CS3 :: Creating A Crossfading Between Sound Loops

Jun 25, 2008

I am trying to make a sound crossfading between the loops (an example would be: same as in a "Winamp" media player you toggle the Crossfading function in a Modern Skin and select a duration of it). Say I got a loop of 10 seconds, altho it is not perfect as its cut of the song without a proper editing tool. Any way I could accomplish it by using the ActionScript?

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Use The Sound Loops For Commercial Uses?

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Set Properties Of A New TextField When Creating With Loops?

Aug 10, 2009

I am trying to create 6 TextFields with a loop which I have done but I can't seem to figure out the right syntax for setting the properties such as font, size, etc. in the loop. Here is my basic code:

var Tiles:Array = new Array();for (var i:Number = 1; i< 7; i++){Titles[i] = new TextField();
Titles[i].TextFormat.size = 17;}addChild(Titles[f]);}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Movieclips In For Loops?

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to run a for loop that creates multiple instances of a movieclip.

public function movieclip() 
for(var i:int; i < 4; i++) var
square_mc1:mcSquare = new mcSquare();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Tab Loops Creating Themselves?

Oct 26, 2010

I have created 2 separate arrays. One that contains all of the "options" and the other which contains all of the "products". Since the products change depending on the options, this way I can just update the products array whenever the filtering options get changed.So far, everything is working as expected. I can change the filters whenever I want and tabbing works exactly as expected.The problem arises when I click on one of the products.This brings up an informational popup. When that happens, I loop through the products array and the options array and set tabEnabled to false on all of them so that you can't tab through to items in the background. This works great. When you close the popup, I once again loop through the products and options arrays and set tabEnabled to true, but this is where the weird happens.

What happens is that you can now tab through the options and it goes through them all just fine, but when it gets to the end of the options, where it would normally start tabbing through the products, it skips them and goes back to the beginning of the options. HOWEVER, if you shift-tab from the beginning of the options, it goes to the products and as long as you are shift-tabbing, it will cycle through only the products. If you release shift and tab normally, it will tab through the products and when it reaches the end, jumps over to the options and tabs through those, once again skipping the products unless you are shift-tabbing.

I have traced the tab indexes and they aren't changing. I have no focusManagers implemented in the entire project. All of the various items are added programatically and dynamically at runtime. I'm at a loss here, and haven't been able to find anyone else with a similar problem... Any thoughts? Most of the options items are components (radioButtons and Checkboxes) if that might make a difference.On a side note, it also seems like whenever I set tabEnabled to false, when I set it back to true, I have to set focusRect to true as well. It seems to automatically set focusRect to false when you set tabEnabled to false as well. Is that normal? Seems like those should be independent of each other

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Buttons And Wav Sound Loops (almost Made It)?

Dec 9, 2010

I've been trying to make a sound-loop player for quite some time now (i'm new to as3) and i'm pretty close to do it but still Ok, i've made six letters converted them into buttons and i want them to play a different wav sound loop each one whenever i click on them and to stop the sound when i click again.This works fine for the first button but not for the rest of them because i dont know where to insert the similar code for the rest of the buttons.

import flash.media.Sound;
var sound:Sound = new The_Rloop5();
var soundControl: SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Sound Loops?

Oct 1, 2002

I am trying to create a movie that has 3 different background sound loops for the user to choose from as well as an on/off button.I followed one of the Kirupa tutorials which enabled me to create 3 different buttons that linked to the 3 sound loops in my library. The problem is that I don't know the actionscript required to stop whatever clip is playing and play the newly selected background sound chosen by the user.Also I am trying to have one of the loops playing when the movie starts as a default, and also to have a mute button

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Grid Of Hexes Using For Loops?

Jul 11, 2004

I'm trying to create a grid of hexagons by using nested for loops. I picked up this code trawling the forums but this creates a diamond shaped pattern of hexes rather than neat rows that interlock together. I want to create one row in the first place, increment the x and y placing coords so as the next row is offset as appropriate to lock it into place under row above.

This is the code I'm using, which is clearly not doing the trick.

spacing = 35;
spacing2 = 35;
for (x = 0; x < 10; x++){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Perfect Sound Loops In Flash?

