Professional :: Android / AIR Show Last Screen Left Off When Re-opened?

Jun 13, 2011

I made a little trivia game that loads questions from an xml file. The problem is, if you leave the app and come back to it, it starts you back at the start screen again. Is there anyway to overwrite this, or is it the same as refreshing a browser page with a Flash animation on it, it'll always keep restarting?

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Android :: Screen Completely White With 'Success' In Top Left After Logging Into Facebook On Tablet?

Sep 8, 2011

This issue is being tracked on the facebook-actionscript-api site here:url...What steps will reproduce the problem? Call FacebookMobile.login( APP_ ID, cbLogin) on an Android tablet.Enter Facebook account credentials and press "Login".What is the expected output? What do you see instead?The login window closes and returns to the screen that launched the login window. The callback function 'cbLogin' is called.The screen goes completely white, and has 'Success' in small black text in the >top left corner of the screen. The callback function 'cbLogin' is never called.What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

-Android v3.2
-facebook-actionscript-ap v1.7
-ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101

I've tested this on 2 Android phones, the HTC Incredible (Android v2.2) and the HTC Thunderbolt (Android v2.2.1), and it works fine on both.

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Professional :: Project Showing Up To The Left Side Of The Screen

Oct 8, 2010

I am having an issue with my project showing up to the left side of the screen when I look at it on the web. how to center the project in the middle of the page. Here is another blunder I am desperate for help with. another project I am working on I screwed up by editing the timeline for EVERYTHING inside the movie clip instead of the timeline. now when I export this to be a mov. file it only plays for like a second. so I fixed that and copy and pasted the timeline from inside the movie to the timeline on my workspace. everything is showing up on the bottom right of the page.

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Professional :: Flash Pro CS5.5, Android, And Multiple Screen Densities?

May 25, 2011

I am interested in developing AIR apps for Android tablets (Xoom, Transformer, Playbook, Iconia, Galaxy Tab, et cetera). I expect to encounter different pixel densities ("information densities" as the Flash documentation says).
The different densities on the screens between tablets creates a situation in which objects on the screen can have very different sizes and appearances even if the screen resolutions are identical.
The Android developer information from Google recommends creating different layouts and providing different graphic assets for different densities.
I don't see a way to do this in Flash.
The marketing material I initially saw on Flash Pro 5.5 seemed to suggest that Flash Pro 5.5 supports multiple screens across devices (there was a big ampersand in the advertisement).
Does Flash Pro 5.5 address the variations in screen densities for Android tablets? If so, what does it require the developer to do in order to achieve this? (Point me to specific documentation if possible.)

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Professional :: MouseEvent Not Working On Android Touch Screen Tablet

Dec 13, 2011

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a) Is it possible to have a full graphical screen and then overlay Android-Flex components (buttons etc.) or ist only possible to integrate a graphical screen within a Flex components app so that Android/Flex components have to been outside the screen and so no full graphical screen overlayed with Android/Flex components is possible?

b) If full graphical screen + Android/Flex components is possible: which project type have I to choose: File->New->Flex Project or File->New->ActionScript Mobile Project?

c) Are the components I can choose to design my Flash-Android project Android-like Flex components or are they real Android components?

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Android :: Away3DLite On Android Objects Doesn't Appear On The Screen?

Mar 16, 2011

I have implemented an Augmented Reality application on Adobe Air for Android. When I publish my app on the android mobile phone (Nexus One) the 3D models that I have created don't appear on the screen.On flash CS5 it is working fine.I have used Away3DLite engine and I have imported a 3D collada object.I have also tried to publish some projects that I found online and I checked if the the 3D model appears on the screen but it doesn't show it either. how the 3D Models that I have imported in my project using Away3DLite can be visible when I publish the application on the android phone. Some extra stuff be usefull: I'm using GPU rendering.A also using a combination of the following softwares in order to create my AR application:


I have created one 3D Model on 3DS MAX and another one on Maya 2010.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip On Stage To Automatically Alight To The Left Of The Screen/browser Depending On The Viewers Screen Resolution?

