it and disable it as well. They only problem is if the user accidentally drops the item anywheres else on the stage it locks it in place. Instead I want it to return to the original x and y position.

Here is my code
package{ import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
public class DragDrop extends MovieClip {
public var _targetPiece:*;
public function DragDrop() {
[Code] .....

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag N' Drop Same MC's Multiple Times?

Aug 8, 2009

I have 3 movieclips each containing an audio. These will be dragged and dropped on stage.However I need to be able to click a MC and have it "copy", or whatever, it self to be dragged so I can drag n' drop a mc multiple times.So for instance lets say I have 3 movieclips a_mc, b_mc and c_mc, on stage.In the area I want to drop them lets say I want to do thisa_mc, a_mc, c_mc, -or- b_mc,c_mc,c_mc etc... but still leaving a_mc, b_mc and c_mc in there original area.

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop With Multiple Points

Nov 9, 2010

When you make this draggable and droppable, the object automatically jumps to the cursor of the mouse, but at the location set at (0, 0)? Well, is there a way to counteract this, so if the mouse is over it and you click it you can still move it but the object will stay where it is relative to the mouse cursor? I'm using ActionScript 3.0 with Flash CS5

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Multiple Targets?

Sep 9, 2011

I'm using the script "drag & drop multiple targets", with the swapDepth enabled, making the last clicked item to come in front of all the clips on the board.So far, so good. But I have some of the draggers made up by small circles, stacked/glued together vertically (7 in a row) which make these new draggers taller than the majority. The problem is that when I try to drag and snap them, the bottom circle doesn't center into the middle of the dropping zone like the others. These new draggers center themselves with their vertical center into the center of the dragging zones.

I really need to have all these taller draggers centered themselves with the bottom cercle into the middle of the dropping targets, like the simple draggers made up by a single circle.Is there a way to work around, applying a rule to the chosen individual objects without specifically applying to the main script? I mean when you drop the item, forcing it to snap a little bit higher in relation with Y coordinate of the dropping zones.

ActionScript Code:
function dragSetup(clip, targArray) {
clip.onPress = function() {
startDrag(this); this.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth());


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