ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Rid Of The Previous Loaded Text?

Jul 6, 2011

I have created this script using code snippets etc. that when I click a button ive created it randomly loads one of X amount of different text files I have in a text field. The text field is only created after I click the button, and I can't figure out how to change the size of my font because it's appearing to small on my stage. Also if anyone could figure out how to get rid of the previous loaded text and replace it with the new one instead of them over writing each other, that would be great.

/* Mouse Click Event


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Next And Previous Button Is Not Back To Previous Loaded Movie

Jun 25, 2004

my program is i can choose several movie to load and the movies are save in an array... For example: i choose movie 1 , 2 and 3. Movie 1 was loaded. After i lick 'next 'button, movie 2 will be show .Beside that,if i click 'previous' button, movie 1 will be show. i facing a problem that my previous button is not back to my previous loaded movie but is trace my choices in arrays backward. The next problem is, my first movie load to the second movie load will be a bit lagging. but the rest 1 is ok.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove The Previous Loaded .swf Before The Next One Is Loaded?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm loading an external .swf files for my site.

ActionScript Code:
function whattoload( eye:Number){
var ld:Loader = new Loader()[code]............

This works perfect for loading the said .swf and displaying it on my flash program. However I have a next button which When clicked I want it to increment so that It picks a new swift from the array.

ActionScript Code:
var swiftI:Number = 0;
var maxI:Number = 3;[code]...........

This also works well for my desired effects. However I need to remove the previous loaded .swf before the next one is loaded. How do I do this?When I try to use removeChild(ld); It doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload External Swf That Was Loaded In A Previous Scene?

Jul 1, 2009

i have designed a flash projector using as3 in which I have successfully loaded an external swf onto frame 2 of my first scene called "start". i want to include a Restart button in a later scene called "intro", which will unload the external swf as well as restart the entire presentation from frame 1 of my "start" scene. my problem is that I can't figure out how to tell my Restart btn, located in the "intro" scene, to look in the "start" scene to unload the external swf - i need to eliminate the "1120: Access of undefined property..." error when working in multiple scenes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button - Go Only To Previous Scene, Instead Of Going To Previous Frame?

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I have various movies clip within a movie and my back (mc = arr2_mc) and next (mc = arr1_mc) buttons are on the main scene.This is on my main scene on a first frame

ActionScript Code:
movieclip.prototype.playBackwards = function(arg){
if(arguments.length>0) {[code]....

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CS3 - Tween Text On Top Of Previous Image?

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Flex :: Save The Previous Text In Textarea?

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public function sendMessage():void
mytextarea.text = textinput.text;
textinput.text = "";

The problem I am facing is , whenever I add new line or others it replaces the previous text, I want the previous text in text area to stay there.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload The Previous Loaded .swf And Load The New .swf Without Having A Separate Button To Unload

Aug 9, 2008

I am working on a school project that requires me to load external .swf or .jpg files. I currently have all of the buttons working and are loading an external .swf file on to the screen. The problem I am having is that when I go from one button to the next the loaded .swf stays on the screen and the next .swf gets loaded on top of it. I know that I need to unload the file but I am not sure where to put the code for the unload or what code exactly to use. I would like when the button is pressed to unload the previous loaded .swf and load the new .swf without having a separate button to unload.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Clear Previous Links In A Text Field?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm loading data in to textbox1 and on click I load more data in to textbox1 by replacing the existing data. Every time I load data there are hyperlinks in the text. Now I need to clear all the hyperlinks that was there when I click my next button to load more data. How can I clear all the links within the textbox when I click a button?

//1st load
for(var i:Number=0; i<messageA.length; i++){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Text Into Dynamic MC - But Replaces Previous Mc!?

Jan 30, 2004

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Here's the function:
addTxt = function (src, objWidth, xpos, ypos, level) {


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However, if I add more than one movieclip, the previous added mc's gets the textbox value undefined (doesn't matter if it's an identical mc or a different one). And it hasn't got to do with levels, I've already checked that...

Here's the function:

addTxt = function (src, objWidth, xpos, ypos, level) {
text_lv = new LoadVars();
text_lv.onLoad = function(success) {


the function is called by an "XML-loop", and the level-var is changed for each mc that is to be created.

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Flex :: Text Input Error / Validation And Restore Previous Correct Value

Jul 2, 2009

I have text input boxes. There is validation for each of the boxes using numberValidator. Now, the thing is that am using alert box to show if any error occurs.

Flowchart ::

1> Insert value in textBox.

2> NumberValidator validates the input on "trigger=change".

3> If error, alert message is displayed. The user clicks OK to go back to form.

4> Focus set back to the TextBox.

5> But, alert box makes the text input value blank / null. i.e. Both the previous error value entered by user and the default correct value will not be displayed now.

Display the most recent correct value that was entered in the text box. Not the default of any other, but the most recent correct value entered by the user.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Sadistic Textfield Writes Text Over Previous Update Weirdness?

Mar 5, 2011

I tried something which was very simple in AS2, attaching dynamic movieclip and then attaching dynamic textfield inside that MC, which should update on progress event for loading an image, displaying percentage of loading done. Surprisingly, I have no problem with displaying accurate percentage info, my problem is this: most of the updates of textfield.text writes itself OVER the old text, instead of replacing it. Hehehehehe, LOL! You get it? It behaves like I create new textfield over the old one each time I update text. And I'm sure the code is not recreating textfield or MC, at least I'm positive thats not what I told it to do. So although I'm a bit new to AS3, and may probably doing something wrong, I'm getting more and more suspicious that this is a bug within flash itself, the thing that should not be.

