ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple For Loops Within Various If Statements?
Jul 28, 2011
I'm building a quick products display app for my company (basically customers put in certain numeric values and the app recommends a product based on the numbers.) I've done this with if statments and addChild()s
Now if they've gotten one result and they want to try with different values I need to removeChild() the product images from the stage.
So far I have this working by adding the addChild()s to an Array and using a for loop to remove them everytime the calculate button is hit. This works fine until I get to product double ups (some products can work across multiple values) then it errors.
Below is part of the code I've shorthanded some of the parts which are working fine as well as the repeat parts so that it's not just a whole blob of code
import flash.display.MovieClip;
equal_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, equClick);
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Oct 20, 2010
I need to put a load of MC's on stage with the use of an array as such:
for (var i = 1; i = 4; i++) {
if (reg[i] == "singlewall") {
var Wall:MovieClip = new wallClass() as MovieClip;
I need a lot more then 4 though and I need a way to make new "Wall" variables
Tried doing it with:
for (var i = 1; i = 4; i++) {
if (reg[i] == "singlewall") {
var Wall:MovieClip = new wallClass() as MovieClip; = "mc"+i;
This does not work though, yields an infinite loop somehow
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Dec 31, 2010
I've been developing an AS3 based 2D fighting game engine (like Street Fighter II), and have run into an issue. I'm using if/else statements in my onEnterFrame function to hit test my fighters. This works great in my first if/else statement, but for some reason it doesn't recognize my second if/else statement that follows the first. I know it's not the code, because if I bring the second if/else statement up and place it above the first statement (simply swapping the order), the hit test is successful. Why is it that only the if/else statement that comes first works, but any that come after it don't?
Here's my code:
function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {
//MOVE THE char1
PlayerBase.players[0].x += plyr1vx;
PlayerBase.players[1].x += plyr2vx;
[Code] .....
I've also attached a .zip file with my published files so you can see the issue in the game (must be viewed in a browser for keys to work correctly). Move the left player using "A" and "D" keys. Make him punch with "Z" and kick with "X". Punch is the first if statement in my code, and kick is the second if statement (not working).
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Sep 30, 2011
I'm trying to do a binary search in a for loop. However, flash does not like the following for loop.
for(var select:int = Math.floor((min + max / 2)), var turns:int = 0;
turns < input.length / 2 + 1;
turns++, select= Math.floor((min + max / 2))){
if(input[select] > want){ max = select;
} else if (input[select] < want){
min = select;
} else {
return select;
On the first line I get 1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before var. I think I know why (I'm using , to separate the different statements), but how do I fix it? ; won't work since it's what the for loop uses.
( var select:int = Math.floor((min + max / 2)) ;
var turns:int = 0);
turns < input.length / 2 + 1; //etc
does not work either.
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Jun 30, 2009
I have a series of images loaded in via XML and assigned to "loady" movieclips. This code works fine:
I want to replace this with a loop since I know the total amount of items (myImagesNo), but this isn't working:
for (i=0; i<_root.myImagesNo; i++) {
_root.myMCL.loadClip(_root.myImages[i].attributes.url,this["_root.loady" + i]);
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I have a series of images loaded in via XML and assigned to "loady" movieclips. This code works fine:[code]
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for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){
_root.attachMovie("A","A_" + i, i + 10);
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Jul 31, 2006
creating If loops with multiple-dimensions. What I am trying to do is simple in concept: create "boxes" (square movie clips) surrounding another movie clip (one to the left, to the right, above and below). Essentially what I have so far looks like this:
The problem with this is that as soon as I use the function createmoresquares, the for loop is run again for that second set of squares, but the original for loop to create the original set of squares is forgotten so that I end up with this:
I know this all seems very confusing but the basic mistake I am making should be easy to resolve. I have the same problem creating multiple-dimensional arrays.
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Oct 26, 2010
I have created 2 separate arrays. One that contains all of the "options" and the other which contains all of the "products". Since the products change depending on the options, this way I can just update the products array whenever the filtering options get changed.So far, everything is working as expected. I can change the filters whenever I want and tabbing works exactly as expected.The problem arises when I click on one of the products.This brings up an informational popup. When that happens, I loop through the products array and the options array and set tabEnabled to false on all of them so that you can't tab through to items in the background. This works great. When you close the popup, I once again loop through the products and options arrays and set tabEnabled to true, but this is where the weird happens.
What happens is that you can now tab through the options and it goes through them all just fine, but when it gets to the end of the options, where it would normally start tabbing through the products, it skips them and goes back to the beginning of the options. HOWEVER, if you shift-tab from the beginning of the options, it goes to the products and as long as you are shift-tabbing, it will cycle through only the products. If you release shift and tab normally, it will tab through the products and when it reaches the end, jumps over to the options and tabs through those, once again skipping the products unless you are shift-tabbing.
