ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Circles With Thumbnail On Mouse Over And Links From An Xml?
Jul 21, 2009
I have an xml with following structure[code]...
i just learn the basics of creating movie clips and loading xml into flash etc..
but to complete my task i need more reference from you peoplethat is why i described the whole thing
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Dec 12, 2009
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addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playGame);
function playGame(Event):void {
Now what I'm having trouble with is all the timing. I need a way to turn the visibility off the circles after a few seconds of being created and I also need to set the duration of the game for 20 seconds.
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Sep 6, 2009
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Having a problem coding a mouse over small image to enlarge effect. I have a filmstrip of photos at the bottom of my page and want the user to be able to enlarge them slightly by rolling over them with the mouse.
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Jan 14, 2009
In summary, I have an image scroller that loads a series of thumbnails defined in an XML file. All of the image load and begin scrolling. When I rollover the scroller, the scrolling stops then resumes again when I roll out.My problem: In addition to a mouseover pausing the scroller, I would like to be able to load text from another XML node based on which thumbnail the mouse is currently over.My question: How do I keep track of which thumbnail the mouse is over? Do I need to create an additional array to keep track of the thumbs or is there a simpler way to do this?
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Jun 10, 2010
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Jun 7, 2008
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Jul 28, 2009
basically i want an action to take place when my mouse is within a certain amount of pixels of the edge of the screen (or boundaries). I know the AS2 code, but need it in AS3.I realise that listeners are going to be needed, so if anyone is kind enough to help me out convert this code
heres the as2 code:
root.onEnterFrame = function
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Jan 4, 2009
I am using Flash CS4. I insert and build a SWF file just fine. In the component inspector there is a preview entry but there is a note that says it is only for development not runtime. It says to use ActionScript and the Export option. I have used the Export Option to create the thumbnail image but I have no idea how to setup the ActionScript.
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Dec 12, 2008
im currently trying to use this script to create a little thumbnail gallery: [URL]first off my main flash file has 2 movie clips in, an empty on which an image will be loaded into and one with a navigation menu within the navigation there is a button which will load an external swf into that same movie clip. This loaded swf contains the "Complex Button" my problem is that i dont know how to (or if it is possible) to use these buttons to load a jpg into the empty movie clip on the main timeline im guessing it has something to do with:
this.onRelease = function(){
but i have tried a couple of things and havent been able to work it out as im still a bit of a n00b with actionscript.
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Jan 10, 2011
i want to create xml looping for infinite thumbnail
PHP Code:
<images> <image source="images/Image1.jpg" thumb="thumbnails/thumb1.jpg">Description of image 1.</image> <image source="images/Image2.jpg" thumb="thumbnails/thumb2.jpg">Description of image 2.</image> <image source="images/Image3.jpg" thumb="thumbnails/thumb3.jpg">Description of image 3.</image> <image source="images/Image4.jpg" thumb="thumbnails
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May 6, 2005
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I want the thumbnails to create a nice row, that I can use in a "infinite image slider"...
//image array
//the array that holds the images names
imgArray = _root.getCurrentArray();
//the path to the images folder
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Apr 30, 2007
I have seen many tutorials on how to create xml-driven, thumbnail-based image galleries, but I am looking for one which can do a "Before and After" photo effect. I'm designing a realtor's website and want a "before and after" gallery to show work being done on some homes, before construction and after construction. So, basically, you have two photos, same size, overlaying each other, and use maybe an Alpha fade to "merge one photo into another"? Something which slowly fades one into another, not just something which does a complete Alpha fade out, then a complete Alpha fade in.
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Sep 17, 2010
I am trying to create a table of thumbnail pictures from an xml. I have made the table load from from the file though when the items are created the other layers (e.g background and text field) only show in the first thumb. I also want to be able to click the thumb and have it go to the corresponding url from "curl[]". I just can't work it out. At the moment it will only go to the last url added in the array! I have a clip on the main stage with instance name thumbnail Here is the code I am using
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Mar 30, 2009
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Feb 27, 2010
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Dec 23, 2009
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Ive been sitting infront of this screen trying to create an internal link to my contact page from some text i have on my about us page.[url]...
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this code type[code]...
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