Create Thumbnail Image At Runtime?

Jan 4, 2009

I am using Flash CS4. I insert and build a SWF file just fine. In the component inspector there is a preview entry but there is a note that says it is only for development not runtime. It says to use ActionScript and the Export option. I have used the Export Option to create the thumbnail image but I have no idea how to setup the ActionScript.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Xml-driven - Thumbnail-based Image Galleries

Apr 30, 2007

I have seen many tutorials on how to create xml-driven, thumbnail-based image galleries, but I am looking for one which can do a "Before and After" photo effect. I'm designing a realtor's website and want a "before and after" gallery to show work being done on some homes, before construction and after construction. So, basically, you have two photos, same size, overlaying each other, and use maybe an Alpha fade to "merge one photo into another"? Something which slowly fades one into another, not just something which does a complete Alpha fade out, then a complete Alpha fade in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Image Menu - 'thumbnail Expand' And 'image Easing'

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I'm looking to do a sliding image menu like this one: [URL]. I can do this using tweening but it is not as smooth as using actionscript. Does anyone know what the name of this is as when I do a search as I can't find any solutions? I've tried 'thumbnail expand' and 'image easing' but am not getting any hits.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Globe Image Gallery - Navigate To Url From Image Thumbnail?

Oct 30, 2011

I have found an excellent tutorial and source file for a 3D image gallery. However I would like to make the thumbnail click thorugh to a url link when pressed rather than loading the image into the gallery.
Currently the images load in through actionscript. Is there a way to amend this script so you can specify that a thumbnail clicked links through to a url, like you would with a normal button instance rather than loading the image. Here is a link to the file and tutorial. The actionscript is on the top layer within the file.[URL]...

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Java - Upload Image Thumbnail To Server Without Uploading Whole Image?

Aug 27, 2009

As far as I know, what I ask here isn't possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway in case I'm missing something.

Suppose you want to let users upload JPG images, and these images are scaled into smaller icons and the original images are always discarded and never required again. Is there any way that would commonly work in most modern browsers that would let the user select a single image on their hard drive, have that LOCALLY turned into a thumbnail and upload the created thumbnail to a server?

In a case where the server just needs a small image, it would be wasteful both in user time and server resources to proceed uploading the whole image, only to immediately discard it. It would be much better to just scale it on the client.

I can imagine three options. Just plain HTML/Javascript, using Flash or using Java. If this were possible with Flash, that would seem like the best option. But reading documentation, it seems that you can upload a file from the HD yes, but you cannot look inside the file you are uploading. On the other hand, if you enable "can access local files" in Flash publishing options, it seems that you can then no longer access the net, so that doesn't work.

With HTML/Javascript, it is possible to load images and display them on a <canvas>, but if you try to access the pixels of these images, you get security violations, so that doesn't seem to work.

Java I hesitate to use, because only 96.52% of my users have it installed, and the file upload dialogs I have seen implemented in Java (at Facebook for example) have not worked well (unresponsive interface). I wonder though if Java is the only thing allowing resizing images from local HD?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Globe Image Gallery / Navigate To Url From Image Thumbnail

Oct 30, 2011

I have found an excellent tutorial and source file for a 3D image gallery.However I would like to make the thumbnail click thorugh to a url link when pressed rather than loading the image into the gallery.Currently the images load in through actionscript. Is there a way to amend this script so you can specify that a thumbnail clicked links through to a url, like you would with a normal button instance rather than loading the image.Here is a link to the file and tutorial. The actionscript is on the top layer within the file.URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Little Thumbnail Gallery?

Dec 12, 2008

im currently trying to use this script to create a little thumbnail gallery: [URL]first off my main flash file has 2 movie clips in, an empty on which an image will be loaded into and one with a navigation menu within the navigation there is a button which will load an external swf into that same movie clip. This loaded swf contains the "Complex Button" my problem is that i dont know how to (or if it is possible) to use these buttons to load a jpg into the empty movie clip on the main timeline im guessing it has something to do with:

this.onRelease = function(){

but i have tried a couple of things and havent been able to work it out as im still a bit of a n00b with actionscript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Xml Looping For Infinite Thumbnail?

