ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Is Inside MovieClip

Nov 5, 2009

I am working on flash & AS file, in flash file (main.fla) dynamic text is inside that movieClip (myButton) .I will like to send some text to that particular dynamic text field inside the movieClip (myButton) from AS file as file code is var myButton:Button; var myText:text; myButton.myText.text="Custom Msg";

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IDE :: Loading External Text Into A Dynamic Text Box Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a scrollbar that uses a movieclip-instance name "text" to display dynamic text.On the main timeline I used the following code:

myLoadVars = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars.onLoad = function() {
dynamictextcontent.htmlText = myLoadVars.dynamictextvariable_html;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Inside A MovieClip?

Apr 21, 2009

how work with resizing the width of of a movie clip according to the size of dynamic text inside it. I did it by creating a text field 'myText' and then converted it to a MovieClip symbol and named the MovieClip as myClip. The text in myText is assigned at run-time and its width changes according to the text.

I did it as follows:-
myClip.myText.selectable = false;
myClip.mouseChildren = false;
myClip.useHandCursor = true;
myClip.buttonMode = true;
myClip.myText.width = myClip.myText.textWidth + 5;

On doing this I found the clickable area change according to the size of the text field but the text field doesn't appear at all in the swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Dynamic Text Value From Inside A MovieClip?

May 4, 2011

I have a dynamic text field on stage wich storages a movieclip instance name dynamically. I have a movieClip on stage with an action at the last frame with the code below:

import flash.*;
var CartaSelecionadaA = root.mca.text; //trying to get the text field value
var CartaSelecionadaB = root.mcb.text; //trying to get the text field value


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Box Inside A Movieclip?

Oct 9, 2007

I have a dynamic text box inside a movieclip that is generating load percentage eg: 40% etc. I have two Scenes, the first scene preloads the entire movie (this works fine, has the numbers plus percentage).

The second scene runs a movieclip preloader (while reusing the same dynamic text box in the same movieclip) - For some reason the % is not showing up after the numbers, I know its working because when I trace what the text is in the dynamic textbox during the script it shows the % sign after the numbers in the output window.This also occurs with all the other punctuation glyphs I try, not just the % sign...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Updating Dynamic Text Box Inside Movieclip?

May 11, 2009

Im working on my platformer game engine and I have come upon a little snag...

I have a movieclip in the library named score and within that is a dynamic text box with an instance name of scoretxt.

When the level loads I have the MovieClip placed on the stage (simple enough)

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.ui.Mouse;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Modify Dynamic Text Box Inside A MovieClip?

Jan 1, 2010

i'm struggling with the following, i'm building an xml based flash menu. For the buttons I used a MovieClip 'mainMenuItem' that contains the MovieClips 'MenuBackground', 'menuBlueLine' and 'menuText', all of them with the exported for AS and export in frame 1 checked.

in the following code i am trying to get the text of an array into the dynamically build menu.

var menuHoogte:int=34;
var menuY:int=0;
var menuArray:Array=new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Acces A Dynamic Text Field Inside A Movieclip?

Mar 2, 2012

This is probably easy stuff for most of you guys but have tried to have this working for the past hour and it's not working.I basicly have made my own button which is a movieclip. Inside the movieclip on the normal/roll off state i've put a dynamic textfieldwith instance name "textbtn" my button is supposed to span 2 frames on my mainstage, thought is need to say something different in each frame.

Sofar I have this inside the movieclip on Frame 1:

textbtn.text = MovieClip(parent).buttonText;

on my mainstage in frame1 I have:

back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buttonRollOver);
back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buttonRollOut);
back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClick);[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Store Text Into Dynamic Text Filed Inside A Class->function?

Mar 18, 2010

here is my code public function loadtext():void{ var text_arry:Array=new Array(xmldata.child(0).name); student_name.text=String(text_arry); } I called this function inside my timeline action window. but it is not working it said undefined...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import An Html File That Contains Just Plain Text Inside Of A Dynamic Text Box

Apr 8, 2003

I want to import an html file that contains just plain tet inside of a dynamic text box. The things that I have tried jus tmake the html file pop-up as a new page, but i want the information inside of that textbox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Text Color Inside Dynamic Text?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm pulling text from an xml file into a dynamic text field and I need to highlight the text one paragraph at a time depending on where the timeline playhead is. I was thinking of doing this by changing the color of the text but I don't know how to do it inside the CDATA tags.At the moment one CDATA populates one text field.Another option is that there would be a movie clip behind the text that would jump to highlight a specific paragraph but then I would need to know how much vertical space each paragraph takes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Inside MC?

