ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Tab Loops Creating Themselves?

Oct 26, 2010

I have created 2 separate arrays. One that contains all of the "options" and the other which contains all of the "products". Since the products change depending on the options, this way I can just update the products array whenever the filtering options get changed.So far, everything is working as expected. I can change the filters whenever I want and tabbing works exactly as expected.The problem arises when I click on one of the products.This brings up an informational popup. When that happens, I loop through the products array and the options array and set tabEnabled to false on all of them so that you can't tab through to items in the background. This works great. When you close the popup, I once again loop through the products and options arrays and set tabEnabled to true, but this is where the weird happens.

What happens is that you can now tab through the options and it goes through them all just fine, but when it gets to the end of the options, where it would normally start tabbing through the products, it skips them and goes back to the beginning of the options. HOWEVER, if you shift-tab from the beginning of the options, it goes to the products and as long as you are shift-tabbing, it will cycle through only the products. If you release shift and tab normally, it will tab through the products and when it reaches the end, jumps over to the options and tabs through those, once again skipping the products unless you are shift-tabbing.

I have traced the tab indexes and they aren't changing. I have no focusManagers implemented in the entire project. All of the various items are added programatically and dynamically at runtime. I'm at a loss here, and haven't been able to find anyone else with a similar problem... Any thoughts? Most of the options items are components (radioButtons and Checkboxes) if that might make a difference.On a side note, it also seems like whenever I set tabEnabled to false, when I set it back to true, I have to set focusRect to true as well. It seems to automatically set focusRect to false when you set tabEnabled to false as well. Is that normal? Seems like those should be independent of each other

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for (var i:Number = 0; i < product_total; i++) { = productid[i]


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for (var i:Number = 0; i<12; i++) {
var myFunction_i:Function = function () {
trace("This is function "+i);


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Apr 27, 2011

I'm currently trying to program a flash game using actionscript 3.0 where users would step on insects. Basically, I added multiple instances of insects movieclip and remove them by using hitTest function. When the mouse_mc. hitTestObject(insect), there were times the insect was not removed.

Here are the errors I encountered:
Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/swapChildren()
at SteppingGame/hitTest()
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at insectmc/onEnterFrameEvent_SF()

Also, is there anyway I could simply my code like creating multiple arrays of movieclip insectmc?
Here's my as3 code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
import flash.display.Sprite;
[Code] .....

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Jun 10, 2010

I try to create multiple text fields in a movieclip. However, the one created later always overwrite the one created immediately before it. Below is the code in the first and only frame in the application:

function create2TextFields()
this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc",this.getNextHighest Depth());


The code is writen in AS2 and Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and tested with Flash Player 10.

When I ran it in Flash Player 10, I only saw message2 displayed on the stage. When I stepped through the app in Adobe Flash Professional CS5, I found that as soon as message2 text field was created, message1 text field which was being displayed on the stage disppeared.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Multiple Movieclips And Adding Images

Dec 17, 2011

I have a problem creating multiple mc's and adding images inside each mc. This will add all the images inside last movieclip...


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I have made a movieClip (mcMask) which I can use to mask another movieClip containing a bg image (mcImage). I have given the image movieClip an instance name(bg_mc) and I have given the mask movieClip a class of "Mask" in the "linkage" field. Now, I want to create multiple "Mask" movieClips using AS3 and use these to mask the image movieClip (bg_mc).The problem comes when I want to call the instance names of the "Mask" movieClips and set them to be the .mask value of the image movieClip.Because they are created from a class dynamically they don't have instance names. Is there a way to easily give them all instance names and then call them to use as masks? Or is there another way of calling them without assigning instance names?

//creates Var to create new "Mask" movieClips
var timer:Timer = new Timer(100, 999999);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Generic Actions For Multiple Objects?

Feb 3, 2010

want to simplify coding and wondered if there was a way to write a script that could be used on multiple objects without having to write it to address each object individually. I am building a simple menu where I want the menu link to rise and scale up when the button for it is rolled over and then return to its original position when the mouse rolls off. I know I can write this per button and per item, but wanted to see if there was a way to write it once and then apply the action to everything. EX. My menu consists of 5 items (and respective buttons) home_mc (home_btn), menu_mc, dining_mc, contact_mc, specials_mc.If I write the code

home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, homeOver);
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, homeOff);
function homeOver(MouseEvent) {


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