Jan 10, 2011

i want to create xml looping for infinite thumbnail

PHP Code:

<images> <image source="images/Image1.jpg" thumb="thumbnails/thumb1.jpg">Description of image 1.</image> <image source="images/Image2.jpg" thumb="thumbnails/thumb2.jpg">Description of image 2.</image> <image source="images/Image3.jpg" thumb="thumbnails/thumb3.jpg">Description of image 3.</image> <image source="images/Image4.jpg" thumb="thumbnails


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IDE :: Create A Photo Thumbnail Slider From An Array?

May 6, 2005

I use this code to try to create a photo thumbnail slider from an array loaded with the images names. The problem is that I can create one thumbnail with my code as shown, but I get in trouble when I try to make thumbnails of more than one image from the array. How should I work around this?

I want the thumbnails to create a nice row, that I can use in a "infinite image slider"...

//image array
//the array that holds the images names
imgArray = _root.getCurrentArray();
//the path to the images folder


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Loading Second Image From Thumbnail Array?

May 26, 2009

I have a page that I'm trying to build that has a scrolling image bar at the bottom but I want to also show the full size image in flash above the images that come up in the thumbnail array when you mouse over each image in the array. I found some code that makes the thumbnail array work but I have no idea how to display the second larger image on mouse over because its loading the images externally... what can I do? Feel free to email me back.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Thumbnail Image?

Sep 22, 2008

Is there a way to read in an existing image and write out a smaller, jpeg version?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading The Thumbnail Image?

Oct 1, 2011

[URL]I can change the images and even the number of pieces. When I create a puzzle with a large amount of pieces you can't really tell what the whole image is suppose to look like.  So what I would like to do is after the image is loaded and put in the listener, create a small version of that same image so the user can now know what the image should look it. 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml/thumbnail Image Gallery?

Jan 23, 2006

i'm using a modified version of the xml thumbnail tutorial on this site and am having a weird problem. sometime on some machines the thumbnails are desplayed in reverse order but when the page is refreshed they're dispalyed in the correct order. on other machines they load in in the correct order fine. anyone have any ideas why this would happen? the image names are loaded into an arrayin the onload of the xml the thumb images are put into an array:

for (z=0; z<videototal; z++) {
thumbnails[z] = xmlNode.childNodes[z].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
moviefile[z] = xmlNode.childNodes[z].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How Wide Each Thumbnail Image Is

Jun 18, 2008

i'm making a scrolling xml gallery. Everything is working fine however for the particular design of the site i'm making i need thumbnails that have different widths. Currently i've written an xml file that lists the names of the images which are then loaded into a container within a scroller.Is there a way i can load external images and then write some AS that figures out how wide each thumbnail image is? (i have a feeling i need to write a variable for the widths of the containers but not sure how) or maybe an easier way of looking at it - does anyone know of an example that loads an array of images sequentially that have different widths but display next to each other?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Circles With Thumbnail On Mouse Over And Links From An Xml?

Jul 21, 2009

I have an xml with following structure[code]...

i just learn the basics of creating movie clips and loading xml into flash etc..

but to complete my task i need more reference from you peoplethat is why i described the whole thing

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Thumbnail Scroller With Image Detail?

Jul 20, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Title Of Thumbnail Image?

Nov 23, 2009

I am trying to display the title of the thumbnail image, which is being loaded from the XML file. If i trace the title then it is printed, but it is not displayed in the TextField.

Below is the code, i used so far.

var Current_page:Number;
var Total_pages:Number;
var Detail_mc:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Thumbnail To Full Size Image?

Jan 20, 2009

I'm tring to have it when you click on a thumbnail, it loads a larger image over the scene. Here is an example, since I'm sure that my desc. is awlful. link My scrolling thumbnails are based off of the tutorial on Here is my site. and action script. (architecture is only one that has any images on it currently for testing)


cliparray = [];
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;


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IDE :: Highlight The Thumbnail That Coordinates With The Current Image?