Sep 9, 2010

I have dynamic text inside a Movieclip. The text can be changed at runtime, to anything the user types. The Movieclip can also be changed at runtime, in size.

Thus, when the MC is changed, the text sometimes will not all fit on the visible screen, and sometimes it will, but parts of the text will roll onto the next line.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Inside Buttons?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm getting an odd little problemwhen I have a movieclip I can go:Quote:movieClip.dynamicText.text = "yo";but why doesn't it work with buttons?Quote:randomButton.dynamicText.text = "yo";How can I access a dynamaic text inside a button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Inside Movieclips

Mar 27, 2011

I am trying to make hitsplats that are activated when I hit an "Attack" button on my main layer. I have placed a Dynamic text box with the variable Hitsplat and I made an animation with stop(); on the first frame, having it off of the stage. what can I do to activate the hitsplat, and change the number in it, to the damage being dealt by the button? [code]hitsplatmc would be the movie clip containing the dynamic text I wish to become the dmg and move upward. I am assuming the problem lies with the fact that _root.hitsplat lies in another MC.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display XML Inside Dynamic Text?

Feb 7, 2006

I try to display data from the XML file inside dynamic text using this [code]...

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Professional :: Visibility, Order And Position Of Dynamic Textfields Inside Movieclip?

Dec 16, 2010

this concerns flash cs5 and the timeline.Everybody knows the effect you get when you use appendText() to add text to a multiline dynamic textfield, right ? Well, I have a movieClip as a container, and I would like dynamic textfields to populate this movieclip in the same manner as textStrings would populate the dynamic Textfield. 
How would this work?I have buttons that trigger addChild() function so as to populate the movieclip with textfields, but how do I make sure that the textfields make up an arbitrary list as a menu user chooses which buttons to click?
Let's say this is the visible text when the swf runs.(I cut away some of the code to make this more to the point):
var buttonTrace:TextField=new TextField;
addChild(TextClip.buttonTrace); buttonTrace.x=0;
Now for each time I click a button in the menu I've made, a new textfield appears with the name of the button. This is how I want it. BUT......... How do I control the display properties and positioning of dynamic textfields within a movieclip ? How do I control persistent visibility, and how do I make these textfields appear one after the other in the order they were clicked.

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Flash - Change MovieClip Width Along With Dynamic TextField Size Inside

Apr 21, 2009

I am a newbie in Flash CS3. How to resize the width of of a movie clip according to the size the size of dynamic text inside it. I did it by creating a text field 'myText' and then converted it to a MovieClip symbol and named the MovieClip as myClip. The text in myText is assigned at run-time and its width changes according to the text.

I did it as follows:-
myClip.myText.selectable = false;
myClip.mouseChildren = false;
myClip.useHandCursor = true;
myClip.buttonMode = true;
myClip.myText.width = myClip.myText.textWidth + 5;

On doing this I find the clickable area changes according to the size of the text field but the text field doesn't appear at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Textfield - Load Swfs Inside A Movieclip With Preloader

May 28, 2010

I need to load some swfs inside a movieclip with preloader.So on the stage I have some movieclips (linked to "product1" class) which will act as buttons to load particular swf, a holder mc and a dynamic textfield(named-"percent") for preloading stuff.My problem is how to reffer "percent" text field from the "product1" class? my code is like this.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Dynamic Text Inside A Button

Dec 30, 2009

I want to be able to change the dynamic text inside a button in as3, but this does not work.trying to change the text like so: movieclip1. clip1. inner1.btn1.dyntext1.text="hello" ;would result in the following error:ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property dyntext1 not found on flash. display. SimpleButton and there is no default value.I know that this method works perfectly well if the dynamic text is inside a movieclip, but not a simplebutton.So how do you get around this limitation? surely there is a way to create dynamic text buttons in flash as3?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set The Dynamic Text To Have Multiple Colors Inside Of It?

