ActionScript 3.0 :: Components To Make Custom Preloader?

Dec 9, 2008

After browsing the internet for a while I found everyone shows you how to make a custom preloader with your own graphics which is all fine and good but what about the people who just want to use the components and be done with it? I know I would have to use the UILoader and another
component. How to use the necessary components to make a preloader? I have quite a big swf and I need one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Custom Preloader?

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Show me/point me into the right direction on as to how to make a custom preloader. But the thing is i want it inside of a URL function.. Which is where im struggling.

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var flvControl:FLVPlayback = display;
var flvSource:String = "video.flv";
display.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Preloader Component (components Set 2) Within Flash Mx

Nov 10, 2003

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Unfortunately the preload bar does nowt even though the jpeg does load into the browser.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Vars In Custom Components?

May 26, 2009

I'm working in flex, but using as3. I have two components, and need to communicate between vars. I have my main app, and  two components. I declare "newsDB" in the main app like this.


This gives  me an error like so TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. I get that it is trying to touch the var before it is implemented. How should I go about this?

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Flash CS5 :: Cannot Handle Custom-built Components

Dec 10, 2010

A few days ago I decided I wanted to make my own drag&drop flash components, with inspectable properties. Since the documentation for flash components is so limited, I followed the workflow of some blogs I found around the web (mostly about CS3 components). In the end I managed to create a component that has a Live View, that gets a visual update whenever you change the properties (width, height, color..) CS4 !
The problem in CS5 is that when I drag my component on the stage, the timeline of this movieclip starts playing in a loop. As you may or may not know, Components have 1 "Avatar" frame, and 1 "Assets" frame. So this looks kinda weird when that timeline plays.
There is always the possibility that I made a mistake, but when I download the source files from the blog post on the page nents-for-distribution/comment-page-1/#comment-33865
the same thing happens.
When I then save my CS5 FLA as a CS4 FLA and try to use the downloaded component and my own, both of them work fine in CS4. So I think this might be a bug in CS5.? Which is pretty bad because I wanted to use these components in iphone development using the CS5 packager...I read somewhere that we actually use the UIComponent because it has no timeline, so I don't see how it's possible that it plays.
I uploaded my source files to [URL]

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Flex :: Custom Components / Events And Scope

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ActionScript 3 :: Events Between Spark And Custom Components

Nov 30, 2010

We are building an interface for a game. The interface has a tabbed menu at the bottom of the screen, with each tab displaying different aspects of an object (called a node). When you click on one of these parts, it becomes the focus, and we download it's details in XML, including all it's sub-nodes and parent nodes and then update the tab display accordingly, or at least that's what we'd like to happen.

What we have:
public var currentNode:Node = new Node();
[Code] .....

We tried adding an event listener for "selectNode" to the dashBoard:SkinnableContainer you see see above, but it didn't seem to want to take. We suspect this is because dashBoard is from a spark component and the dispatcher for "selectNode" is on of our own custom components, but we weren't sure... in any case that's what the code assist seemed to indicate as we had to write it in by hand. We're not sure how to pick up the Events in FlashBuilder 4's debugger, so we're having trouble working out where it's going wrong.

Basically, when someone clicks on the label of a child or parent node (that is displayed by the itemRenderer), we want a URLRequest sent to our website, with the url specific to the node clicked on. We then want a URLLoader listening for the return which will update public variable 'currentNode' when xmlDownloaded is called by the loader. If you could clarify how the click event should be dispatched, what should be listening for it then sending the URLRequest and where the URLLoader that is listening for the xml data to return should be that would solve our problems.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Components - Implementing Live Preview?

Oct 6, 2010

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Flex - XMLListCollection Properties In Custom Components Always Null?

Dec 11, 2009

I've written the following custom component, SubNavBar.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" height="100" width="300"


Whenever the trace function runs in init(), the property menuItems returns null. I don't seem to have this problem with other variable types, like Boolean or String. Is this due to the size of the XMLListCollection object? How can I set up this SubNavBar custom component with XMLListCollection property and bind it to a control in the component?

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Flex :: 4 - Implement A Custom Toolstrip For An App - Inherit Components?

Jul 1, 2010

I am new to Flex programming. I want to implement a custom toolstrip for an app. This tool strip will include a menu bar (or a customized equivalent) to display the common menu items such as File, Edit, etc as well as a search box. It should be flexible enough to include other menu items such as bookmarks, etc in the future. I have been thinking about mx:Group, s:BorderContainer, mx:HBox, but haven't been able to choose between them. And none of them seem espcially suited to my task as they merely specify layout of other objects. Is there any component which has direct support for such functionality. I have also thought about using mx:MenuBar but I don't know if it will be flexible enough to add non-menu items like search box.

