ActionScript 3.0 :: Click Event Disappeared When Filter Applied

Jan 6, 2011

I have a sprite having click event on it. when i apply dropShadowFilter, i couldn't click on it. it has mask too, so i cannot give filter to any other object in it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clear Filter After Having Applied It To Object

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove A Filter I've Applied To Sprite?

Jan 25, 2009

Is there any way to remove a filter that's been applied to a sprite?

Let's say I have a sprite named rect, and I've applied three filters to it[code]...

How can I remove those filters, and return rect to it's original unfiltered state?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Motion Tween Does Not Play When Filter Applied?

Sep 26, 2008

I have not seen an answer for this sideeffect. I have a sprite (aka MovieClip sorta)n my stage. I am using a motion tween on the timline(keyframes, etc) that moves my sprite object from left to right. Iwould like to apply a glow filter to the object on the stage. I amusing GreenSock, TweenLiteFilter, although the same thing happensif I use the standard Flash glowfilter. If I apply the filter inactionscript, the tween ceases to play. If I apply thefilter usingthe timeline, and clicking on my sprite on the stage, the motiontween plays.Can I not mix and match effects in ActionScript and thetimeline? Does this mean if I want a filter and a motion tween atthe same time it has to be done via keyframes on the timeline OR in

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Flex :: DataGrid Prevent A Filter From Being Applied Automatically?

Jan 4, 2011

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When the user clicks the 'apply filter' button the filter function is updated. This works well. The problem I have is that rows are hidden as soon as the underlying collection item change in a way that doesn't comply with the filter. The row is hidden immediately, which is not very user friendly. Rows should only hide (or be shown) when the 'apply filter' button is pressed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A Textfield To Mask An Object That Has A Filter Applied?

Mar 28, 2011

I have several Sprites that are all combined in one parent Sprite. The parent Sprite then gets a Glowfilter applied and should then be masked by a Textfield.

Everythings working fine but as soon as I apply the Filter to the Sprite nothing shows... However, if I apply the Filter to every single Object that the Sprite contains, it works...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Apply Filter Using Enter_frame Event?

Apr 2, 2011

I wanna apply a glow filter to a button. What I want to happen is that if for a media player the currentFrame = totalFrame i.e, if the seekBar reaches last frame, I want the next_btn to animate, Glow In and Glow Out.

I dont want a mouse_over / mouse_out event to handle the animation.

Possibly I think that I'll have to use a Enter_Frame event, but I cant think of a function to do so.

my glow filter is like this...

var myGlow:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0xFE4110, 4, 2, 2, 4,2, false, false);

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Aug 3, 2011

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public function refresh():Boolean
return internalRefresh(true);

is in ListCollectionView and it calls this function

private function internalRefresh(dispatch:Boolean):Boolean
if (sort || filterFunction != null)


annoyingly, that function is private and so is unavailable to and class that extends ListCollectionView. Also, a lot of what is in the internalRefresh function is private too.Does anyone know of a way to call internalRefresh from a class that extends ArrayCollection? Or a way of stopping the refresh event from being dispatched when refresh is called?

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TypeError: Error #1123: Filter Operator Not Supported On Type

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;


I just cant get rid of that error.

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IDE :: Filter Is Using Too Much Memory - Apply The Filter To Only A Specific Area Of A Movieclip?

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A few hours ago I set up my embedded fonts and everything seemed to be working perfectly. On going back to the site just now all my text has disappeared off the website. If I comment out the embedFonts= true line I get them back (but unformatted of course) so it has to do with the embedded fonts. I tried embedding new fonts but to no avail. I created a new test document and typed the following code and created an embedded font called myTestVerdana and it worked. I copied the code to the first frame of my website and created an new embeded font called the same and it didn't work!!! Again commenting out the embedFonts=true line gave me the text but unformatted.

darkGrey = String("0x" + "333333");
var myTextFormat1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat1.size = 26;
myTextFormat1.font = "myTestVerdana"


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Timeline With Frames And Numbers Disappeared

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Professional :: Imported Images Disappeared In CS5?

Apr 21, 2011

I had CS5  I had the problem.  I have just upgraded to CS5 v11.0.2.489.  I have the same problem. I imported a series of images in CS5 to the stage.  I saved the file and reopened it.The images were gone in the stage.  They were corrupted in library as well.
I imported the same images in Flash 8.  I saved the file and reopend it in Flash 8 without a problem.  I reopened the file in CS5 v11.0.0 and CSv11.0.2 without a problem.  I saved the file to CS4 format and reopened the new CS4 file in CS5 without a problem.  I saved the file to CS5 format (both compressed and uncompressed) and reopened the new CS5 files.  The problem is still there.
You can download the Flash 8 version of the file here in my dropbox.[URL]...

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Flash - Embedded FLV Disappeared From Site

Jun 17, 2011

I have a website that had a flv file embedded on the home page. All of a sudden the flv does not appear on the page. It shows in the source file, and appears in the dreamweaver page that I use, but does not appear on the site anymore. I have the most current flash player so that does not seem to be the issue. I have tried it on both pc and mac and the video no longer loads. [URL].

The file shows that it is on the server and in the proper location. Here are screenshots from the web page and from Dreamweaver.
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" width="342" height="291" id="FLVPlayer">
<param name="movie" value="FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" />
<param name="salign" value="lt" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Motion Editor Disappeared / Is Empty ?

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I was playing around with Flash cs4 on the motion editor, and I changed some number at "exanded graph size" from 200 to 150, and the entire motion editor became empty!

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IDE :: CS4 Movie Clip Properties Disappeared, Can't Get Them Back

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And I want to insert it into the classes which have a role of server communicating.

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Professional :: Normal Means To End TLF Text Edits Has Disappeared

Sep 10, 2011

Something is broken in my Flash Professional CS5, and it's creating a real pain.  When I have finished editing a page of TLF text and want to return to the stage, I find the little left arrow Missing In Action.
I'd send you picture of it, but it can no longer be found.  Here is an image that I snagged from Adobe TV to give you a rough idea what I'm saying.  The difference is that when I was editing a text symbol, ( before it broke ) then its name would be where Scene 1 appears, and the arrow would be strongly visible ( dark blue? ) rather than grayed out like this one is.

When this first happened it took a while to find any way at all of escaping the edit, but I finally found a really clunky way to get out.  I have to save then exit the entire .fla file edit session, then come back in and start over.
I'm running Flash Professional CS5, apparently 32 bit code under Windows 7 on a 64-bit i7 processor.
Not surprisingly, this creates a big problem for me, since I have a huge amount of work that must be done quickly.  I spent the money necessary to purchase what I thought was the best tool on the market, now I need some help to get it working again.

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Win7 Pressure Sensitivity - Touch Sensitive Input Has Simply Disappeared?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a HP tx2500 tablet pc. I put the beta of windows 7 on it several months ago and had no trouble (64 bit). The service period expired, so I wiped it and put the windows 7 RC on it (also 64 bit). This has caused me problems with photoshop and flash (both cs3) as they will not recognize touch sensitive input! (aka when i press hard the line gets darker). In photoshop the option is set but nothing happens, in flash the button for touch sensitive input has simply disappeared, there is just grey where it used to be. I updated windows all the way and updated my flash and photoshop as well.

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