It will be hard for me to recreate the code here, as I tried many different things in the meantime, so I'll just show bits of latest version which doesn't create totally dynamic MC and textfield, but attaches dynamically MC containing textfield which is inside library. The problem remains the same, and I'm sure I compile/upload latest swf version and clean browser cache everytime...Code://btw, timeline is public static MovieClip, which is like root,//and containerMC is public static MovieClip which is attached separately//Also if you see something without being declared as var, be sure its a static property declared in class

//func called after thumbnail button is clicked to open image
public static function prepareImageOpen(imgObj:Object)


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Mar 18, 2011

Am creating a two page document in flash cs4. Each of these 2 page documents have links to a learning resource on a web server.All I want is for the user to be able to navigate to and fro this two page document. Infact, I want to be able to click on a NEXT button to go the the nextpage and PREVIOUS PAGE button to go back to the previous page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Updating TextFields - When A New Song Is Played The Text Field From The Previous Tune Does Not Disappear?

May 10, 2011

Im using text fields to display artist, album and song information for tunes that are played in a mp3 player. The text appears fine and with the right information. But when a new song is played the text field from the previous tune does not disappear and the new song information, just sits on top of it.i have attempted to use the remove child to fix this, but couldn't get it working? My code for the play function and the textfields is below,

ActionScript Code:
var myFont = new Font1();
var mySongNameFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
mySongNameFormat.size = 30;[code]...............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Previous Page (go Back A Previous Screen With All Data) / Screen Navigation

Nov 23, 2010

im using cairnform framework as3 and i have a single swf file, and i m searching a while for back button to go back a previous screen with all data's which r there previously.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Goto Previous Frame Viewed As Opposed To Previous Frame On Timeline?

May 2, 2005

What is the script used to go to previous frame viewed as opposed to (see below) previous frame on timeline?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Text Effect To Random Text Loaded From Exteral Text File

Apr 25, 2011

I am still using flash MX. I'm pulling random text from a textfile (array.txt) into movieclip instance textbox.[code]All is good, but now my question is if I can have a text effect as well. For example having the random quotes typed out as they appear.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Previous Frame Viewed As Opposed To (see Below) Previous Frame On Timeline?

May 2, 2005

What is the script used to go to previous frame viewed as opposed to (see below) previous frame on timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Text Color In Previous Button When Click A New Button?

Mar 11, 2010

If I have say 7 buttons, each containing text that changes color on rollover using the "Up" "Over" and "Down" keyframes in the buttons' timeline.  Is there a simple way to get the button's text to change color when clicked, stay that way, and then change back to the original color once one of the other 6 buttons are clicked?
The only thing I can come up with is writing pages of code for each button that changes the color of every other button regardless of whether it was active.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Text / Variable Used Before Populated With Loaded Text

Nov 29, 2009

I have a class that loads data from a text file and puts it into an array called tdv.importedTxtArray (public var).In a separate class i have written [code]The infoArray does not then contain the imported text however because tdv.importedTxtArray is not given its popper contents until about 1/2 a second after the tdvLoader class executes (i.e: when Event.COMPLETE is run and the array is populated with strings from the external text file). Subsequently in the code above infoArray is set to a blank array.How can i get the code in my separate class to ''wait' until tdv.importedTxtArray is properly populated before accessing it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Data Loaded From Text Files Into Dynamic Text Box?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm having a problem adding numbers that are loaded to dynamic text boxes. I'm using AS 2 (Flash 8). The numbers are loaded to the textboxes from a text file using a loadVars command. The text boxes have instance names of TELEMATICS and BOOK - I have a third textbox called (instance name) RESULT - the text file is called TEST1.txt. My problem is that after trying (and trying) several solutions in tutorials I am unable to add the values in TELEMATICs and BOOK to get a (sum) total in RESULT. My code to load the numbers is as follows:


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IDE :: Creating Auto-scroll Text That Was Loaded From An External Text File?

Mar 13, 2003

I like to know an easy way to create a text autoscroll (vertical) that worked when the text was loaded from another text file. it can use for news/site update. see the attachment.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text That Will Be Loaded From The Text File To Be Links To Other Pages

Sep 16, 2008

i am desiging a news form that read the news from an external text file. I made it ok and with a typewriter effect and it worked only problem is that i want the text that will be loaded from the text file to be links to other pages.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Box And Gave It The Instance Name "body" However Loaded The Text From An External Source Using One Of Classes

Aug 15, 2009

I created a dynamic text box and gave it the instance name "body" however i loaded the text from an external source using one of my classes. how do i reference the dynamic text box on the stage from my class???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Paragraphs Spacing - Line Space Flash Creates When A Dynamic Text Is Loaded In A Dynamic Text Field

Jun 8, 2009

i have a problem with the line space flash creates when a dynamic text is loaded in a dynamic text field on the stage i put a dynamic textFild with istance name "profile_text". then im loadin in it a text. my text is written in the Notepad like this


i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling The Font Color, Font Size And Other Characteristics Of A Text Loaded Into A Text Field From An XML File

Jul 9, 2009

While creating one photo gallery I am facing one problem in controlling the Font Color, Font Size and other characteristics of a text loaded into a text field from an XML File. The name of the text field in question is �my_txt� it loads the title from the xml file attached herewith. how I can control the behavior of the text loaded in that text field.


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