Feb 28, 2008

Regarding System.capabilities.screenResolutionX in FMX, how would I achieve a movie clip on my stage to automatically alight to the left of the screen/browser depending on the viewers screen resolution?

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Android :: Make Sure The SWF File From AIR Project Can't Be Opened Like A Regular SWF File?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm making a game with Flash CS5.5 and exporting it to a APK file (AIR for Android).The trouble is that the APK file is really just a ZIP file, so you can extract the content and inside there is my game as a regular SWF file. Anyone can upload this to any website and play the game there.

I don't want the SWF file to work unless opened like it should, inside the APK file through Android.Is there any way to know through ActionScript 3 code if the SWF file has been extracted from the APK file and has been opened as a normal SWF file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compatibility - When Made Into Pdf And Opened The Movie Plays Automatically No Black Screen And The Buttons Do Not Work

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I have created a .swf with flash cs4 actionscript 3. I placed it into an indesign page (cs4) and then exported to make a pdf. The movie played correctly before being placed and made into pdf. I have a stop in the first frame of the movie. So when you open the movie there is a black screen (first two frames only) with two buttons, a start and a stop. click the start the movie plays. when made into pdf and opened the movie plays automaticly no black screen and the buttons do not work.


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This is HomeView.mxml code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx=""


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Scroll From Right To Left Across The Screen?

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Professional :: Hide A Movie Clip (mc) When The .SWF Files Opened?

Oct 16, 2010

How can I hide a movie clip (HideMe_mc) which is on Stage when I open my .SWF file? User can unhide it whenever he required.

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Professional :: SWF Movies Are Not Animated When The File's Opened Directly?

Nov 21, 2011

Firstly, although I've been using Flash on and off for years (since CS3) I don't use it very often so I apologise if my issue seems simplistic.Basically, I used Flash CS3 for a few years to create basic animations for clients, involving simple scrolling text, without any problems.Recently I upgraded to the CS4 Master Suite and then CS5 Master Suite within a couple of days of each other and I now need to use Flash to make a change to an old animation.When I opened the CS3 file it appears as expected and I made the changes to the text (changing a word or two within a line of type).When I right clicked on the type relevant frames within the timeline I noticed that there is now more than one version of tween available, and that classic tween was already selected (I think I better buy a new teach yourself Flash CS5 book!)

Anyway, that was allI needed to do so I initially pressed return and the text scrolled across the stage as expected.But when I clicked on CONTROL / TEST MOVIE / TEST (or cmd+Return on my Mac) the SWF file that appears is static and the text does not scroll at all.If I publish the movie using Actionscript 3 or 2 the resulting SWF file is also totally static.  But if I drop the SWF file into the relevant website folder and view it through Dreamweaver's browser view facility it works perfectly and scrolls just as expected.Equally, opening it using the Opera browser works too.

I've tried altering the CS3 file and testing the movie in Flash CS4 and Flash CS5 but the same thing happens.It's a bit time wasting and inefficient wanting to test an animation as a SWF file by double clicking on it and only being shown a static image.Is this a well known problem as I couldn't find any mention of it during my search?

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Professional :: Cannot Opened File In .fla Document In Adobe Flash CS 5.5?

Apr 7, 2012

have doing my project in flash cs5.5. But then suddenly my file cannot open it.It appear like this "an error occurred opening file" and also "Flash cannot parse this document." "The following JavaScript error(s) occurred:".

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AS3 :: Loading Screen On IOS & Android?

Apr 11, 2012

I am building a book application in Flash Professional CS5.5 to be released on tablet devices and I am trying to understand the best structure for loading the application. For iOS devices I know I can include the default.png, but how can accomplish a similar task for Android? The book application is also going to be large as it includes a lot of assets and animations, is there a good way to show that this is loading on both platforms?

One thing I was trying was a loading screen where the main application was actually a loading system that would import the compiled SWF book, but further research shows that it won't work for iOS devices.

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Flex :: Any Way To Show Error ToolTip To Left Of Target?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm creating an errorTip that gets displayed when the user mouses over an image. I would like the popup to appear to the left of the image, but the only properties I can pass to create the toolTip are "errorTipRight", "errorTipAbove" and "errorTipBelow".

