ActionScript 2.0 :: Next And Previous Button Is Not Back To Previous Loaded Movie
Jun 25, 2004
my program is i can choose several movie to load and the movies are save in an array... For example: i choose movie 1 , 2 and 3. Movie 1 was loaded. After i lick 'next 'button, movie 2 will be show .Beside that,if i click 'previous' button, movie 1 will be show. i facing a problem that my previous button is not back to my previous loaded movie but is trace my choices in arrays backward. The next problem is, my first movie load to the second movie load will be a bit lagging. but the rest 1 is ok.
Am creating a two page document in flash cs4. Each of these 2 page documents have links to a learning resource on a web server.All I want is for the user to be able to navigate to and fro this two page document. Infact, I want to be able to click on a NEXT button to go the the nextpage and PREVIOUS PAGE button to go back to the previous page.
im using cairnform framework as3 and i have a single swf file, and i m searching a while for back button to go back a previous screen with all data's which r there previously.
I have various movies clip within a movie and my back (mc = arr2_mc) and next (mc = arr1_mc) buttons are on the main scene.This is on my main scene on a first frame
when it goes back, it goes back frame by frame without stopping but I want it to go only to previous Scene. instead of going to previous frame.Do i have to create a unique button? which i did but i didn't work?
I have a project that have lots of Scenes (50 or so with lots of buttons that link to movies, in most cases I have several buttons linking to the same movie) So..I created a scene called "movies".I have about 90 movies on each frame (90 blank keyframes) with a stop action , FLV Move Progressive download, and a back Button on each framewhen the user clicks on a that back button I want the program to go back where the user just was, Not the Previous Frame with in the timeline or scene.
1)have a pop-up menu when a button is touched, then ok to close but still in the same page as it is 2)invoke the popup menu by using samsung's "MENU keycode",then ok to return the same page as it is 3)having the user to swipe 5 images to view them, left image as 1st and 5th image as last image with smooth transitions 4)and also using the "BACK keycode" to go back to previous page
I am trying to work out this issue in as3 and I'm sure its simple but can't seem to get my head around it. If anyone can see a sollution I would be very happy to hear from you. [URL]..If you click on the red button and click back and previous you will notice that the speed it goes back when you click previous is much slower the further through the slides you go?
This is a simplified version on the code, I'm sure its in this chunk somewhere.
I've got a bunch of movieclips lying on top of each other like a stack. When you click one, it slides out, and comes forward. When clciked again it goes back and slides back into the stack.inside the movieclips iv'e placed:
Code: this.swapDepths(1);
along the timeline at a spcific frame.I need to make it get the same depth value as it had before I clicked it when it goes back. Basicly:
I'm new to Flash and Actionscript and have been creating an interactive map. I've added checkboxes to view or not view different clickable map points which have popup text.
My question: all the checkboxes are checked when the map is opened, but after selecting /deselecting the checkboxes, the map point is clicked, the close button on the popup takes the user back to the original frame. Is there an actionscript code that takes me back to the previous view, rather than a particular frame?
I would like to create an image sliding effect using next and previous buttons. For example the sliding images on the homepage here: http:[url]....I know this is not in flash, but that's the effect I'm trying to create using flash.
I followed the help quoted below. However, when I press the Previous button to rewind the timeline, the movie clip does not stop. For example, if I am on image 3 in the slider and press the previous button...instead of going to image 2, it slides all the way back to image 1 without stopping.
Quote: ActionScript 2:Notice how, in the link to the example, all of the images/slides are the same size. Create a few of those before you begin.
1. Convert each image/slide to it's own Movie Clip, so that you can go always go back and adjust them if well as other useful reasons.
2. You only need 2 layers for now, Actions & Container. On frame1, add a stop action to the frame on your actions layer. Then, place all of your Movie Clips on the stage, on the Container layer. Line them up horizontally, edge-to-edge. Select them all and convert to a Movie Clip named "container".
3. On the Container layer, Insert A Keyframe > move the Container Movie Clip to the left so that the next slide is now in place on the stage > Right click in between the two Keyframes and choose "Create Motion Tween". You should have the animation from slide 1 to slide 2 now. Repeat this process for 2 -3, 3-4, 4-5 ......(don't worry about the reverse!)
4. We need to create buttons to go to the next and previous slide. Make a new layer called Buttons. Create 2 buttons, one for Next and one for Previous. These can be Movie Clips OR Buttons, just place them on the stage give one an instance name of "next_btn" & "prev_btn" (no quotes) for the other.
5. All that's left is to add some actions to a few frames on the Actions layer.
a) Add a stop action to every frame where the slide will be static (still), you should already have one on the first frame from step 2.
b) Now here's where the magic happens. If we test the movie now, the slides will just play and over. So add this code to the frame 1 on the Actions layer:
Code: stop();//already have this stop action, just add the below this.onEnterFrame = function(){[code]....
