ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Date And The Link Zooms Up And Fills The Screen Giving Show Info?

Mar 9, 2004

I'm fairly new to ActionScript and was wondering if anyone had an idea how this effect was done:[URL]..Click on a show date and the link zooms up and fills the screen giving show info. Then when you click the back button it shrinks back to where it was on the calendar.

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AS3 :: Xml - Get Closest Date To Today - Show Only The Up Coming Event - Relative To Current Date

May 28, 2010

I have a XML file with a few concert dates. In my flash/AS3 file, I would like to show only the up coming event, relative to current date. Like this:

Event 01: 30-05-2010
Event 02: 02-06-2010
Event 03: 05-06-2010

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Code: = shows_txt;
showsXML = new XML();


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Now = new Date();
Update = new Date(2006, 7, 1);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Hide / Show Movie Clips With Date?

Sep 2, 2010

I would like to create a website 'banner' application in flash that uses action script to show or hide different movie clips based on a start and end date.

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Flex :: Date - Make DateChooser Show SelectedDate?

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I got a Problem with my DateChooser. When clicking the control directly it highlights the date as it should. When selecting the date programmatically it won't show.

var date:Date = notification.getBody() as Date;
_view.dcMiniCalendar.selectedDate = date;

trace tells me, that date and _view.dcMiniCalendar.selectedDate carry the correct values. I already tried to use _view.dcMiniCalendar.invalidateDisplayList() (and some other invalidate functions as well) but neither with nor without them I get that date to be shown selected in the control.

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onClipEvent(load) {
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ActionScript Code:
function clicButton(e:MouseEvent) {


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Preloader Does Not Show Up On The Screen Flash3 ?

Apr 29, 2009

I have a preloader in the fist frame of my movie. My movie has child movies (photo galleries). These are swf files that are linked to the main movie. When I simulate download, the preloader does not show up the fist 50% of the loading time. Then it shows up and works fine. I went to the loader in the Library. Under Linkage, I clicked EXPORT and uncheked "export in first frame". It didn't work. I have still the same problem. Can anyone help me. I am using Flash 3 Action Script 2 Additionally, when I simulate loading my photo galleries that are linked to the main movie don't show up. this is the code that I am using for the preloader: stop(); LoaderInt = setInterval (Lbar, 10); function Lbar (){ if(getBytesLoaded() >= getBytesTotal()){ play(); clearInterval(LoaderInt); } fill_MC._xscale = (getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal()*100); }

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Mar 17, 2010

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var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
var xml:XML;
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {
xml = new XML(;
[Code] .....

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View 2 Replies :: Show The .ppt File In The Webpage By The Slide Show Manner

Jun 10, 2011

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Since I have googled "embed powerpoint in web page" ,it seems that there is not a good idea to implement this and support the cross browser,so I thought the flash.

This is a slide show using the flash: [URL]

What I want is show the contents of the .ppt in this manner(it would be better if it support the animations in the ppt)?

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Flex :: Show PopUp With In The Screen Area?

Jul 19, 2010

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private static var staticWindow :TalentInfoPopUp = null;
private static var visibleWindow:TalentInfoPopUp = null;
public static function show(t:Object, parent : DisplayObject, x:Number , y:Number):void


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Dec 15, 2005

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txt._visible = false;
btn.onPress = showHint;
function showHint() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Map Scrolling - Show A Portion On Screen ?

Sep 6, 2006

how to do the following.

I have a map, placed on the stage in its entirety.I only want to show a portion of this on screen though. Then as the mouse moves to the edge of this visble frame I want to pan over the map in that direction. just can't work out how to do it. It must be a relatively simple process but for the life of me I can't work it out.

I'm thinking maybe some kind of mask then you move the map around beneath it? I've been trying to use a couple of scrolling tile-based games tutorials but this is less complicated and I can't sceen out all the extra stuff the game tutorials are doing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Refreshing Makes Previous Screen Show?

Jul 23, 2009

The code that I'm working on is HUGE (over 10 .as files, each with 1000+ lines), so I won't post any of it, but you should be able to follow the general idea.

What I'm doing is loading movieclips within movieclips.

For example, let's say I have a movieclip with a black background and two buttons. When I click on one of the buttons, it loads an XML file which contains labels and images and data. However, this XML file is loaded INTO the same movieclip, so that it is kinda on top of it. That means that the black background is completely covered up by the new images loaded. However, since the XML file is getting changing data, I have a refresh function which removes the XML movieclip and loads it again.

The problem is that when the XML movieclip gets removed temporarily to refresh, the black background and buttons underneath can be seen and that doesn't look very good.

The code is too extensive for me to figure out how to put everything into a new movieclip dynamically.

What I thought of doing was to create a movieclip in between these two movieclips which displays a blank white screen. I got that to work, but I had a few problems with the back button because now it needed to remove two mcs instead of one. However, that is also working now. Is there a better way to do this instead of creating a blank mc?

The ACTUAL problem I have is this: When the page refreshes, the labels from the XML file remain...which makes it look ugly before the pictures get loaded. I think that this might just be that the labels load a lot faster than the pictures, thus, giving the illusion that they never refreshed in the first place; I'm not sure about that though. Is there any way to get the images to load before the labels get reloaded (if they do in fact get reloaded)?

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Professional :: Android / AIR Show Last Screen Left Off When Re-opened?

Jun 13, 2011

I made a little trivia game that loads questions from an xml file. The problem is, if you leave the app and come back to it, it starts you back at the start screen again. Is there anyway to overwrite this, or is it the same as refreshing a browser page with a Flash animation on it, it'll always keep restarting?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX - Screen Is Blank And The Preloader Doesn't Show

May 9, 2004

I have a small problem with a preloader in Flash MX. It seems to become stuck at "frame 0" instead of showing the preload bar, etc...and I didn't know there was a "frame 0"? When I test it with "show streaming", the screen is blank and the preloader doesn't show, then, when the movie is done loading, the preloader flashes up briefly. I have 2 frames on my main timeline. Frame 1 is the preloader, and frame 2 contains a clip which constitutes the main movie. Frame 2 has stop() and both are labelled correctly i.e. when the movie is finished loading gotoAndPlay("movie") (frame 2) is executed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why The Textfield's Text Doesn't Show On The Screen

Nov 8, 2003

I have one textfield which is presented like _root.screen1.screen2.textfield1

screen2 is the movieclip within screen1. They are movieclips and textfield1 is the textfield

I tested like
_root.screen1.screen2.textfield1.text="Hi, can u see me?";

Then I can see the result of trace which have the text I wrote, but I cannot see anything on the screen.

why it is like this and how to modify then ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Image Through Xml Data When Html Link Is Clicked

Oct 25, 2007

I have made an mp3 player where xml data is shown in an dynamic textbox in flash movie. It is correctly showing the html links in text box.

But I want that when user clicks the link of a song, it should open the artist image in an image-holder. How can I do that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Image Through Xml Data When Html Link Is Clicked?

Oct 25, 2007

I have made an mp3 player where xml data is shown in an dynamic textbox in flash movie. It is correctly showing the html links in text box. But I want that when user clicks the link of a song, it should open the artist image in an image-holder. How can I do that?

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