Apr 28, 2006

i'm using the loadSound command to bring in an external mp3 and although the file itself is a perfect loop, flash doesn't seem to like playing it back as such using the s.start (0, 5) tag. any suggestions on how to get perfect loops?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fading Out A Sound Object After 2 Loops

Dec 10, 2006

I'm trying to figure out how I can fade out a sound object after it has looped twice. Right now the sound fades 5 seconds before the end of the first loop (since the fade code is based on the duration of the sound clip).Seems like there needs to be a way to count when the duration has been reached two times and then the fade code is executed. Note: the linkage identifier of the sound clip is "mainPageLoop".[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Instance Names In For Loops To Reference Later?

Dec 22, 2009

I create buttons, but I am trying to give them each instance names so can target them individually but I keep getting undefined property error.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var menu_items:Array = ["CHAPTER I","CHAPTER II","CHAPTER III"];


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Actionscript 3 :: Loops - Good Sound Classes/Libraries ?

Feb 11, 2011

Can anyone recommend good sound classes or libraries (open-source) for Actionscript 3.0?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Arrays / Loops To Control Sound Playback?

Jan 28, 2012

Attached I have a small .fla that basically does the following:

1. A button is clicked (calling the playSound function)
2. The sound is then played, also a small instance of the button is called from the AS library and placed within a sprite that is within a movie clip at the bottom. The event listener is also removed from the main button so it can only be called once.
3. When the small instance of the button is pressed (within the sprite) it stops the sound, removes the icon and re enables the buttons event listener.

It all works fine, and it is worth mentioning I am still new to Flash but getting to understand it more. I plan on having 20 buttons on the screen, and surely theres an easier way then having 20 functions, all more or less doing the same thing!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Using Arrays/loops To Control Sound Playback?

May 22, 2010

1. a button is clicked (calling the playSound function)2. the sound is then played, also a small instance of the button is called from the AS library and placed within a sprite that is within a movie clip at the bottom. The event listener is also removed from the main button so it can only be called once.3. when the small instance of the button is pressed (within the sprite) it stops the sound, removes the icon and re enables the buttons event listener.It all works fine, and it is worth mentioning i am still new to Flash but getting to understand it more (after a little bit of light hearted abuse from a few members ). What i am struggling to understand is how to 'streamline' my code. I plan on having 20 buttons on the screen, and surely theres an easier way then having 20 functions, all more or less doing the same thing!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping Sound Turned Off When Movie Loops Back To Beginning?

Nov 30, 2010

I'm working on a Flash movie that includes a simple on/off audio player. At the end of the movie it loops back to the beginning and plays again. if the viewer hits the sound off button it will turn the sound off untill the movie loops and then the audio automatically starts again. The viewer would then have to hit play again and then stop to stop it. Is it possible to fix this? I think that I ned to put a piece of code at the beginning of the movie to check if the sound is off or not and then to continue to keep it off if needed?Here is the code for the sound player I am using...

var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var lastPosition:Number = 0;
mySound.load(new URLRequest("GlidingOnAir.mp3"));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Crossfading Slideshow From XML?

Jul 27, 2008

Does anyone have a tutorial that would show me how to create a crossfading slideshow from XML? Currently I have found one that worked but as you click around the website the slideshow jumps around in the pictures and does not work properly. Here is a link to the website that is currently up.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A CrossFading Slideshow Class

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to make a slideshow class, wich is nearly finished, but I have some problem with setInterval ( just a guess )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Crossfading XML Slideshow Showing 3 Pictures At Once?

May 4, 2009

The end result is going to be a "photo-stack" with each image layered on top of one another, all cycling through the list of images. So container 1 would start of showing image 1, then image 2, and so on. Container 2 would start with image 2, then 3, and so on. One the container gets to it's final image, it loops back to the first image. I've duplicated all the necessary functions and duplicated all required variables with different names so there shouldn't be any overlap, however when I run my SWF, only one of the galleries loads. If I try and load the galleries as external SWF's, only one gallery appears.

Here is my actionscript code:

var id, current;
var k = 0, p = 0;
var slide = 1;


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Javascript :: Full-page Crossfading Navigation In Html

Aug 30, 2011

I'm attempting to recreate some flash transition effects with html/ajax. How feasible is it to do a full-page cross-fade?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Memory Handling - Crossfading Loaded Swfs?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a huge memory handling headache in a project I am working on. This is basically what the program does. I have a main shell swf that loads a xml document. This xml document points to a interface swf and many content swfs. The interface swf has my container, buttons, and preloader. The content swfs holds images, audio, and other interactions.