I'm tryin to create a button that sort of "rewinds" but it doesn't have to show the rewind- all i want it to do is jump back to the previous frame with a stop action on it. So kind of like a "back" or "previous" button.It's been a while since I have programmed a lot and I forget everything
I posted this question yesterday, with no responses, hoping for better luck today for such a vague problem. Pretty much, I have animated mc buttons, that over the course of the website interaction (various transitions) move around the site area. Unfortunately, after doing their big transition once or twice, they are animating to previous frames actionscript... in other words, if my btnA is in a differenct position due to these transitions, when I click it, it animates "from it's previous position"... does that make sense? Is there anything I can do to be sure that all previous code is dropped for the current frame code? seems odd, but there must be a way to do this cleanly?
lets say i have 5 scenes in my fla file, how can i put a <b>"Back Button" </b> in each of the scenes and make it go back to WHICHEVER scene i was at previously?some actionscripting / javascripting on my button perharps?a really simple script that will work exactly like:<A HREF="javascript:history.go(-1)"> as in in html
How can i get the previous page information when clicking on ButtonFor example: i have a two pages, i moved from one page to another page, when i clicked on Button . i should get the first page information same like Back button functionality. Like, this can be acheived in JavaScript as history.back();
I have a function with some if and else...if statements in a particular frame. In this assessment program, the user goes to other frames, then evaluates several variables at the end. If the user gets more than 3 wrong, the user goes back to the scenarios that were missed (i.e., a particular frame label). When I have tested this program, I can get back to the right frame/scenario, but a particular button's function won't work. Is there something where I need to "reset" this function the second time the user goes through it because it remembers what was done the first time?
I am trying to find a way to get my menu bar working. Little info, I am a beginner in Flash just learned the essential DVD from Adobe. My menu bar has the following: (About Us) (Services) (Quality) (Projects) (Contact Us) Each page will have a motion shape tween and slide the page down. I have type in this actions :
This actions only works when I click to the next labels but doesn't work when I want to click back to the previous labels. For example, if I click onto (About Us) to (Services) and (Services) to (Quality) and (Quality) to Projects and (Projects) to (Contact Us)... it all works. If I then click from (Contact Us) back to (Projects) or even any previous buttons.
Basically, I have a flash app with various frames, each frame contains a "help" button, which when clicked takes the user to one seperate frame with various informative instructions on it. The help button is like a universal tool incase the users need help.
Now, no matter what frame the user is on, if they click the help button, sure enough, it takes them to the "help" frame. The big problem I have, is that I cannot fathom a way to make the users RETURN to the exact frame they came from.
For instance, the user is viewing a frame in the app called "Question 2", they get stuck, they click on the "help" button, it takes them to the "help" page. After veiwing the instructions, they need to return to the question 2 frame, possibly by clicking a "back" button of some description. Likewise if they were on a frame called "Question 3" - they need to return to this frame if they click the help button.
In a nutshell, I need to create a button that takes the user back to the previous frame from the "help" frame, like a dynamic link back or something.
I am working on a school project that requires me to load external .swf or .jpg files. I currently have all of the buttons working and are loading an external .swf file on to the screen. The problem I am having is that when I go from one button to the next the loaded .swf stays on the screen and the next .swf gets loaded on top of it. I know that I need to unload the file but I am not sure where to put the code for the unload or what code exactly to use. I would like when the button is pressed to unload the previous loaded .swf and load the new .swf without having a separate button to unload.
I am using this collapsible panel - link. Unfortunately, I have a problem using it with application states. I have a state where this panel is visible, when I switch to this state, this panel shows, when I click on it, it opens and its content shows. If I switch to another state (this panel is removed from display), and then switch back to the previous state, the collapsible panel stays open, but its content disappears. In other words, the collapsible panel's content doesn't persist through states. Anyone know what the problem is? Or is there another collapsible panel that can work around this issue?
I have created this script using code snippets etc. that when I click a button ive created it randomly loads one of X amount of different text files I have in a text field. The text field is only created after I click the button, and I can't figure out how to change the size of my font because it's appearing to small on my stage. Also if anyone could figure out how to get rid of the previous loaded text and replace it with the new one instead of them over writing each other, that would be great.
ActionScript Code: function whattoload( eye:Number){ var ld:Loader = new Loader()[code]............
This works perfect for loading the said .swf and displaying it on my flash program. However I have a next button which When clicked I want it to increment so that It picks a new swift from the array.
ActionScript Code: var swiftI:Number = 0; var maxI:Number = 3;[code]...........
This also works well for my desired effects. However I need to remove the previous loaded .swf before the next one is loaded. How do I do this?When I try to use removeChild(ld); It doesn't work.
I have a feeling that this is going to be an easy solution, but I don't have as much experience with the Loader class as I should. I have 2 external swfs that I'm loading, but i only want the second swf to load after the first has finished loading.How would I go about doing this? Would I call the loadBus function from within the loadAir function?[code]
i am making a photo gallery. I load photos to a Loader by getting links from XML. My problem is this that while photos are being loaded, when next photo comes, previous one do not dissapear
i have designed a flash projector using as3 in which I have successfully loaded an external swf onto frame 2 of my first scene called "start". i want to include a Restart button in a later scene called "intro", which will unload the external swf as well as restart the entire presentation from frame 1 of my "start" scene. my problem is that I can't figure out how to tell my Restart btn, located in the "intro" scene, to look in the "start" scene to unload the external swf - i need to eliminate the "1120: Access of undefined property..." error when working in multiple scenes.
I'm making a small site in flash which contains some basic scripting, and I ran into a problem. I'm trying to make 2 buttons (<<< and >>>) to browse through a certain part of this site, and clicking the button would bring you to the previous/next frame in the timeline.My script in these frames is as follows:
I'm creating a photo gallery. I decided on Flash technology. Everything is ok I just have the buttons to scroll through large photos. How to give them a level of functionality with ActionScript?[code]