ActionScript 3.0 :: Color Wont Show On Website?
Oct 30, 2010
Ok so I'm working on a site for a friend.I upload it to the JustHost server for testing and it shows up in only black, white, and neutral colors except for the one picture.How can I change this? Still under construction so criticism on the sites design layout and style is not needed
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Now = new Date();
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< link rel="image_src" href="images/logocolor1.jpg"/> (without the space after the < and the picture is inside the images folder)
but didn t work
does it take some tome to show up
or do i have to make something else?
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var rangeA:Object = {min:0x0000FF, max:0x00FFFF} //hide
var rangeB:Object = {min:0x00FFFF, max:0xFFFF00}; //show
var rangeC:Object = {min:0xFFFF00, max:0xFF0000}; //hide
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Feb 6, 2010
i have a button, with instance name lightblue_color. I am assigning a color to its color field like this: lightblue_color.transform.colorTransform.color = 0x65ffff; then i am adding an eventlistener to the button like this: lightblue_color.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ChangeColor); Then, in the function: public function ChangeColor(evnt:MouseEvent):void {trace(;} It prints 0. Why is that? Shouldn't it print 0x65ffff or do i need to do some type conversions?
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Dec 15, 2006
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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {[code]..........
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Mar 9, 2004
I'm fairly new to ActionScript and was wondering if anyone had an idea how this effect was done:[URL]..Click on a show date and the link zooms up and fills the screen giving show info. Then when you click the back button it shrinks back to where it was on the calendar.
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Aug 26, 2010
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Jun 10, 2011
In my application,I want to show the .ppt file using the slide show manner.
That's to say,user can upload .ppt file to my server side,then other people can browser these ppts in the page ..
Since I have googled "embed powerpoint in web page" ,it seems that there is not a good idea to implement this and support the cross browser,so I thought the flash.
This is a slide show using the flash: [URL]
What I want is show the contents of the .ppt in this manner(it would be better if it support the animations in the ppt)?
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