Mar 17, 2010

Is there a way for when you set the dynamic text to have multiple colors inside of it?
Like have a sub string for the first word, and make the blue... Then the rest of it is red?

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ActionScript 3 :: Creating Dynamic Rectangle With Text Inside

Jan 3, 2011

I'm wondering how I can create a dynamic rectangle wich has some text in it, the text is dynamic so the rectangle has to adapt to the length of the text. How to approach this?

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Flash :: Address Dynamic Text Inside A Buttom?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a "handmade" button (_btn as instance name), with only a dynamicText inside (or can I say one dynaticText for each of the four button modes). The dynamicText for Up mode has an instance name of "_text".

So if I am working on the AS of the movieClip that contains the button, how can I address the text of the dynamic text?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Dynamic Text Inside A Button?

Dec 30, 2009

I want to be able to change the dynamic text inside a button in as3, but this does not work. trying to change the text like so:

movieclip1.clip1.inner1.btn1.dyntext1.text="hello" ;

would result in the following error: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property dyntext1 not found on flash.display.SimpleButton and there is no default value. I know that this method works perfectly well if the dynamic text is inside a movieclip, but not a simplebutton.

So how do you get around this limitation? surely there is a way to create dynamic text buttons in flash as3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Dynamic Text Inside A Button?

Jan 16, 2010

what i tried to do is the following: i created a dynamic text, gave it a name and converted it to symbol (Button; together with a shape). then i created an instance of it and gave this one a name as well.i tried to access the dynamic text using the following as 3 code:

[symbol instance name].[dyn. text name].text = "asdf";

however, that doesnt work, and the following error shows up: "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."its interestion that all that works for the symbol being a movie clip instead of a there a possibility to access the dynamic text inside the button as well? is there a reason for the difference between the button and the movie clip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML / CSS - Formatting Dynamic Text Inside Flash

Mar 20, 2011

I've done a lot of research about css to format a dynamic text inside flash, which is loaded from an xml file, but I just can't figure out why does it never works when I use the loading css code inside flash. I've got the scroll text, and the xml loading ok. But I want to format the text now.. I've attached the files.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text From Xml Inside The Movie Clip?

Jul 20, 2011

dynamic textbox reading text from xmlinside a little movie cliphow to make it visible

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text INSIDE Movie Clip

May 1, 2008

Having a problem displaying a dynamic text field inside a movieclip - when I test / publish the movie, the images from my html file display in the textArea, but the text itself (also from the same html file) does not display.. I don't know why this would be happening.I'm using AS2 in Flash CS3 (Newbie).my movie clip has the instance name: contentMain.The dynamic text field (Inside the movie clip) has the instance name: myText.The text field reads a html file, which contains text and images..(I should add that I know my html file works, because I can test the dynamic text field scene in flash and see the content, but not when I test the entire movie)[code]

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IDE :: Accessing Dynamic Text From Inside An AddChild Object?

Aug 27, 2008

Can't figure this out for the life of me. Its probably something simple, but I can't find any solutions online. Can anyone help a brother out here? All I'm trying to do is assign text to a dynamic text box that is inside a movieclip (loaded from the library using addChild()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Update Dynamic Text Inside Button?

Nov 13, 2003

How can I update the dynamic text content which is inside a button ?

In other words, how can you address a dynamic text inside a button ?

I want to change the text label of a button, on the fly.

Isn't there any other way to achieve this than "making" a button with movie clip instead od a "real" button ? Does that mean Buttons were not expected to have dynamic text in them ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Inside Duplicated Movieclips?

Mar 27, 2005

I am trying to do a bit of code that duplicates a movieclip with an input text box inside it, which the user can then position wherever they want on the stage.

Now, I've been monkeying about with this bit of code (on the frame);

box01.onPress = function() {
var depth = this._parent.getNextHighestDepth();
var init = {};


This works fine for duplicating and positioning the movieclips, but when I try and input text into the duplicated movieclip's input text box, it won't have any of it. I have tried everything I can think of, from trying to isolate the drag, to getting the input text box to position itself dynamically (kinda like a startdrag) but I can't get anything to work!

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