Sample code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:fx="[URL]"
[Code] ......

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Actionscript 3 :: Fit Image To Android Screen?

Jan 22, 2012

Unable to correctly perform the simplest task - fit image to screen. Pictures loads from the gallery, it is displays, but having tried many ways to understand that there are some oddities.I use Flex ViewNavigatorApplication without ActionBar and full screen. Landscape screen orientation. The best option to accommodate the maximum size of image. All images have a size equal proportions of 3264 x 2448.
Do this:

protected var roll:CameraRoll;
protected var loader:Loader;
if(CameraRoll.supportsBrowseForImage && !roll)[code]............

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IDE :: Preload A Splash Screen On Android

Oct 31, 2011

I've read all threads here already about this subject. For most AdobeAir projects for Android, no matter what size, it could take up to 20 sec to load the app, and while it loads, all you see is a black screen. As there's no support for a Default.png like there is for iPhone, we have to use a preloader.

I've only found one for Flex, which is no good to me as I'm using Flash Pro 5.5 (IDE). I've tried doing some simple preload-a-swf-preloader but it just loads it to 100% before showing anything anyway. Anyone here that can share a script of a simple preloader for Flash CS5.5? I know that to reduce the loading time and show a splash screen on android we need to make a very small swf that will contain the loading screen image, and that same swf will also preload the maingame.swf (but can that be done? Appstore don't like code in more than one swf) into it. My tries have failed.


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Flex :: Show Scroll Bars On A Container When Children Are Off The Top/left?

Mar 18, 2010

If I've got a Container with a child component that is off either the top or the left hand side:

Is there any way to get scroll bars to show up? ie, so I can scroll up and get the button back in view, the same way I could if the button was off the bottom right side?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Endless Tween In From Screen Right And/or Left

Nov 23, 2011

Imagine you have 10 movie clips, only 1 is visible on stage at any time. Using the arrow keys for example, you can move through the movie clips, click left and the one on screens moves left and the next one in line moves in from the right. When you reach number 10, and you click left, number 10 will move off left and number 1 will come back on right. And vice versa.

This is what I have to try to get worked out. Currently I have a variable which keeps track of which panel is displaying, and as I click on one of two movie clips I check with a conditional to see if that variable is >10 or <1 and then either + or - 1 appropriately, or set it to either 1 or 10, so that number loops.

So that logic part works. What I now need to do is cleanly work out the tweening of the movie clips. I'm using TweenMax. I am currently using another conditional that gets told if the user pressed left or right, then it uses a switch to check the current panel number, and then after all of that it tweens the correct stuff. But that's a huge load of code and I reckon there must be a cleaner way.

Here is my messy code:

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Red Artifacts Left On Screen When Moving ?

Jan 12, 2007

I've got several small moveiclips moving around the screen to different locations using the tween class, and for some reason it leaves little red artifacts in their trail on the screen that won't go away. any way to refresh the screen or something? Is the only way around this to cache the movieclips as bitmaps?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Black Screen On Android / IPad

Dec 16, 2011

I have a flash as3 application and I convert it into android and ipad applications, but every time when we launch the application. It shows the black screen for a long time. Is there any way to resolve this issue. The size of APK file is 620 kb.

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Flash :: SWF Full Screen Error On Android ICS 4.0.3

Apr 6, 2012

I'm developing an app that displays swf's inside a webview. My problem (ICS 4.0.3 only) , is that whenever I click the full screen button inside the swf the app displays a black screen for a couple of seconds and then crashes.I've tested the same code with lower api's (10) and it works fine.


1- ICS 4.0.3 - SWF in full screen inside webview crashes.

2- ICS 4.0.3 - SWF in full screen inside regular browser works.

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Android :: Flash File Not Displaying On The Screen?

Apr 13, 2012

I am using webview control for displaying a flash .swf file in my application.when i run the app screen displaying whole white scrren. Here it is my code,

public class flash extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */

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