Jun 8, 2009

I've completed the tutorial to create a photo gallery using flash and xml, and have gone on to add the thumbnails. Everything works as intended, but now I would like to add another feature... I'd like to highlight the thumbnail that coordinates with the current image (maybe at 100% alpha while the others are only at 50% or something along those lines). Any suggestions, building off of this:[URL] ?

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IDE :: Gallery Thumbnail - Display The Corresponding Fullsize Image

Feb 8, 2010

I have a MC filled with button thumbnail images. I am trying to tell the thumbnail to display the corresponding fullsize image. the script I have for the first button is

on (release) {

Picts is the name of the MC containing full size images. There is no response to the button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Rid Of Image In Container / When Click On Thumbnail

Jul 4, 2010

I'm having trouble trying to get rid of an image in my container when I click on a thumbnail. I keep getting an error saying DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.I've looked around the web and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, nor am I sure what the error means when its referencing the caller.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CreateEmptyMovieClip [flash 8] - Create A Table Of Thumbnail Pictures From An Xml

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to create a table of thumbnail pictures from an xml. I have made the table load from from the file though when the items are created the other layers (e.g background and text field) only show in the first thumb. I also want to be able to click the thumb and have it go to the corresponding url from "curl[]". I just can't work it out. At the moment it will only go to the last url added in the array! I have a clip on the main stage with instance name thumbnail Here is the code I am using


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader - Uploading Large Image And Thumbnail From Xml

Sep 12, 2010

i am currently working with flash based fashion website. here i am uploading large image and thumbnail from xml. i also have menu navigation at top. my code structure is detail below:


my problem here is like i have home button with 5 thumbnail and handbags with 2 thumbnail when i click home button will display 5 thumb with large image and again when i click hangbags buttom it will display 2 thumb which is what i want but 5 home thumbs keeps on remain at back. dont know how to remove them upon new button click

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clicking On A Thumbnail To Display Larger Image?

Nov 24, 2011

i am building a digital portfolio and i have managed to get the thumbnails on a horizontal scrollbar but i want to be able to click on one to load the full image. I dont know where to start though. The code i have so far is:

package {
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery Using XML And Flash - See Only 1 Thumbnail Image?

Aug 7, 2005

I learned from great kirupa tutorial and implemented the thumbnail gallery in my site.If I open the site in browser Opera or Firefox (FP i see only 1 thumbnail image - is it bug in Player? In IE 6 I have FP and I can see all thumbnails in the navigation bar - also correct.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertical Thumbnail List And XML Image Gallery

Dec 30, 2005

I've to create a image gallery with following features :
1) Vertical thumbnail list
2) I should know which image i've selected
3) It should have loading for both thumbnails & the main images
Plz take a look on the following site [URL]. I want exactly the same except the horizontal images.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize A Square So That A Thumbnail Size Image Comes Through?

Jun 29, 2006

just wondering how to resize a square so that a thumbnail size image comes through

heres the link peeps: its awesome [URL]

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IDE :: ThumbNailScroller Function - Adding A Thumbnail To An Image Gallery

Aug 2, 2008

I was reading your tutorial on adding a thumbnail to an image gallery. Im trying to use your thumbnail_final.fla inside another movie and is not working for me. I made a movie, in Scene 1 of this movie i have an empty movie clip(DisplayArea) and a menu button(Gallery) so that when i hit the Gallery button it load the thumbnail)final movie into the empty movie clip DisplayArea. Everything work except for the thumbNailScroller function. It load all the thumbnails and you can click them and they load the matching big picture and all but the scrolling function is not working.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery / Thumbnail Scroller AND SetInterval?

Oct 27, 2008

I'm trying to combine a couple different dynamic image galleries. I've got a thumbnail scroller but I'd like it to rotate 8 every eight seconds until a thumbnail is clicked.

I'm clueless here. I could probably come up with a jacked up workaround if this wasn't dynamic, but it is.


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