ActionScript 2.0 :: Refreshing Makes Previous Screen Show?
Jul 23, 2009
The code that I'm working on is HUGE (over 10 .as files, each with 1000+ lines), so I won't post any of it, but you should be able to follow the general idea.
What I'm doing is loading movieclips within movieclips.
For example, let's say I have a movieclip with a black background and two buttons. When I click on one of the buttons, it loads an XML file which contains labels and images and data. However, this XML file is loaded INTO the same movieclip, so that it is kinda on top of it. That means that the black background is completely covered up by the new images loaded. However, since the XML file is getting changing data, I have a refresh function which removes the XML movieclip and loads it again.
The problem is that when the XML movieclip gets removed temporarily to refresh, the black background and buttons underneath can be seen and that doesn't look very good.
The code is too extensive for me to figure out how to put everything into a new movieclip dynamically.
What I thought of doing was to create a movieclip in between these two movieclips which displays a blank white screen. I got that to work, but I had a few problems with the back button because now it needed to remove two mcs instead of one. However, that is also working now. Is there a better way to do this instead of creating a blank mc?
The ACTUAL problem I have is this: When the page refreshes, the labels from the XML file remain...which makes it look ugly before the pictures get loaded. I think that this might just be that the labels load a lot faster than the pictures, thus, giving the illusion that they never refreshed in the first place; I'm not sure about that though. Is there any way to get the images to load before the labels get reloaded (if they do in fact get reloaded)?
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Nov 8, 2003
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screen2 is the movieclip within screen1. They are movieclips and textfield1 is the textfield
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_root.screen1.screen2.textfield1.text="Hi, can u see me?";
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why it is like this and how to modify then ?
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Nov 3, 2011
I have an object that is instantiated, then placed into a property within a singleton (single instance) object. When a button is clicked an event is dispatched carrying a payload that references the display object that is held within the Singleton. When the event is heard, my view object adds the object to the display list e.g. addChild().The Item shows. Now If I hit another button an event is dispatched, and a new item is added to the display list via the method above and is seen. The 1st object is removed from the display list Here is my problem. When I click the button to load the 1st Object the above process is executed again but the object does not show.
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//custom event carries the name of the page aka display object. this is a string
dispatchEvent(new MenuEvent(MenuEvent.CHANGE_VIEW_STATE, event.payload));
//When the event is heard, the following condinial is run
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Aug 22, 2011
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below is what I have tried but it doesn't work...
ActionScript Code:
//pleasewait is a movieclip on the stage in flash professional
pleasewait.visible = true;
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Jun 25, 2004
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Mar 2, 2006
I have various movies clip within a movie and my back (mc = arr2_mc) and next (mc = arr1_mc) buttons are on the main scene.This is on my main scene on a first frame
ActionScript Code:
movieclip.prototype.playBackwards = function(arg){
if(arguments.length>0) {[code]....
when it goes back, it goes back frame by frame without stopping but I want it to go only to previous Scene. instead of going to previous frame.Do i have to create a unique button? which i did but i didn't work?
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Mar 18, 2011
Am creating a two page document in flash cs4. Each of these 2 page documents have links to a learning resource on a web server.All I want is for the user to be able to navigate to and fro this two page document. Infact, I want to be able to click on a NEXT button to go the the nextpage and PREVIOUS PAGE button to go back to the previous page.
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May 2, 2005
What is the script used to go to previous frame viewed as opposed to (see below) previous frame on timeline?
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Jun 9, 2010
I was looking at [url]... and going to full screen shows two messages .. "Press esc to exit fullscreen mode" and "Keyboard entry is disabled in full screen mode"
How do we make the "Keyboard entry is disabled in full screen mode" show up?
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