ActionScript 3.0 :: Correct Way To Use External Packages?
Sep 8, 2009
I'm brand new to AS 3.0, and I'm having a lot of trouble with it. Basically, all I want to do is load in an external swf when a button is clicked. The swf to be loaded would be defined by a variable, rather than hardcoded. Sounds pretty simple, no?[code]....
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_root.onLoad = function() {
var myRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * _level0.totalPic) + 1;
_root.bg_mc.loadMovie("" + myRandom); // it should be like _level0.bg1;
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ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
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package {
import mx.controls.Label;
public class Test
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import flash.display.*
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package {
import com.gfxcomplex.display.FullScreenImage;
public class ImageMain extends Sprite {
public static var menuIn:Number=-113;
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package AS.socket{
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Jul 15, 2009
I have made a script, and now has come the point when I need to use removechild. Whenever I try this I get an error. After looking at the problem, I think I need to learn more about scope and packages. I think if I put everything in the correct scope, I will be able to use the removechild command. I tried to make all my vars public, so that removechild would work, however I got an error that anything public needs to be in a package. I tried to add the package part to my script, but got the error that packages cant be nested. I tried some other things and still no luck, just more errors.
So, if anyone could point me to a tutorial, or recommend a book or something, that will help teach me about scope and packages, Or if you are feeling patient and generous, and you think you could explain this problem to a 5 year old, please explain it to me the way you would to said 5 year old. If you maybe think you can help me out on the script, it can be found here: [URL]
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Dec 6, 2010
I was working with a sample code and when I do a 'cntrl + ENTER' I get a 'Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: LoginEvent' error I also get the same error for the other events of 'RoomEvent' and 'XIFFErrorEvent'. My source files 'Test.FLA' and 'Test.AS' are located here: 'xiff_3_0_0src' whereas the various packages refered to in the source file are located here: 'xiff_3_0_0srcorgigniterealtimexiff'. My import statements are as follows:
import flash.display.MovieClip; import org.jivesoftware.xiff.conference.Room; import org.jivesoftware.xiff.core.JID; import org.jivesoftware.xiff.core.XMPPSocketConnection; import; import; import;
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package {
public class DropImage {
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Feb 21, 2010
I would like to know how can I install a library packages to a Flash project. I am using Adobe Flash CS4 and the library I'm trying to include is in AS3. The library can be found on [URL].
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May 23, 2010
I've googled a lot trying to find how to properly import and use .swc files in Flash CS 4, tried lots of different methods but none seem to work.
What I've done is:
1. Placed it in my "D:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe Flash CS4enConfigurationComponents" folder. It does however not show up in the component inspector.
2. Added it in Publishing Settings as a Library and External Library, still can't seem to use it.
I've also tried adding
"import org.osflash.signals;"
After each method but I receive the error
"1172: Definition org.osflash:signals could not be found."
So what I'm asking for is an easy way to get the .swc package working code-wise with all classes imported etc. The .swc file is as you may have guessed as3signals.
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May 25, 2011
I'm teaching myself actionScript 3.I'm having some difficulty knowing which packages / classes to import from the flash core.I'm still a little shaky on the terminology but I mean these statements at the start of the main AS file.
import flash.display.Sprite;
Are there any good references / cheatsheets that describe what each flash.example.example provides? At least for commonly used packages.
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Feb 3, 2009
this is the URL of the language reference website I have been using for Flash/AIR: [URL]Is this URL the correct one I should be using when I need to look up a class or method or property or something like that? Because it does not match up with what actually shows up in the Flash IDE when I type an import statement. Most of the packages match up but not all.
For instance, the reference URL has a package, and so do I locally, but my package seems to be missing lots of classes from it that the reference URL shows. This leads me to believe I don't have the latest SDK's or SWC's or whatever I need installed, whether they be Flash, Flex, Air, etc.Also, I have a few packages locally that don't show up in the reference URL. Things like "flash.debugger" and "flash.trace", they are not my custom classes, not sure where they came from.
Lastly, there are certain AIR classes missing, and I'm sure this is because I don't have the latest AIR SDK installed. I did find it and download it, just not sure how to download it.
1) Is the above URL the one I should be using? If not, is there a better definitive location for Flash/AIR language reference that is updated and always has the latest and greatest info?
2) I have the latest AIR sdk on my desktop, how do I install it? (I'm using Flash CS5 on Mac OSX 10.6)
3) How can I make sure that what I see in that reference URL is what shows up in my code hinting when I type import statements in the Actions Panel? Basically I just want to make sure I am all up to date so everything is showing and working the way it should be. For instance, I am missing a ton of fl classes (containers, controls, core, data, etc.) I want to get these in place so my local copies are synchronized as close as possible with the reference. Documentation doesn't help much when you don't have the tools it tells you to use...
4) Take the fl.ik package for instance. Locally, I have available all the classes in the reference URL that I should, plus a bunch more that aren't there.
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Aug 25, 2009
I'm having problems with dispatching an Event across packages, I have a video player and when clicking the next button it dispatches an event to my EventManager class then I have another class in a different package listening for it but nothing executes the event listener.[code]...
View 5 Replies
Nov 30, 2009
I'm working on a project that imports custom classes (from external as files).
Each class is in it's own file (correctly named, located), and they import and compile fine.
I am building the text version using the Flash IDE (?), and am only using actionscript. The final version will be build using Flashdevelop.
Why does the compiler choke and give an error ("1037: Packages cannot be nested") when a package is coded in the main movie?
Isn't all as code in AS3 supposed to be contained in a package?
Here is the code that works - is this OK (in regards to package code)?
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
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Jul 7, 2010
I am unable to import some (seemingly) core packages: flash.desktop.Clipboard fl.managers.FocusManager
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