My shell loads a content swf and adds it to a container movieclip with in the interface swf. When a new content swf is loaded, it needs to crossfade on to the old swf.Each content swf is set up as such: all of the content is in a movieclip that is exported on frame 1. There is also a large string of text that sits on frame one that is loaded into the interface swf.

1 . I can't figure out how to load / unload the swfs to set them up for garbage collection while still crossfading them when they load.

2 . When I built a test to see if the swfs would unload correctly, It would not unload any bitmap data within the swfs.

My current code is below. This works fine functionality wise but nothing is removed from the memory. I can't figure out how to add an unload script without breaking the crossfade.

Code: Select allvar slide:MovieClip=null;
var isLoading:Boolean=false;
//buildSlide is passed a content swfs url


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IDE :: XML Auto-crossfading Gallery..stop Looping After One Round?

May 28, 2009

I have this code for an auto slideshow(supposed to be with thumbs but i am not using them), how do i stop from looping after all the pics run once?

var delay:Number = 2500;
var init:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Creating Sound?

Apr 21, 2009

Are there any built in utilities for playing/creating MIDI style music in AS3?I'm not looking for something that will play .mid files, but something that will be able to play a "Middle C " tone, either as a piano tone, or as a cheap computer tone.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Sequential Sound Objects?

Aug 30, 2008

In my .fla Library are 10 audio files named "Beep0",

var btnSnd:Array = new Array();
for(var d:Number=0;d<10;d++){


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Creating A Sound Loop In Flash?

Jun 16, 2011

I found an issue when I was creating a sound loop in Flash. I'm using similar code (here is a short version):


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Sound Object With Loop?

Aug 17, 2009

I'm building a web flash 8 app with an animated nurse that talks and help the user in different events. the voices sit in a external folder and i load them using load sound method. It works fine as a desktop app, but when testing the movie on slow download (DSL 32 KB/s) I realized that i must load all the sound before i can play the animation.

problem nr.1: How do i create folowing sound objects (voice_0, voice_1, voice_2..) using a loop?

I've tried this, but it doesn't work

for (i=0;i<numVoices;i++)
var this["voice_"+i]:Sound=new Sound;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating New Sound Objects For Each Explosion?

Nov 7, 2004

i'm making a game with tanks at the moment, and there will be explosions happening from side to side on the screen. i was thinking that it would be good to pan the sounds, so explosions on the right of the stage would play on the right speaker etc.

i tried to do this by creating new sound objects for each explosion and then setting the pan for each, individually, but it seems that when i set the pan for one sound object, it sets that for all of them. is there a way around is?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Button To Stop Playing Sound?

Dec 11, 2009

I'm trying to make a stop button to make it stop playing the sound. But I get an error saying:
TypeError: Error #1006: stop is not a function.
at sound/SoundStop()

Here is the function for my stop button:
function SoundStop(event:MouseEvent):void {

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Flash 10 :: Creating Demo Where Each Scene Has Own Sound File?

Dec 13, 2010

I am new to CS5 and I want to create a demo where each scene has it owns sound file. So going from scene 1 to scene 2, the sound from scene 1 should stop and the sound of scene 2 should begin then after the sound file from scene 2 finish it will automatically go to scene 3 then the sound file from scene 3 will begin. Each scene has a jpg file in it to show the user what I am talking about.

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Flash :: Professional - Creating / Editing / Converting Sound Files To .wav Or .mp3

Jan 28, 2010

I am curious about where I can find sound files that I can use in Flash CS4 or some software that may be usefull in creating/editing/converting sound files to .wav or .mp3 for use in Flash. I should probably also note that although I do have Flash CS4 I am very low on funds for software

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Professional :: Creating Rollover Sound - Stop Once Move The Mouse

Feb 22, 2012

What I want to create is a group of 13 images and upon rollover each image would make a different sound. I don't want the sound to stop once you move the mouse though because I want a few different sounds playing at the same time. At this point I don't really care whether they play for their whole duration or just for another 15 seconds! I'm doing this for Uni and the guy said it wasn't that hard.

I have some basic knowledge in HTML code, but I am a complete newbie to flash. I've downloaded Flash C5 and that's about as far as I've got! I'm not entirely sure which template if any I would need to use. I can't pay back in knowledge since I don't know anything, but I could bake you cookies?!

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