Flash 10 :: Language Reference And Packages?
Feb 3, 2009
this is the URL of the language reference website I have been using for Flash/AIR: [URL]Is this URL the correct one I should be using when I need to look up a class or method or property or something like that? Because it does not match up with what actually shows up in the Flash IDE when I type an import statement. Most of the packages match up but not all.
For instance, the reference URL has a fl.events package, and so do I locally, but my package seems to be missing lots of classes from it that the reference URL shows. This leads me to believe I don't have the latest SDK's or SWC's or whatever I need installed, whether they be Flash, Flex, Air, etc.Also, I have a few packages locally that don't show up in the reference URL. Things like "flash.debugger" and "flash.trace", they are not my custom classes, not sure where they came from.
Lastly, there are certain AIR classes missing, and I'm sure this is because I don't have the latest AIR SDK installed. I did find it and download it, just not sure how to download it.
1) Is the above URL the one I should be using? If not, is there a better definitive location for Flash/AIR language reference that is updated and always has the latest and greatest info?
2) I have the latest AIR sdk on my desktop, how do I install it? (I'm using Flash CS5 on Mac OSX 10.6)
3) How can I make sure that what I see in that reference URL is what shows up in my code hinting when I type import statements in the Actions Panel? Basically I just want to make sure I am all up to date so everything is showing and working the way it should be. For instance, I am missing a ton of fl classes (containers, controls, core, data, etc.) I want to get these in place so my local copies are synchronized as close as possible with the reference. Documentation doesn't help much when you don't have the tools it tells you to use...
4) Take the fl.ik package for instance. Locally, I have available all the classes in the reference URL that I should, plus a bunch more that aren't there.
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1) Download the file from [URL] ndalone.zip.
2) Expand the zip, open the resulting folder and open the index.html document in your web browser.
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C:Documents and Settings<username>My DocumentsMy DropboxCodeAS3src
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package sivyr.map {
// Includes
include "flash.display.Sprite"
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include "sivyr.map.Grid"
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var versionString = Capabilities.language;
var label2:TextField = createCustomTextField(0, 60, 200, 20);
label2.text = "language: " + Capabilities.language;
how to use the if and else statement ?
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May 7, 2010
I have a SWF with text embedded from an external .txt file. Is there a way I can have a different file used as the text source through the embedcode (swfObject) depending on the language?
Here is my current actionscript:
myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function() {
text_clips.project_title.text = this.projecttitle1;
There are four languages needed so far, but this will grow so it needs to be flexible enough to let the developers add languages without getting a new SWF each time.
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But is it possible to generate a sign language video through direct text by using a 3D model and making it to animate?
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