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Aug 25, 2010

For my AIR based application I am trying to create a custom component based on canvas which has an image (as shown below).

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="100" height="100" cornerRadius="5" borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="2" dropShadowEnabled="true" borderColor="#EDEDE8" dropShadowColor="#dddddd" shadowDistance="5" shadowDirection="center">


As a work around, I am trying to add an creationComplete listener to the canvas in my custom component and used to give titleImage.source = this.path . keep changing the image or when the path of the image fetched using some async call.

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Actionscript 3 :: Edit Objects Within Custom AS3 Components Using MXML?

Apr 27, 2011

I'm writing a Flex application using Flash Builder 4 and I'm having a bit of trouble with an AS3 object.Essentially, it is a BorderContainer, with a few buttons and images, and programming logic that determines how these interact with eachother and a database.

What I want to be able to do is configure the layout/style of the inner components using MXML and CSS. I can configure the inherited objects, but not ones that I have defined.[code]...

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Flex :: Access Objects In Custom Components File In It?

Sep 18, 2011

I am pretty new to flex, specially to mxml part. There are some confusing things for me.[code]...

So question is how do I access that button's properties. I want when something happens in Xyz file, button's (someId) visibility to become false. If Abc.mxml was AS class file then it would be easy, just make object etc., but how to get if it's mxml file.

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Flash :: Multiple Custom Components And The Display List?

Oct 18, 2011

I am using several instances of the same custom component on the same SWF. The component is essentially just a textfield with special sizing requirements. I also have another "wrapper" component that deals with the info from the textfield components. I was initially planning on using the stage index to associate the data with the textfield component it came from. This became more complicated than I anticipated. When I trace from the wrapper i can't get the index of the textfield components. So I got it in the component code and sent it with the info to the wrapper via a custom event. The problem there is that i can't tell which component is which because they are indexed identically. I can also see the component shim as well as the textfield.I'm just really confused about how programmatic components work on the display list.

My main Question. Is there a better way to associate the info with the proper component? I guess that's my only question. Please point me in the right direction.

EDIT2: I created a dummy place-holder component that just draws a rectangle then at runtime replaces it with programmatically generated textfield component.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom FLV Player Components Volume Slider

Jan 12, 2009

I've followed the Flash Video Basics Tutoirals 1-8 here on gotoAndLearn and stopped short of making the "Volume Slider" or "Full Screen" buttons. I've been googling all over and not come up with a simple solution to adding these features to my video player. In addition, a counter for the video length would be awesome.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Listeners With Motion Tweens In Custom Components?

Aug 31, 2005

I'm creating several cutom components. Within each I'm setting up scripted tweens with the Tween class. I have listeners setup within the components to fire internal events. My question is how can one component on the stage listen to the others tween events? Currently I'm setting up internal listeners like so:

MenuListener = new Object();
var easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut;
ButtonTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(....);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Custom Components With Variable / Parameter

May 7, 2003

I want to create a component with a variable/parameter that is a method it calls when (clicked on for example). In "Flash UI Components.fla" the they do this and I studied the code but cant get it to work. The Push Button one has a click handler, but the way it is actually called in the script is like this:
That bracket/parenthesis thing is not working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Building Components - Give Each Instance A Custom Timeline?

Oct 12, 2010

Something I've been struggling with and can't seem to figure out. What I want for a system is to create several components, BUT each with their own timeline. For instance for a quiz, I want a number of answerbuttons. But each one should have their own appearance, preferably on a timeline. However these should be components, seeing their 'answerbutton'-logic should be the same over all buttons (apart from their answerbutton-index, set in the Component Parameters).

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Jan 25, 2007

I've written 3 classes and i'm using them in the first frame of my FLA.when i add the Radio Button to my stage, my classes don't do what they're supposed to do. Even if i just leave the radio button component in my library,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Custom Class For Menu Or Other Components Like Background

Oct 9, 2009

Make a custom preloader for the whole project, in a class, is that possible? Is that a good idea to creat a custom class for the Menu or other components like Background, etc?As I read in the book "Essential ActionScript" it's ok to make custom classes and organize everything, catching the errors in isolated form , turns it easy to manage and update..How to organize the classes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Text Acting As A Preloader So That Its Color Changes As Preloader Percentage

Apr 24, 2010

how to make text acting as a preloader so that its color changes as preloader percentage. i dont mean how to apply the math, i mean how to mask it or whatever action to achieve that effect?

like for example imagine the red is constantly growing to the right letter by letter (actually pixel by pixel:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Component - Make A Preloader For Flash Mx 2004?

Jan 16, 2004

I want to make a preloader for flash mx 2004 that when it finish becomes to decrement another time. I would like to do it to modify the flash preloader component.

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