I have traced the tab indexes and they aren't changing. I have no focusManagers implemented in the entire project. All of the various items are added programatically and dynamically at runtime. I'm at a loss here, and haven't been able to find anyone else with a similar problem... Any thoughts? Most of the options items are components (radioButtons and Checkboxes) if that might make a difference.On a side note, it also seems like whenever I set tabEnabled to false, when I set it back to true, I have to set focusRect to true as well. It seems to automatically set focusRect to false when you set tabEnabled to false as well. Is that normal? Seems like those should be independent of each other
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for (var s = 0; s<mainSections.length; s++) {//grabbing the fabric types Handblocks,Screenprints,and Wovens
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Sep 7, 2010
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Dec 19, 2011
Below is code that has a timer countdown that reads off of the computer. Below in bold is code to read "if it reaches the date, go to and play frame (2).
Below is code that is manual input - I had set up a dynamic txt field in flash named it : raffle_tix_remain When loaded on to the host I can manulally update the xml code and the change will take effect. raffle_tix_remain.text = root.loaderInfo.parameters.raffle_tix_remain;
My question: Since the raffle_tix_remain is a manual input from a user to xml Is there a way to tell flash once it refreshes and "raffle_ tix_ remain" goes to (0)zero gotoAndPlay(2); and let it play like a "sold out" sign i guess that would be a if else statement.
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Sep 22, 2009
I have this array that contains the names of various images I want to load into Flash
var imageArray:Array=["image1","image2","image3","image4","image5","image 6","image7","image8","image9","image10"];
Now I want to create 10 different buttons with each button loading in an image. I know there's a way to do this with a for loop without having to make 10 different buttons and writing 10 different functions. Not sure how to correlate the members imageArray with the generated btns.
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Mar 1, 2002
say i want something to happen, but I only want it to happen if more than two conditions are there a way to use multiple "if" statements?
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Oct 7, 2004
If they get a question wrong in my quiz ( weakest link) the money clip goes to zero and it goes onto the next question. If they get it right the money clip advances and they go onto the next question. I want to include each time that it should only go onto the next question if all questions have been asked. SO i want an extra if clause in both sections, saying if current question is more than 11 go to '#game over"The questions are saved in the frame of the quiz
_root.qArray = new Array("question: A;B;C;D")
_root.qArray.push("Question?:A;B; C; D")
There are 11 questions.At the moment at the section with choosing answers I have
function selectAnswer(n) {
// correct
if (answers[n] == correctAnswer) {;
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Apr 15, 2009
I am trying to use if and else statements and failing. I am either completely missing their purpose, or just not writing the correct code. Scenario: I have designed a gallery that consists of animation in movie clips that are placed on the time line. With the if/else statements I need Flash to know what movie clip the user is on, so that the users next action loads the correct movie clip.
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Apr 18, 2009
Is it possible to double up If Else statements? [code]...
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Sep 14, 2009
how do i create an if statement for some buttons to say something like:
-if button1 is pressed go to frame1
-if button2 is pressed go to frame2 etc.
i know i could use button1.onRelease = function(){blah blah;} but i would like to start using if statements and this is a good place to start i guess
View 1 Replies
Dec 3, 2006
I want to join two if statements together and I'm unsure of the syntax. This is what I have but it is obviously wrong. if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) or if (moveRight_btn.onPress){
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Oct 6, 2009
How to do a rollover button where you rollout and it doesn't another option depending on the current frame. So I decided to open up another actionscript file and do a test so that I knew that I could make an if statement work in a barebone state. And I can't get it to work
First I stated my variable to be 0. I added 3 buttons. Button One makes the variable unit "myVar" to 1 and Button Two makes it 2. And my output button reacts to these variable changes. But it doesn't work.
ActionScript Code:
One_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OneV);
Two_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, TwoV);
Output_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OutputV);
var myVar:Number = 0;
function OneV (event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....
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Nov 20, 2009
well after I made all of the conditional statements I came to the conclussion and the annoyance that I cannot retrieve the statements value, I need help:[code]it does not return the value.. why?
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Mar 3, 2011
I was wondering if anyone would be able to shorten this.All of my attemts at it have resulted in errors/not working.
ActionScript Code:
enemy1.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this.hitTest(p1)) {
View 1 Replies
Aug 25, 2009
After searching for how to do this i discovered the Get/Set functions of as.3. The only problem is that i am not experienced enough with this kind of statement to get it working, so i have come here to seek from the wise and masterful members Here is some more info:Inside a fla called "Main" i have 2 MovieClips. The first is called Main and has a class linking to the com/ file which has this code:
package com{
import flash.display.MovieClip
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Apr 19, 2010
used to be able to handle variables and if else statements back in AS2.0, but I don't know how to go around them in AS3.0For instance, a code like this:
var pageNum = 1;
var pageAnim = 1;
View 7 Replies
Apr 12, 2012
i have got a project im working on that requires if statements
basically im wanting to create 2 or more statements detailling if an answer is right, to move onto the next question but before it does that, to play an audio clip then move on. the next statement will be similar, but i cannot remember how to create them i.e. the syntax.
if i could get a response ASAP that would be gr8, as i have 2 weeks to get it done.
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